Hydroponic Grow Box Questions

I was wondering if anyone has tried the Yielder XL Hydro Grow Box from Universal Hydro? Heres The Link
If you have bought it and used it before can you please leave some info on it, like if its actually worth my money and all that good stuff.
Thank you, have a stony day bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
For that price. You could build something yourself and it be a lot bigger. That screams rip off.

You can get a nice 4x4 tent a 600w or 1000w hps/mh with cool tube fan filter, waterfarm, the works for less than 800.


Well-Known Member
Looks good but expensive.
I would go for the clay balls (hydroton) over coco, but that's just me (and I veg in coco so nothing against it, I just don't feel it gives great perfomance compared to flood/drain hydroton)
Prepare yourself for the people saying how much cheaper you could build it etc, but sometimes things are easier paid for if you want 'turn-key'. You still have to assemble them so you learn how they work.
I think it looks pretty good but I have no personal experience of the product.
The upgrades look expensive.


Well-Known Member
It also depends how many plants you're planning to grow. I personally prefer SCROG to sog.
For that price. You could build something yourself and it be a lot bigger. That screams rip off.

You can get a nice 4x4 tent a 600w or 1000w hps/mh with cool tube fan filter, waterfarm, the works for less than 800.
I know this, but i have the money and no building skills. Plus I love it being stealth

match box

Well-Known Member
I have a friend that had a BCNL bloom box it was around 4500. you can build something better for the money you will spend. It is nice to have the turn key but the bloom box didn't even work well and it's just in storage. There are good and bad things about everything if building is something that would work for you cool if not buy.
building skills to put a tent up, hang a fan and a cooltube? A blind man could do that. Tents are stupid easy to put up.
Alright look, I am just trying to see if anyone has used this. So I can ask some questions, I just read some reviews and all of them were saying its a good product and its worth its money. So now i know all that, I just want to find someone who has had this before so i can pretty much go over it with them. Thanks for the info though, Cheers


Well-Known Member
I'm almost certain next to no one would drop that kind of money knowing they could get a lot more for a lot less.


Well-Known Member
I have built all of mine myself, I hve several units in the garage I dont even use anymore and I have not spent near this much money. lol Way over priced


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but turn-key is what he wants and can afford. It still won't take long to save money on buying street weed.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but turn-key is what he wants and can afford. It still won't take long to save money on buying street weed.
It's no more or less turn key than buying a tent, light system, filter, fan off ebay. You still have to put it all together. It's not like it'll ship to you just like that. Assembly is still required. The only difference is it's all put together on the internet for him. All that extra money because you're a lazy ass and can't google? Not worth it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, i see your point. I wouldn't buy it unless i was rich. Stealth looks better than a tent though.
It's no more or less turn key than buying a tent, light system, filter, fan off ebay. You still have to put it all together. It's not like it'll ship to you just like that. Assembly is still required. The only difference is it's all put together on the internet for him. All that extra money because you're a lazy ass and can't google? Not worth it.
Yeah im a "Lazy ass" But i need stealth and the size is pretty big actually for like 2-3 plants. But im still looking at my options

Saul Good

Active Member
Hey good people...okay, so here's my 4 cents worth: I agree with everyone who has said that these systems are incredibly over-priced. That part is a no-brainer. But..... About 7 years ago, I decided to take up growing. The vast stores of knowledge and info available to a beginner from RIU and many other sites soon become very overwhelming to a person who doesn't know the difference between pH and PK...lights? ballasts? nutrients? medium? Even reading and re-reading threads for noobs and beginners becomes overwhelming.
Anyway, what I did back then was buy a cabinet set-up from some group called Sun Systems or some-such, which promised step by step by step instructions, included a video, all the nutes, hydroton, pumps, fans, lights, etc. etc. for something like $1500. It sits in my basement right now because I can't even give it away... Okay, so here's my point...
By entering the grow field with one of these units, I was able to slowly get to understand all the little nuances and requirements for succesfully growing our favorite vegetable without getting confused and overwhelmed. For that training alone, I feel that it wasn't wasted money. And, over the years, I've become more and more knowledgeable with each and every grow...starting with pulling the cabinet system apart and installing all the components in a larger space with better and bigger results, learning how to build my own bigger and even better system, bigger lights, bigger tubs, etc., etc. And from there I've become fairly adept at growing for my needs. But for my learning curve I needed all that stuff in a nice neat little package designed for idiots to make it all make sense for me. So...there's my long, rambling reasoning for someone to buy such a system. Even though I can't IMAGINE anyone spending so much and getting so little! :-)
BTW: I've saved enough over the years to pay for that thing 0ver and over. I haven't bought greenery since starting 6 years ago. I'll shut up now.... Peace to y'all!

Saul Good

Active Member
Just checked out that system...OMG! $2700?? I still stand by my reasoning, but that is a poop-load of money for what you're getting! This world is way too confusing. I'm going to go bake in the sun...(sigh)
I was wondering if anyone has tried the Yielder XL Hydro Grow Box from Universal Hydro? Heres The Link
If you have bought it and used it before can you please leave some info on it, like if its actually worth my money and all that good stuff.
Thank you, have a stony day bongsmilie
Hello 1Grow. I have the same system you're looking at. Obviously the people in here offering their opinions have never used one, let alone seen one. First off, they DO come fully assembled. Arrives as you see in the picture, which doesn't do it justice I might add.

The price is quite reasonable in my opinion. It comes with a lot more than a light, fan, and a box. Take a look at their site where it tells you what it comes with. The box is high quality from top to bottom as well. It comes with a Botanicare turbo garden that retails alone for $350. I have the same power strip that came with the box that I use for my aquarium and I paid $70+ shipping for it. Even the cabinet itself has to cost at least $500. People in here tend to think if you didn't build it with your own hands, it's not worth anything. Here's some food for thought; they'll call you a fool for buying one off the shelf. I work full time and for me to build one of these it would take about 6-8 weeks to do it right. By that time I had received my box and was 3/4 of the way done with my first grow...the yield from which paid for the system in whole (actually, it paid for the second one I bought... yes, have two of them now if that says anything about my opinion of the value).

I can tell you that I'm a handy guy, with a fair tool chest, and if I built one of these it wouldn't come out near as nice. Especially my first try. They paid a lot of attention to detail and it shows. I'd go as far as to say that it was better than I expected to receive.

As for the stealth factor, I live right next door to a cop. My garage faces his garage/front door. I have mine open quite a bit and even find myself talking to him in my driveway just feet from the boxes. He has NO IDEA! Try doing that with a fucking tent! Smell is non-existent, no light leak, and it's quiet as hell. Oh and it locks up nice and tight.


Ask away if you have any questions. I haven't documented a grow yet, but thought these pictures might benefit you. FYI, I hung the string in the box to hang my buds from only to realize that I could have used the trellis that came with it. Live and learn I guess.


Well-Known Member
Nice buds. Even though I think it is amazingly overpriced it is incredibly stealthy, much more so than a tent. I can admit that.