Vote Ron Paul 2012


Well-Known Member
i'm just trying to give people more information about the candidate who the OP wants you to vote for by posting actual things he has said.

things Ron Paul said, and by said I mean written and said by someone else in the newsletters which he already distanced himself from/


Well-Known Member
things Ron Paul said, and by said I mean written and said by someone else in the newsletters which he already distanced himself from/
by "distance himself from", did you mean to say he defended them as his won writings in 1996, profited from them, and has members of his staff who testify that he worte them and signed off on them?


but but but...rawn pawl wouldn't lie, he's a lifelong politician!

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
by "distance himself from", did you mean to say he defended them as his won writings in 1996, profited from them, and has members of his staff who testify that he worte them and signed off on them?


but but but...rawn pawl wouldn't lie, he's a lifelong politician!
won writings? Just give them enough rope and they'll hang themselves.


Well-Known Member
We never bombed cuba
and Libya only provided higher education for members of Ghaddafis tribe
I'm pretty sure we bombed a little bit of Cuba when we were at war with Spain. Oh, I forgot, commies don't recognize anything before the 20th century.
Here's an section of the Wiki page on the bay of pigs- 1961

[SUP][/SUP] [h=3]Invasion day plus one (D+1) 18 April[/h] By about 10:30 on 18 April, Cuban troops and militia, supported by tanks, took Playa Larga after Brigade forces had fled towards Girón in the early hours. During the day, Brigade forces retreated to San Blas along the two roads from Covadonga and Yaguaramas. By then, both Fidel Castro and José Ramón Fernández had re-located to that battlefront area.[SUP][18][/SUP][SUP]:207[/SUP]
At about 17:00 on 18 April, FAL B-26s attacked a Cuban column of 12 civilian buses leading trucks carrying tanks and other armour, moving southeast between Playa Larga and Punta Perdiz. The vehicles, loaded with civilians, militia, police and soldiers, were attacked with bombs, napalm and rockets, suffering heavy casualties. The six B-26s were piloted by two CIA contract pilots plus four pilots and six navigators from Brigade 2506 air force.[SUP][24][/SUP][SUP][40][/SUP] The column later re-formed and advanced to Punta Perdiz, about 11 km northwest of Girón.[SUP][18][/SUP][SUP]:197[/SUP]


Well-Known Member
Trust who, exactly, you? You know this how? Through your extensive experience and knowledge? Fail.
Because a person like me would have been ready to off a person like you, BUT do to the great Civil Rights movement I can now believe that change can come from SOME type of people. I now see that some bigots hearts and mind can be changed with love, understanding, and education... but a racist now that's a whole different animal. I say give all racist Mississippi and be done with them.

edit:almost forgot.. FUCK RON PAUL


Well-Known Member
You know what I bet he will get more write-in votes then Gary Johnson will get. He will get enough votes off ballot to make news, and that still means something.
but can he get enough votes to become POTUS...if not what the hell does that matter ^^^^^^??? Even crazy killers make news.