Reggaerican's kicks and giggles 1500w scrog grow


Active Member
not unless you have some of these cool glasses I dont.. man I love working in the lab with them things on... somehow I feel like im outside..

well 3 of my mommas were in soil and you just have to gently rinse off all the soil trying not do damage too much of it...

I wonder if one of the sunlight filters I have for my SLR camera would do that.


New Member
not unless you have some of these cool glasses I dont.. man I love working in the lab with them things on... somehow I feel like im outside..

well 3 of my mommas were in soil and you just have to gently rinse off all the soil trying not do damage too much of it...
did u have any shock after


Well-Known Member
Thanks Trance,

Well im sure those air stones in the table are gonna make a huge difference.. Also I just turned my co2 back on and added a third fan to the room, its been real hot in there lately... Temps are looking a little better now, down from 89 to 85. im not buying a new a/c so im hoping for cooler days...

Nutes dropped down to 500ppm already so I filled the secondary rez with 550ppm and shes all set to go for the week... tomorrow befor I leave I will give them a folier spray of stay green and if the rez dropped any lower than 500ppm over night I will boost it back up to 700... mothers and clones are looking magical no dome on either batch now, they are all deeply watered and good to go for 4 days. no time for any update pics on them so afta afta...

Hmmm, what else.... Oh yea! I cleaned out the air in take and that helped with the flow...
So ahh looks like as long as I get my chickens water float hooked up in the morning and there are no surprises with the scrog all will be good for the retreat....

Well hope you all are real good these days, I will try to post befor I leave, but who knows what madness might arise..
chears gays and gals...


New Member
Thanks Trance,

Well im sure those air stones in the table are gonna make a huge difference.. Also I just turned my co2 back on and added a third fan to the room, its been real hot in there lately... Temps are looking a little better now, down from 89 to 85. im not buying a new a/c so im hoping for cooler days...

Nutes dropped down to 500ppm already so I filled the secondary rez with 550ppm and shes all set to go for the week... tomorrow befor I leave I will give them a folier spray of stay green and if the rez dropped any lower than 500ppm over night I will boost it back up to 700... mothers and clones are looking magical no dome on either batch now, they are all deeply watered and good to go for 4 days. no time for any update pics on them so afta afta...

Hmmm, what else.... Oh yea! I cleaned out the air in take and that helped with the flow...
So ahh looks like as long as I get my chickens water float hooked up in the morning and there are no surprises with the scrog all will be good for the retreat....

Well hope you all are real good these days, I will try to post befor I leave, but who knows what madness might arise..
chears gays and gals...
well i may be washing soil off plants and going into hydro
if i could tell which plants are which


Well-Known Member
hey Reggae so internet is kinda workin on my phone so yay i can keep up :lol: as i said sorry again for not saying anything about your post it was so sweet of you and the very pick me up i needed then and now i got some idea's! you mentioned you missed single cola grows well that is something i have always been interested in :) circle lst maybe cuz never got to see mine finish, but truly you know the craziness that is me and always wanted to make art out of my Mj cuz well lets face it who does that!? so if you really want a challenge how about an R for rene :)i've been wanting to do it myself and can't seem to get growin again.. think about it and tell me what are you most interested in? what will Reggae have the most fun with? cuz that's what i want no matter what happens with it it's all about the positive vibes and the good time you have with it. your the best Reggae have a good time with that Chicky of yours and i would love that place so you must snap a few pic's of that beautiful place


Well-Known Member
ok well I got everything done so im out of here...... Wooohooo.!
im on the run so I will get back to you all some time monday...

one quick update.. my co2 bottle ran out overnight so thats a good thing. beter than after I left.. so I reconnected the fans back to the timer.. the rez stayed right @ 500ppm over night so I didnt do anything with that. also the temps in the room dropped 2 more degrees with that added fan so well it is what it is temp wise. 83 degrees max temp in the room and rez temp actually lowered to 74. not a god dang thing I can do about that but cross my fingers so wish me luck.. hopefully in flower the temps will stay a little lower. if not than I will just refill the co2 bottle and cycle it at about 1000ppm insteed of 1500 that should help out with the high temps...
also I guess its good my nutes are semi low right now with the high temps the leaves dont curl or burn as easily...

peace and love everyone.. have a happy weekend



New Member
ok well u can make one with a light bulb and wire
but tell me some info
was this wire previously used ? or just capped off
stop asking others ? and answer mine so we can get this running lol


New Member
as for the plug
ground goes on top right screw that is shown in pic of back of plug then other two wires go on the two other screws


Active Member
ok i got it all hooked up and running =D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i didnt have enough money for a cool hood this week so i made a cool tube and i did a video on how i made it with an update on the grow. i will be uploading it tonight so i should be sending some pms tomorrow. im kinda worried about the way i got it set up though so just tell me what you guys think after seeing the vid


Well-Known Member
i gotta say those 750 shades look intimidating!! can't just hide them in the closet! lookin sweet! always checkin in man


Active Member
my god i love your avitar. whenevver you post it takes me about 5 minutes to read cuz my eyes just keep drifting to the left

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
What's going on reggea : !)

Looks like I have some catching up to do. I'm sure it's all mean and green like your other gardens!

Later man
