Been wondering about FDD and KMK

the claws are out fellas... better run and hide... I kid I kid...
all of you ladies are always really cool... wtf? seems like all these threads are just getting uglier and uglier... tisk tisk... stay friendly and high
April the fact you are a mod amuses me lol you are just a female dog in heat !!!

So ur like a ginger hippo that 2 fucking easy just gonna let this one go, damn kona step ur game up girl, u challenge urself daily so challenge me, all u got are lame insults, atleast mine are funny and applicable in ur "situation".

Ruff ruff, ruff ruff grrrrrrr
So ur like a ginger hippo that 2 fucking easy just gonna let this one go, damn kona step ur game up girl, u challenge urself daily so challenge me, all u got are lame insults, atleast mine are funny and applicable in ur "situation".

Ruff ruff, ruff ruff grrrrrrr
did you not read the first meme april??
Not trying to start shit eh, hmmm ur own words say otherwise ;)

Hey I've never deceived anyone on here about my true self, can u say the same? seriously lol u stop flaming muffin. I only speak the thruth, always have I don't feel the need to lie or pretend i'm something i'm not. OMG i can't believe u just went there lol soo funny.

And Ps i don't argue, i voice my opinion , seems ur arguing with me about what I said to kona, how did that involve u again? or wait u think cause u started the thread every word is directed at u? OMG u people amuse me when i'm bored and need to release tension ;)

Thank u for being such fun people to chat with :)
are you seriously talking about being gay? i never pretended to be anything. i told you and jig and mello and several others. i pretended to just be a human and never made mention to anyone about anything. i did mention my gf several times. so what? you all were the ones to assume i was a man i guess. not my fault.

i trusted you and thought you were cool. my bad.

and please stop the muffin bullshit unlucky ;-)
are you seriously talking about being gay? i never pretended to be anything. i told you and jig and mello and several others. i pretended to just be a human and never made mention to anyone about anything. i did mention my gf several times. so what? you all were the ones to assume i was a man i guess. not my fault.

i trusted you and thought you were cool. my bad.

and please stop the muffin bullshit unlucky ;-)

You're a gay woman, sunnyboy?
Muffin got her nasty panties in a bunch cause all the riu guys left her and more interested in smart girls who can actually have an intelligent conversation ;)

See this is getting better, i'm almost proud of u , almost girl. Nah I got fucked nice and hard last night, well this morning, damn it lasted a while......... what was i talking about again? Oh ya the handsome inked thick piece of man meat i nibbled on last night ;)

I luv all the men of RIU, even heppy. That's why i punished myself for a few days and didn't post.
All those pics of me were old, you are the one that lied and pretend to be my friend to get access to my page hahaha and now you are just jealous I am right wow, you need some mental help you really do !!!
and this is just what i am talking about.
why is this happening?
seems like a personal assault to me in a thread where i asked how FDD and KMK were doing?