Thank You Rollitup AND Rollitup members


Well-Known Member
I had gotten into a little trouble. My life was flipped literally upside-down by the feds. Had to quit smoking for over 5 years straight, did some time, jumped through all their hoops. It had been a very long uphill battle rebuilding all that they have stolen from me. Truly a terrible journey that I hope none of you have to experience one fucking minute of.

One year ago today I got off federal parole, smoked a big fat-ass joint and passed the fuck out. roflmao. But after that nap, I woke up. I went and got my shit out of storage, placed an order of beans and created a rollitup account. I figured if I could get online with some decent people, they would help me better than the half-assed garbage growers that I knew about up here.

I want to thank rollitup and everyone on here for helping me come this far in such a short time. I simply cannot believe how good that has worked out for me. Looking back, and today being my anniversary, that shit has me emotional as fuck. I have spent as much time on rollitup as I possibly could for the whole year. This site was great, you people are fucking amazing. I wish I was able to give each and every one of you a nice fat ass joint today for my anniversary.

Thank You:hug:


Well-Known Member
dont look back unless that is where you liked it..

Have been thru hell and back myself can honestly say never been happier then the last 2 years in which I started to use MMJ again.


Well-Known Member
I'm only 4-5 hours south, you can bring me a joint! Congrats on giving the man a big F U. I just recently paid off all off my warrants and traffic issues all over the country. This summer is the first time since 1994 that I have no warrants and I can drive! I feels good to not always be worried about going to jail. Spent 20 years raising hell and managed to stay out of prison (jail a bunch, but never for long), and stay alive. Was fortunate enough to be an anarchist so I never went to any of my court dates and never quit smoking. Finally this spring I got a hold of a lawyer and started mailing away all my money. Bad on the wallet but good for the mind. I actually feel healthier now without all the stress too. Stay Free Dude!

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
Fuck man, it's us that should thank you! After all that you're all balls enough to be on here giving your all helping out with tips and seeds and all kids of other shit. No way I'd ever have guessed you'd done time for this with how free you are with your knowledge and info on growing, seeds, state law, genetics and everything. I HAD much respect before now I don't even know how to catagorize it I got so much respect for you. I thank YOU for all you do here on rollitup and obviously off-line you're in the trenchs too not for yourself either but for other people to boot. hats off man, you're a top notch motherfucker in my book and it's a short-ass book!


Well-Known Member
That's fucking awesome Glad! We've never met, but I can tell that you're a good person, and I know at some point (when you get the hell out of BFE) we will pass the pipe and bullshit in person!

Much respect.


Well-Known Member
dont look back unless that is where you liked it..

Have been thru hell and back myself can honestly say never been happier then the last 2 years in which I started to use MMJ again.
I had actually gotten my life together pretty good before this happened. That is what made it all the more difficult and frustrating. I think I have made the best out of it and I am proud of that.

I'm only 4-5 hours south, you can bring me a joint! Congrats on giving the man a big F U. I just recently paid off all off my warrants and traffic issues all over the country. This summer is the first time since 1994 that I have no warrants and I can drive! I feels good to not always be worried about going to jail. Spent 20 years raising hell and managed to stay out of prison (jail a bunch, but never for long), and stay alive. Was fortunate enough to be an anarchist so I never went to any of my court dates and never quit smoking. Finally this spring I got a hold of a lawyer and started mailing away all my money. Bad on the wallet but good for the mind. I actually feel healthier now without all the stress too. Stay Free Dude!
lmao.I am dropping a bankruptcy of those drivers responsibility bitches here real soon. Congratulations on sleeping better, not having all the stress.

congrats...glad u where able to be here and be successful...
Thank YOu blaze!

that glimmer at the end of the tunnel is now upon you!
That is exactly how I feel bro. I have studied and fucked around and I am ready to put this shit to work.


Well-Known Member
Fuck man, it's us that should thank you! After all that you're all balls enough to be on here giving your all helping out with tips and seeds and all kids of other shit. No way I'd ever have guessed you'd done time for this with how free you are with your knowledge and info on growing, seeds, state law, genetics and everything. I HAD much respect before now I don't even know how to catagorize it I got so much respect for you. I thank YOU for all you do here on rollitup and obviously off-line you're in the trenchs too not for yourself either but for other people to boot. hats off man, you're a top notch motherfucker in my book and it's a short-ass book!
Thank you Cory. That means a lot to me bro. Those are some really kind words and I appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
That's fucking awesome Glad! We've never met, but I can tell that you're a good person, and I know at some point (when you get the hell out of BFE) we will pass the pipe and bullshit in person!

Much respect.
I have much respect for you too bro, and I am looking forward to it.


Active Member
The legal system can really fuck up your head for a long time... I been there myself. It took me over a year after my formal release for the flashback nightmares to stop. I still can't bring myself to answer the door or the phone unless I already know who's there.

I'm really glad we both have legal MMJ to get into after all the hell we been through... our world may be spiraling down the toilet but MJ policy is moving forward in a way it hasn't in a very long time... we are the first to be able to grow legally in Michigan in nearly 80 years. Generation after generation has lived and died without ever having the opportunities we have today.


Well-Known Member
Ya, it's definitively taken it's toll on me. I was talking to Belle the other day and we were talking about family and mental situations among family members. lmao. I said to her, I am pretty fucked up too, huh. She simply said, "You are pretty fucked up baby". lmao. I did not ask her to elaborate.


Well-Known Member
You're working and doing good things Glad.
Say Hey to Belle Isle for me.
We are all richer for the experience here.
You are a good man and I am happy to call you a friend.


Well-Known Member
Thank You for the kind words Marty. And I appreciate all the help you given me.
I am happy to call you a friend also.
And you will always be the first person online to gift me killer meds and seeds. That is pretty damn cool. :hug: