• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Galactic Alignment


Well-Known Member
Stuff like this really disappoints me, man..

Divine Plan and Galactic Alignment
by John Major Jenkins

For billions of years the earth has lived its life in an ocean of many different cosmic cycles, some large and some small. The basic metaphor for all cyclic processes is the day-night cycle of 24 hours. Midnight is the moment of greatest darkness and is the nexus that divides the death of the previous day from the birth of the new day. From this moment, the light begins to increase. At midnight, maximum darkness is reached and the new day begins to dawn. But it will take 1/4 of the full day-night cycle before the light of the sun breaks free from the horizon, corresponding to 6 a.m. At that moment night has ended and the period of daylight commences. Noon occurs another 1/4 cycle later, and is the moment of maximum daylight. After 12 noon, the darkness principle then begins to take over. Another quarter cycle later, at 6 p.m., the sun descends below the horizon and becomes hidden. Darkness rules and consciousness sleeps. At midnight the cycle begins again. This metaphor helps us understand the manifestation of the Divine Plan on earth, but human spiritual unfolding occurs in a cycle that is much larger than the day. The largest earth-cycle that human beings can become aware of is the precession of the equinoxes, a period of 26,000 years. Caused by the slow wobbling of the earth on its axis, this is the Platonic Year, and like the day it also has its dark and light sides.

Jenkins fails to provide evidence of a positive correlation between the Earths 26,000 year cycle and human consciousness. He's making a very big assumption that skips crucial steps in the scientific method.

IMO, he's also leading the readers in a direction that infers some kind of connection between this cycle and human consciousness by creating the analogy and using words like 'light' and 'dark'. In reality, 'light' and 'dark' are concepts created by humans to represent 'good' and 'bad'. He is purposefully using deceptive terminology to make his case seem stronger than it is.

According to traditional doctrines, the earth experiences periods of increasing spiritual darkness and periods of increasing spiritual light. The two doorways into these different phases are called the "solstice gateways." The two solstices of the year are like noon and midnight. The doctrine of the World Ages is found in many traditions, including cosmologies found in the ancient Vedic and Mayan civilizations. In the yuga doctrine of ancient India, humanity experienced a Golden Age of light over 12,000 years ago. But the spiritual light began to fade and humanity moved through successive World Ages, each one darker than the last. Today, we are now at the end of Kali Yuga, the darkest age. In the day metaphor, this period from the Golden Age to the end of the Darkest Age corresponds to the period from noon to midnight. It is the period when darkness is increasing. The key to understanding the larger light-dark cycle is this: the ancient World Age doctrine is based upon the precession of the equinoxes. There are approximately 13,000 years of increasing darkness and 13,000 years of increasing light.

"spiritual darkness" and "spiritual light" - what do these terms mean?

What is scientific about using pieces of multiple ancient cultures different religious doctrines that were created thousands of years before modern technology?

The Mayan civilization decided to end a great period of time on December 21, 2012. This will be the end of the "13th baktun" in their Long Count calendar. The solution to the enigma involves the precession of the equinoxes. In the years around 2012, the December solstice sun will be aligned with the center of the Milky Way galaxy. This Galactic Center is located between Sagittarius and Scorpio, and was thought of by the ancient Maya as the Creation Place in the Sky, the Womb of the Great Mother. This alignment of the solstice sun with Galactic Center occurs once every 13,000 years. It is equivalent to the moments of noon and midnight. The alignment of 13,000 years ago that was responsible for the Golden Age of light involved the June solstice sun and the Galactic Center. However, the alignment that culminates in the years around 2012 involves the December solstice sun, the solstice of death and rebirth. Thus, we are experiencing galactic midnight. For human beings on earth, the period of increasing spiritual darkness is about to end. We are going to "turn the corner" and enter a phase of ascension toward the next Golden Age, when spiritual light and consciousness will dawn into the world again. The coming galactic alignment is a cosmic event that invites us to grow spiritually. It is built into the Divine Plan and identifies the time we live in as a time of rare opportunity for our growth.

Still attempting to build this theory from a broken foundation. He still has not shown any evidence to support how any cosmological event has anything to do with human consciousness.

And again, he's clearly attempting to shift the focus of the argument to a 'Golden Age' of spiritual light and consciousness. This is nothing but new age bullshit. It get's better too!

We can identify this period of shift, the Global Shift, as stretching between 1980 and 2016. It is fascinating how the Maya insightfully encoded knowledge of this future alignment into their calendar. They also encoded this galactic alignment into their basic institutions. For example, the Mayan ballgame is a metaphor for the sun (the game-ball) moving into Galactic Center (the goal-ring). My new book, Galactic Alignment: Transformation of Consciousness According to Mayan, Egyptian, and Vedic Traditions (Inner Traditions, 2002) shows how this galactic knowledge is a hidden layer of wisdom that can be found in many traditions around the world. It can be identified in Islamic astrology, Greek sacred topography, South American traditions, Christian religious architecture, Mithraism, Neoplatonic thought, as well as Vedic and Egyptian cosmology. It seems that as we become immersed in the galactic alignment, the ancient wisdom itself is returning, is being rediscovered, to initiate a new era of ascension toward the light.

And there you have it ladies and gentlemen... that's what it's all about...


He's trying to sell gullible people who don't understand how science works these theories.

If this shit had any amount of truth to it at all, why would we need to buy his books?

Human beings living today have a special destiny, as Divine Plan works through the cycles of nature. But the renewal of humanity is not determined by the stars, for free will is an essential component of the spiritual evolution of consciousness. Our willing participation in these great energy shifts is required. To open up to the galactic energy of change is difficult and will transform us. But we have an opportunity to move into closer relationship with the source and center of life. The astronomical alignment does not "cause" us to grow; rather, it corresponds to a process of awakening happening in the depths of our inner being. It is the outer symbol of an essentially spiritual revolution. Nevertheless, the galactic alignment of era-2012 is an open door, inviting us to grow spiritually. To do so we must sacrifice the illusions that keep us bound to dark and limited realms of existence. Let us open to the light within and stretch our souls to the stars!

John Major Jenkins is an independent researcher who has devoted himself to reconstructing ancient Mayan cosmology and philosophy. He is the author of eight books on Mayan traditions, ancient cosmology, and metaphysics, and has appeared in numerous documentaries. His recent books are Galactic Alignment: Transformation of Consciousness According to Mayan, Egyptian, and Vedic Traditions (Inner Traditions, 2002) and Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 (Bear & Company, 1998; Ankh-Hermes, Holland).

This is the part that pisses me off the most. He's telling people to stay uninformed, don't trust traditional scientific institutions, don't learn about this shit because if you do, I'll be out of a job! Just like organized religions.

If you buy this bullshit and can't see past the guys scheme, I don't know what else to tell you, I can't do anything for you.


Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
You cant do anything for us? You cant do anything at all! lol Not that Im gunna buy this dudes books, I dont need to hear what he has to say.


Well-Known Member
have You guys looked into the so called "Galactic Alignment" with seriousness ... Or do you think it's just another Y2K hoax?? Probuably the ladder ... if it is the case, I recommend You do a little Research on the subject to see if you can find Any Truth to it... That's all I ask ..


Well-Known Member
have You guys looked into the so called "Galactic Alignment" with seriousness ... Or do you think it's just another Y2K hoax?? Probuably the ladder ... if it is the case, I recommend You do a little Research on the subject to see if you can find Any Truth to it... That's all I ask ..
I take any theory seriously as long as it warrants support. By that I mean as long as there is evidence to at least suggest it's validity. But with something like this, or psychics, or astrology, dowsing, etc. there isn't any. There's only not very well thought out ideas by people who don't understand the value of science. People who are trying to reach a preconceived conclusion, that's not science. When something contradictory comes along, you get people pulling the exact same kind of things Chief did this entire thread, claim the opposition just isn't 'spiritual enough' or is 'close minded'..

Have YOU taken a serious look at the theory?

If so, and you support it, give me what you feel are the three strongest pieces of supporting evidence.


Well-Known Member
I had personal experience's by human being's. one telling me about a galactic alignment happening and their being a big flood, and a small percentage of people surviving ... sounds like THE Rapture to me ... either way if it happens we're all fucked, so fuck this thread... when it happen's it happen's, and their's not one thing anybody can say to stop that shit from happening ...when it does..............................


Well-Known Member
I had personal experience's by human being's. one telling me about a galactic alignment happening and their being a big flood, and a small percentage of people surviving ... sounds like THE Rapture to me ... either way if it happens we're all fucked, so fuck this thread... when it happen's it happen's, and their's not one thing anybody can say to stop that shit from happening ...when it does..............................
That isn't how the bible describes the rapture. Read Revelations.

If you're going to be afraid of an apocalyptic fantasy, why not be more concerned with something much more realistic and likely to happen like a fanatical leader launching a nuclear attack or a huge virus wiping out 90% of people?

Personal experiences are the same as saying "I knew a guy once who had a brother, his wife told me about it, it was wild!" when it comes to science. Seriously, that's exactly how much it accounts for. If we can't recreate it, it may as well have never have happened. Unfortunately, we can't recreate exactly how the personal experience played out to you. You could test a million different people the exact same way and you would get a million different personal experiences. See what I'm saying? How can we be sure what you experienced is more real than what Larry from accounting experienced? How do we know his experience isn't more real than yours? That is the problem. When I bring this up to certain people here, again, it's met with accusations of "close mindedness" and all you can really do is sigh in frustration. I'm afraid this is how the world of science works, if you want to be taken seriously, there are certain rules you have to abide by, I didn't write them, none of us did. The rules are there to prevent unscientific ideas from reaching the accepted scientific collective knowledge. If it has truth to it, there is absolutely no reason it won't get there.


Well-Known Member
A fanatical Leader?? What like the anti-Christ? and A One World Government called the NWO??? If the world don't end, that's prbuably what will happen ...


Well-Known Member
Think of it like this..

The bar represents the accepted scientific collective knowledge

The bouncers represent the scientific method

The drunk and rowdy crowd outside trying to get in represents the supernatural, pseudoscience, etc.

Gravity and Germ are already chilling by the bar having a drink with Evolution, listening to some Korn..

The bouncers are keeping an eye on people, making sure the ones who aren't too drunk and disorderly make it in OK, those that can show ID to confirm they're 21 (present facts and reproduce data)

Those that can't (Creationism (Intelligent Design)) get kicked to the curb and told "Come back when you're 21!" ("Come back with more supporting evidence, numbers, measurements, figures, charts, corroborated science, etc.")



Well-Known Member
A fanatical Leader?? What like the anti-Christ? and A One World Government called the NWO??? If the world don't end, that's prbuably what will happen ...
How is it a prophecy if you already know what is supposed to happen?

What's stopping me from growing up, becoming president, using my power to consolidate all other world governments and the UN into one and calling it the "New World Order"?


Well-Known Member
Ok, but what about the Day God and Jesus come back and show themselve's to ALL ... It will be too late for the one's that needed scientific Evidence ... SO basically they're fucked ... So God, if their is one, want's people to have faith, not proof ... So that's where alot of people get fucked ... what a sad story . Thank You, you made it all make sense to Me .


Well-Known Member
Or what if they come, and All see them ... How can they not believe ... WHen they are right infront of their eye's..? Then the world will be completely tranformed and all Human's will have a different perspective on the Universe... I'm sure they will tell us what we have been wanting to know for thousand's of year's ... That will be the day..!