Well I need some help from the artistic people on RIU


Well-Known Member
and kaendar since you say you do tattoos I have a question that has been plaguing me...if I color in my stretch marks the same color as my skin could I hide them?
Tattooing over scars can result in keloids if your prone to it.


Well-Known Member
Tattooing over scars can result in keloids if your prone to it.
Hmmm...alright..haven't ever had one, so I assume I am not prone...

My only issue is if I were to get a tan...or get paler..then I would look like I have stretch marks, and drawn in stretch marks...
Anyway that is off topic...back to the dragons.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...alright..haven't ever had one, so I assume I am not prone...

My only issue is if I were to get a tan...or get paler..then I would look like I have stretch marks, and drawn in stretch marks...
Anyway that is off topic...back to the dragons.
The only thing you could try if you have light dark stretchmarks is to tattoo over them with white ink


Well-Known Member
The only thing you could try if you have light dark stretchmarks is to tattoo over them with white ink

I am really pale, but white ink does stand out...I would think I would need to make it a little closer to my own skin tone...although perhaps white spots would look better than what I have...


Well-Known Member
What kind of tattoo machine do you use?
I use a traditional 10 wrap machine, hand built. I used to use a rotary machine as well, but things with too much electronic parts tend to break. And thanks for calling it a machine and not a gun..

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
I used to have stretch marks from lifting weights and I used vitamin A and E oil capsules. I would break them open and spread the oil on the scar area and finally they went away. It was in the first year when they appeared and I continued to use the oil for years to keep them off. The gym owner put me on to it and it worked for me. Don't know if that will help you.


Well-Known Member
I use a traditional 10 wrap machine, hand built. I used to use a rotary machine as well, but things with too much electronic parts tend to break. And thanks for calling it a machine and not a gun..

So you didn't like the rotary machines?
I want to try one...I have a hard time figuring out the perfect setting for my coil machines. I just sort of adjust and buzz, and then adjust and buzz, until I have it where I want it...but I find there is very little difference in the setting I use for lining and the setting for shading...I mean the difference is slight with what I adjust, but it works...I just have nothing to go by, and nobody to ask...so I have been figuring it out as I go..haven't ended up with anything too terrible yet...Just gave myself a grumpy bear a couple of days ago...


Well-Known Member
So you didn't like the rotary machines?
I want to try one...I have a hard time figuring out the perfect setting for my coil machines. I just sort of adjust and buzz, and then adjust and buzz, until I have it where I want it...but I find there is very little difference in the setting I use for lining and the setting for shading...I mean the difference is slight with what I adjust, but it works...I just have nothing to go by, and nobody to ask...so I have been figuring it out as I go..haven't ended up with anything too terrible yet...Just gave myself a grumpy bear a couple of days ago...
I do like rotary machines, especially for grey wash, the problem is finding a good dependable brand. And you have been trying to tattoo? I would suggest that you seek an apprenticeship or at least have a professional artist walk you thru the basics and proper sanitary precautions before you proceed. A lot of ppl are getting into tattooing these days, but unfortunately almost none of them are going about it the right way.


Well-Known Member
Well I got everything disposable except the machine itself...so with new needles and the disposable grips and what not there isn't a whole lot of reason to worry too much about it...I have one reusable grip and tip and I tun it through the dishwasher after I use it...

then again since I only tattoo me and my husband...no worry for spreading disease anyway...I just use the green soap and spray or soak everything in it that is reusable before and after using it as well...
I found all the videos online of how to take the machine apart and clean it and all that...

I think I am going to try out a rotary machine...because I am just not jiving with the coil machine I have so far...and I know that you can't do a whole lot of amazing things with the super cheap guns anyway...I just don't think I have a proficiency for it, but lovely husband of mine is sure I can do it as long as I use the internet and practice...
I am not as confident as he is...
But hey even the simplest of simple tattoos that I can easily accomplish at home is cheaper than going to get the same simple tat in a shop...