If Tax cuts create jobs


Well-Known Member
What tax cuts, you don't have a clue dude.
45 billion profit and not a penny to the IRS?
I'm not partial to paying for a military fly-by of an oilfield that I don't own,
while the Public school that teaches Economics so you can balance your budget gets funding cuts.
That is a tax cut.


Well-Known Member
45 billion profit and not a penny to the IRS?
I'm not partial to paying for a military fly-by of an oilfield that I don't own,
while the Public school that teaches Economics so you can balance your budget gets funding cuts.
That is a tax cut.
That only happened once. They still paid 6-8 Billion at each quarter. 17.5B ish approximately for year. It was a tax refund from the previous year, Corporate income is taxed after all costs of business are deducted. Its not the same as an individual income tax.

The reason why it made news and got everyone all huffy was because their was not clear documentation of what the expenses were that was passed as a deduction from the year before. My guess is they gave boat loads of oil to the US military priced way under the table. say it with me now "donation" war its one of those worth wile causes :wall:

As not to single 1 out here is a list of a few more that are doing the same thing

American Electric Power,
Exxon Mobil,
General Electric,
Honeywell International,
United Technologies,
Verizon Communications,
Wells Fargo,


New Member
45 billion profit and not a penny to the IRS?
I'm not partial to paying for a military fly-by of an oilfield that I don't own,
while the Public school that teaches Economics so you can balance your budget gets funding cuts.
That is a tax cut.
Wait a minute, I asked Chesus what the republicans would gain by restructuring Social Security by extending the age to receive SS benefits and you come up with Exxon/Mobile tax breaks!

I don't think so.


Well-Known Member
That only happened once. They still paid 6-8 Billion at each quarter. 17.5B ish approximately for year. It was a tax refund from the previous year, Corporate income is taxed after all costs of business are deducted. Its not the same as an individual income tax.

The reason why it made news and got everyone all huffy was because their was not clear documentation of what the expenses were that was passed as a deduction from the year before. My guess is they gave boat loads of oil to the US military priced way under the table. say it with me now "donation" war its one of those worth wile causes :wall:

As not to single 1 out here is a list of a few more that are doing the same thing

American Electric Power,
Exxon Mobil,
General Electric,
Honeywell International,
United Technologies,
Verizon Communications,
Wells Fargo,
Exxon is just an easy target. I think last count was 1.3 million Corps. in the US
That may have been just one year but the ongoing issue I have is the cost to the environment.
Gas additives have poisioned our water supplies, acid rain, air quality, Hell they are still trying get out of paying for the Valdez Oil spill.
I'm saying even if they did pay for the privilege of doing business in the US at the same percent that I do, It wouldn't be enough to cover the damage they are doing.


Well-Known Member
Wait a minute, I asked Chesus what the republicans would gain by restructuring Social Security by extending the age to receive SS benefits and you come up with Exxon/Mobile tax breaks!

I don't think so.
Well let me tell you. I went back and read, just to be sure I knew what you where talking about.
As a result it appears that I drifted off .....


Well-Known Member
Exxon is just an easy target. I think last count was 1.3 million Corps. in the US
That may have been just one year but the ongoing issue I have is the cost to the environment.
Gas additives have poisioned our water supplies, acid rain, air quality, Hell they are still trying get out of paying for the Valdez Oil spill.
I'm saying even if they did pay for the privilege of doing business in the US at the same percent that I do, It wouldn't be enough to cover the damage they are doing.
notice the lack of any babble about the XL pipeline in recent weeks
Even as gasoline prices have gone up

Do you know the reason for both?

Small gasoline pipeline burst in Jackson, Wisconsin permanently poisoning dozens of wells


The XL pipeline proposed route
Puts it over one of the worlds largest supplies of underground freshwater


New Member
notice the lack of any babble about the XL pipeline in recent weeks
Even as gasoline prices have gone up

Do you know the reason for both?

Small gasoline pipeline burst in Jackson, Wisconsin permanently poisoning dozens of wells


The XL pipeline proposed route
Puts it over one of the worlds largest supplies of underground freshwater
Then quit being a hypocrite and sell the cars or trucks you own and ride a bicycle, other wise you're not part of your own solution, you're part of the problem.


Well-Known Member
notice the lack of any babble about the XL pipeline in recent weeks
Even as gasoline prices have gone up

Do you know the reason for both?

Small gasoline pipeline burst in Jackson, Wisconsin permanently poisoning dozens of wells


The XL pipeline proposed route
Puts it over one of the worlds largest supplies of underground freshwater
so we should use natural gas right?


New Member
I'd like to know what all these lefties are doing to help their cause. Are they riding a bicycle or walking to work, what are the heating their homes with, how are they getting the electricity to run the computers they are using to protest fossil fuels?

Their all just a bunch of big mouth hypocrites with no solutions!


Well-Known Member
The fact is, one should be responsible for saving for their own retirement, and only their retirement, period.

No one has a right to have a family, a house, cars, insurance policies, vacations, college educations (kids included), that they can not afford. If one chooses one of these via their practice of financial irresponsibility, they should suffer the repercussions.

Raising the age only makes sense, in the sense that it needs to be done in order for the program to be sustainable, even though it's currently broken well beyond any degree of "sustainability". Ultimately raising the age is a robbery committed by the government, which benefits the baby-boomers, while the generations that are below them suffer the consequences of this robbery.

Raising the age is a solution to possibly fixing the already broken program, but it's still not ethical based on the pure fundamentals of what's stated above. What would be ethical, would be to just disassemble SS all together. Save for your own retirement, or suffer the consequences... it's no one else's job to foot the bill of retirees, especially if they have squandered their money prior to retirement. That's called a subsidization of irresponsibility which always leads to problems.
This is the sort of argument that obscures the rest of the story. Of course everyone should save for their own retirement and no one elses. But this presumes certain things about the society in which that saver lives. It presumes that the saver always manages to be working, it presumes no financial hardship in an entire life, it presumes that corporations will constantly pay a reasonable wage and it presumes that those who have not managed to save, either because of those hardships or due to economic environments will just dissapear if they fail.

this is like saying that everyone is completely responisble for their health and if they contract a disease they will simply, without burden on others, die - of course even that presumes that the companies they worked for never subjected them to hazardous conditions, the air, water and food were pristine and they had no habits that only later might have been found to be detrimental to that health. It doesn't work that way in real life.