My kick ass 400w grow tent setup w/ waterfarm


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member do know the 300 stands for 300 cm right?

its like 300cm x 300cm WOWOWOWOWOWOW

talk about alot of space man!

i would do an ebb n flow multipot system!!!! put 2 1k watters on a light mover!!!!

maybe even get those life light tech light movers!!!!


Well-Known Member do know the 300 stands for 300 cm right?

its like 300cm x 300cm WOWOWOWOWOWOW

talk about alot of space man!

i would do an ebb n flow multipot system!!!! put 2 1k watters on a light mover!!!!

maybe even get those life light tech light movers!!!!

Nah bee thats one of the illest fucking grow tents Ive seen. 9ft by 9ft is even iller. Put one 4 x 8 flood drain table in there with a 100 gallon res & "sit back & watch the plants grow". Straight up. :peace:


Well-Known Member
hang them bitches upside down from the roof son!!!!

with some hepa intake filters and those carbon scrubbers we were talking about....its a wrap son!!!


Well-Known Member
Well this is a grow journal, so i throw some pics up here for today.

Day 37?

This is one of the reasons why I have had no problem with hydroponics, I have a lot of experience with water.

I have had the big clown for almost 8 years!!!! They live to be over 20 years old. There is nothing better than getting stoned and watching the reef tank.


Well-Known Member
Those plants are monsters!!! Im thinking about taking the biggest one and planting it outside. I have the perfect spot. It still wont tell me if its a boy or a girl, but I have all the clones I need from this strain already. Can you imagine how big it would become when it starts flowering? Thats why Im not going to waste time vegging with the clones. This strain grows faster than anything else I have seen so far. It makes all the mail order seeds look like a joke. Seriously this plant grows circles around every other seedling I have sprouted. And these are bag seeds from middies, there was 6 seeds in the entire oz.


Well-Known Member
well listening to al....

he's convinced me to never veg a clone. once the bitch roots....throw them bitches to the fire!!!!!! (flower)

they will still finish at a nice height. 2-6 ft finished is a very nice height indoors, IMO.


Well-Known Member
puff, so do i have this correct? you have 4 or 5 tents?
I would have to go count them all up, I have lost track of them all. lol

No but seriously I have no budding plants yet. Im still vegging out my seedlings to see if they are worth cloning.

Those are my seed bank seeds. 1 WW, 3 Critical Mass, 1 Feminized Sweet Tooth.

Those are the ones I expected to clone. But they just grow so slow compared to the bag seeds I started playing with. But they are only 2 weeks old, unlike the others that are over a month old.

The other tents are empty. I have 4 now total.


Well-Known Member
that could set yourself up easy IMO. have one tent for every 2 weeks of flower. that last box use for cloning and a few mothers.

get my drift?


Well-Known Member
4 total....why not go ahead and get one more? lol!
Dont tempt me! I still have another cooltube with a 400W ballast thats sitting in the box. You know I have an addiction to grow tents. But that is a GREAT IDEA! I hadnt really thought about it that far down the road. But I could have a harvest every few weeks. Brilliant!

How are you liking the waterfarm...I almost bought one a couple months ago...The plants look great man. :blsmoke:
Thanks, the waterfarms are kick ass. I think they are just the right size for this kind of growing. Check into the reservoir they make for em, sure makes watering a piece of cake.


Too many brownies
Thanks, the waterfarms are kick ass. I think they are just the right size for this kind of growing. Check into the reservoir they make for em, sure makes watering a piece of cake.
Awesome now that im actually seeign one do its thing Im really tempted. If you check out my grow journal you can see why ive been considerign one...waterign all my plants is a pain the ass :blsmoke::peace: