Lady J's Smokin' Section

Lol seriously still going strong huh? Sad sad sad. Smoke, get over it, and post somewhere else. It's really that simple.
I just came up on an unexpected sack. Smoked at the park, feels great outside. Posted up at a gazeebo in the dark. Easy to see anyone waking up. Noticed that I cough more inside...

Thats real interesting...

Anyway, my babies are moving along nice compared to last time ;)

You started a SoG! lmfao I lose track of your veritable forest - your harvest is gonna look like a coffee shop menu in amsterdam!

...One step at a time!
nachos sound so good. Hell anything snack sounds good right now.. only meal food in the house as of now.

I hear you! That was me yesterday, so had to re-up on the snacks. Hate going to the grocery store when I have trees...end up waking through there like a zombie touching everything that looks halfway decent, then putting it down in indecision lol. Do 2-3 walks around the store before grabbing just a couple things. Already stick out since I don't look like many people out the attention makes me extra paranoid.

Didn't you say you have eggos?? ;)
I've been looking at pipes recently and dont know what I am gonna get.. I was thinking MAYBE a wooden with stone bowl. but everywhere I go tells to get glass.
I hear you! That was me yesterday, so had to re-up on the snacks. Hate going to the grocery store when I have trees...end up waking through there like a zombie touching everything that looks halfway decent, then putting it down in indecision lol. Do 2-3 walks around the store before grabbing just a couple things. Already stick out since I don't look like many people out the attention makes me extra paranoid.

Didn't you say you have eggo?? ;)


I've been looking at pipes recently and dont know what I am gonna get.. I was thinking MAYBE a wooden with stone bowl. but everywhere I go tells to get glass.

I think stone hits more smooth personally...have smoked both, but the glass is too strong for me!
I've been looking at pipes recently and dont know what I am gonna get.. I was thinking MAYBE a wooden with stone bowl. but everywhere I go tells to get glass.

Glass for me. But its one of those 'different strokes for diffent folks' type of thing... Wood is good too, natural and earthy, but glass is smooth and can be cooler. Different strokes ;)

Those are the're torn between wanting to smoke but wanting to breathe lol. Tobacco def helps ease the harshness.

Innit, i figured i got so much, and ill save on tobacco...
*cough *cough
Ok, here is a funny story.

I was dreaming this morning. I was having an argument with somebody. They were trying to steal my blankets or something.. They were pissing me off and I started saying, "Knock it off or I'll hit you. I'll knock your ass out." over and over. And this fucker keeps trying to steal my blanket, so I let him have it!

I punch him "POW"

I am awake. I just punched the edge of my nightstand. Wow, that fucking hurts. Why the hell did I do that. I fall back asleep.

Later at night, I am walking through the grocery store and messing with my hand. Why does it hurt when I touch my fingers?

Then I remember punching my nightstand.
glass ftw. Although I do own a real cool wooden bowl. It's 2 pieces, and folds up into a square block of wood. Only cost me $15 at a local head shop.
Ok, here is a funny story.

I was dreaming this morning. I was having an argument with somebody. They were trying to steal my blankets or something.. They were pissing me off and I started saying, "Knock it off or I'll hit you. I'll knock your ass out." over and over. And this fucker keeps trying to steal my blanket, so I let him have it!

I punch him "POW"

I am awake. I just punched the edge of my nightstand. Wow, that fucking hurts. Why the hell did I do that. I fall back asleep.

Later at night, I am walking through the grocery store and messing with my hand. Why does it hurt when I touch my fingers?

Then I remember punching my nightstand.


Damn...hope you don't sleep with anybody! LOL.