Four Legged Security - Post Your Pics!!!


Active Member
and how did u come to that conclusion? u obviously dont grow in a neighborhood where security is a top priority. dogs are the only security that dont take no breaks, in my eyes the best security system. and u cant even hardly see any of the space where they live in that picture. so y dont u go fuck yourself. my dogs are more than happy, they get fed fat and taken for runs 3-4 times a week. how much more is necessary for a dog to have fun. last time i checked its only us humans who are concerned so much with the so called "finer things in life" my dogs are perfectly fine with their gravel yard. try keeping grass alive with three pit bulls, impossible.
i agree that dogs are great for security however, these dogs are chained. my dogs have roam of the house and yard via doggy door.

Well-Known Member
Its a personal thing but there nothing like a large cat. The middle of nowhere is the right place for Large animals, if for no other reason but the crap they produce. Theres a fashion with men of my age living in a major built up city to have these massive Dogs for protection, many kids have been killed or had their faces mauled off. Not cool. If the law allowed it, these people would walk around with alligators.
personally if the law did allow people to have alligators. I would have one. Fuck if the law allowed it I would have a tiger. try getting my plants with a fucking tiger in my back yard... or are you not afraid of tigers either. also that whole giving a dog a steak to make him like you doesnt work. I have had a friend try to feed my pit bull raw ground beef while I was gone, he would just take the food, hide it and come right back growling and snarling. I would also like to see someone come at my dog with a bat. He would rip your throat out and then piss on your face...


Well-Known Member
Why so territorial about something that doesn't even hold any physical space. Dude, this is an internet forum ....Read my posts, free from direct insults. A cririsism or two but not the puerile name calling that you and others have lowered yourselves to.

Honestly, Im way too thick skinned but do finding it mildly amusing at this late hour. :finger:
i believe in your first or second post u said where i live looks like a proper shit hole... free from direct insult? a criticism (not cririsism)? u try to sound smart by using words that arent often used but then u follow it up with the misspellings of simple, every day words. and this thread wasnt intended for people to show off their personal guard dogs, but to show their garden guard dog. so y the fuck do u keep talking about how its sad for people to need a dog to feel protected. im not fearing for my safety, i dont wanna get jacked. people hop over ur fence, cut ur shit, and dip out. what part of that would have me fearing for my personal security? none of it, thats y its not for my personal safety. its for the times when i cant be there, which is most of the time. and ur probably some 50 odd years old, white man that has nothing better to do than read the paper and find stories about the vicious pit bull maulings and automatically think their horrible. heres a couple facts for u old timer. 75% of the "pit bulls" in newspaper articles covering "pit bull" maulings are actually pit bull mixes and not purebreds. mixed breeds bite more people every year than any purebred dog. the apbt scores better on a temperament test than golden retrievers, border collies, poodles, and the list goes on and on and all those breeds look far less "vicious" than pit bulls do yet have a worse temperament. the reason y pit bull maulings make the headlines is because when they do bite, they do damage. not because there more vicious than the next breed but because theyre just more physically capable of inflicting damage. and thats us humans who bred those traits into them. if u have never owned a pit bull u shouldnt even speak on it. i guarantee u that if u got a pit bull pup and raised it from young that u would never own another breed of dog, guarantee... people are afraid of things that they dont know, u just obviously havent been around enough pit bulls in your days to feel comfortable around them. ur just ignorant, its not even ur fault.


Well-Known Member
i agree that dogs are great for security however, these dogs are chained. my dogs have roam of the house and yard via doggy door.
y dont u read the very first post in this thread before u reply k thanks. couldve saved me and you both some time by not having to write two useless replies.


Well-Known Member fuck that bitch......I'm gonna go take some pictures of the rest of my dogs when I water my plants right now......DOGS.....FTW!!


Well-Known Member
well i figured id post some more pics of my vicious ass dogs to get this thread back on track...

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oh i almost forgot to show u guys the most vicious of all my dogs... or should i say the most miserable dog i own.
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oh and u mentioned something about vicious dog owners having guns as well Mob... u mean like these?
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Active Member
and no my dog is not always tethered, the only reason he was in the second pic is cuz my female was in heat and i had no other means of keeping them separate so they both got chained up for a few weeks. my female is now fixed so there is no need for that anymore. just wanted to put that out there before i got bashed for having my dog tied up. i dont agree with it not only because its against the law here but because its wrong. but thats besides the point, so lets see those pics!
my bad. i didnt see this after the pics. no need to get defensive with me brother. as i said i agree that dogs are great protection. i have bulldogs patrolling my home and yard as well. my comment was premature. i just didnt fell your grow was safe with the dog tehered unless of course they are tethered right next to the grow. animals have a purpose on this earth and should be used for that purpose whether it be a cow going toe the slaughter house or a dog for protection. im no tree hugger.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Im a registered caregiver, meaning I support my family via growing. If my plants get stolen we dont eat and the mortgage doesn't get paid.

We have a rescue dog that's 8 mos. old. Hes a PB X Lab. I've owned a PB or an Am Staff for over 2 decades. Great dogs in the hands of an experienced owner. And yeah, our dog is part if our security system. It's nice to know if I'm not home that dig will due trying to protect my wife and kids.

Notice I said he's "part" of the security system. Between him and our rooster good luck getting within 50 feet of the house without one or both making a ton of noise.

Dont fear the dog, fear the owners, the AR15 the .20, the .45 and the .380. The dog is more of an early warning system


Active Member
She doesn't look like much but she's ridiculously smart, can jump about 5 feet straight up, and she tries to break down an iron fence when anyone goes near my grow...o and she'll bite ur fuckin face off lol (jk about that last part)



Well-Known Member
my bad. i didnt see this after the pics. no need to get defensive with me brother. as i said i agree that dogs are great protection. i have bulldogs patrolling my home and yard as well. my comment was premature. i just didnt fell your grow was safe with the dog tehered unless of course they are tethered right next to the grow. animals have a purpose on this earth and should be used for that purpose whether it be a cow going toe the slaughter house or a dog for protection. im no tree hugger.
its all good didnt mean to get defensive wit ya i was just dealing with that retard Mob the whole thread so i thought i had another retard on my hands, but i see now thats not the case. and yes dogs are great for protection. got any pics of urs?


Well-Known Member
She doesn't look like much but she's ridiculously smart, can jump about 5 feet straight up, and she tries to break down an iron fence when anyone goes near my grow...o and she'll bite ur fuckin face off lol (jk about that last part)
what kind of dog is that?


Active Member
what kind of dog is that?
She's a jack Russell/Dalmatian mix (how that happened i dont know lmao) but she is smart man and can jump ridiculously high, she catches all sorts of critters constantly lol...great watch dog for sure just like your babies...

I also have two full-bred German Rottweilers who are two of the biggest softies you'll ever meet but are vicious to friend (been over plenty of times) tried walking into my yard one day w/o notifying me to come chill and they checked him real quick as he tried hopping the fence...he said he's never been so scared in his life haha i will post pics of them later today don't got any saved in my phone


Well-Known Member
lmao im guessing the mom was the dalmatian and must've laid down for the male jack? now im not into beastiality or anythin like that but that would be entertaining to watch that occur.


Well-Known Member
rocky for rollitup.jpg

That's Rocky...
He doesn't actually guard anything...but I like having a large menacing looking dog...
I like when I have him on a leash out somewhere people get out of my way...
I like when people come down to our house and see him they have to decide if selling bibles is that important...
If only they knew his evil plan is to jump and