You are doing everything wrong.
1. 10-15% perlite works fine for me. Perlite is inert. It has no nutritional value to the plant. It's purpose
is to soak up water and keep it where it's needed. Try using MiracleGro Potting Mix next time. Half the perlite
and enough organic material to feed a plant up to 3 months if you are not comfortable mixing nutes with the
2. Should have put the new seedlings into something way smaller, like a 16 oz. solo cup. New seedlings only grow
roots when first put into dirt. Until the roots hit the inside pot walls you won't see much or any growth above ground.
Next time put the new ladies into a cup for 10-12 days. Then transplant into a 4- or 5-inch pot for 10-14 days. If you TP twice early
like that the plant will grow roots to the pot sooner so they can start greening in up top. Anytime you can look straight down at your plant
and see that the widest leaves have not reached the side of the pot, you can figure pretty much the same growth pattern for the roots.
So, TP early and often and you won't spend 3 weeks watching nothing.
3. 12/12? Why? 18/6 or 20/4 or even 24/0 makes the plant grow. 12/12 makes the plant flower. Why flower plants so small? Trust me on this -
you want your ladies to veg at 18/6 for 3-4 weeks before telling the plant to flower by going to 12/12. Because you screwed up the TPing you will
have to veg much longer just to get a smallish harvest.
I don't know who you are getting advice from, you need to "Trump up". Tell that fool(s) "you're fired!".
Good luck, you'll need it, BigSteve.