Debating which fert/nut to get!


Active Member
hey everybody, im deciding wether to buy either 'FoxFarm Liquid Soil Formula' (liquids are grow big, big bloom, and tiger bloom) or Advanced Nutrients Vitaboost Pro.. very difficult decision for me to make


Active Member
After researching they just seemed to be the top two best ferts/nuts very healthy for the plant. But i still dont know which to get..
zachstern, abort mission bro! You need to transplant into another soil or soiless medium that doesnt contain that type of nutrient charge. A slight nutrient charge in coco is common and with Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil it has plenty of amendments that contain lots of rich nutrients. I would spend my money on soil vs nutrients at this moment. Start simple, go get some Fox Farm soil Ocean Forest or Happy Frog will work, and maybe look at the Fox Farm nutes to use with the Fox Farm soil. The Fox Farm nutrients are more of a beginner line of nutrients so they will be easy enough to use. Keep things simple and stay away from anything that promises to feed you plants for extended periods of time. Miracle Grow, Shultz, Bayer, and other common garden fertilizers should not have a place in the cannabis growing industry but thats just my .02 worth. good luck to you my friend, take it for what it's worth...

Stay medicated,
West Coast Cultivation


Active Member
Goody! So should I get happy frog or ocean forest? And which ff liquid bloom should I get? I'm thinking tiger bloom and grow bloom
Zachstern, I personally mix the two whenever I have ran Fox Farm soils. Both are good and have little differences that will effect the growth of plants differently but the overall difference will be minimal. Have you ever checked out Subcools Super Soil? If not, check it out, he mixes a nutrient rich soil mix that allows a grower to basically just water with plain h2o. The costs up front are a little more than a couple bags of fox farm soil and their base nutes, but you may be further ahead in the long run. The Fox Farm nutrients are divided into a hydro set and a soil set, make sure to get the soil version. Get their Grow Big for the vegetative stage and Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom for flowering. Once you've conquered that part for feeding you can look into their other additives such as Open Sesame and Cha Ching. Start out feeding at 1/2 strength and then ramp up if you feel neccesary or your plants tell you otherwise. Good luck to you!

Stay Medicated,
West Coast Cultivation


Active Member
Thanks a bunch! I'm definitely going to do that. Will post pictures later on in the month of nashiwa star and white purp x mozambique poison(: