Silver! Who Is On This Train?


Active Member
You guys all missed the big one. In 2008 the price of copper and nickel dropped to something like $1.50/lb, from a high around $4.50/lb, IIRC. It was obvious to me that this was a panic and the prices would rebound - eventually, construction and manufacturing would have to resume for a recovery to happen, along with the prices of these metals. And if the economy just collapsed entirely, you'd have a huge cache of copper for spears for the Second Bronze Age.

I pointed this out to a lot of friends and family, but they poured their money into gold instead. They would've more than tripled their money in just 2-3 years.


^^ Problem with this is you would be dealing with hundreds of pounds of physical metal unless you buy etfs.

I have about 80 OZ of silver tucked away. Im thinking its looking bullish with a QE3 likely, the european economy in peril and the Libor Scandal. People will start to become unwary of cash and stock up again. Just my opinion though.


New Member
to the people investing in physical bullion: where are you going to find demand...people willing to pay spot price...for your physical when it rises?

to ETF investors: you're aware of john corrozine's billion-dollar paper silver/gold fraud...does this concern you??


Member buys silver at spot price. You have to sell over $1000 dollars worth but they are trustworthy and dont change policies based on demand.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
to the people investing in physical bullion: where are you going to find demand...people willing to pay spot price...for your physical when it rises?

to ETF investors: you're aware of john corrozine's billion-dollar paper silver/gold fraud...does this concern you??


Well-Known Member
to the people investing in physical bullion: where are you going to find demand...people willing to pay spot price...for your physical when it rises?

to ETF investors: you're aware of john corrozine's billion-dollar paper silver/gold fraud...does this concern you??
I just sell my silver to the same guy I buy it from. He buys for spot and sells for spot plus 3-5% depending on what you buy.


Undercover Mod
silver price is strangely correcting over Gold today. I think were gonna see it move above 30 this week.
Anyone invest in silver? Thoughts, rants?

Personally I have done pretty well since buying a physical position in Sept of 2008, anyone else a silver bug?
I have been buying silver since 1999. right now is a good time to buy because its sitting low. last year we all rode a wave that took silver from 20 to 49 in a matter of 120 days... it has fallen back to 27.. BUY BUY BUY but only real bullion, no paper position bullshit
to the people investing in physical bullion: where are you going to find demand...people willing to pay spot price...for your physical when it rises?

to ETF investors: you're aware of john corrozine's billion-dollar paper silver/gold fraud...does this concern you??
any major city has a gold/diamond exchange. there are clear bid and ask prices. if its stamped and has a serial number.. its bullion and they will pay you bid pricing


Well-Known Member
so where do i buy physical silver for the best price? Internet? SF? Sac? What is the kind of place that sells it for the best price, so I can find the name?


Undercover Mod
I haven't had money to buy, but I still got my stacks locked away. I see the spike coming you see the almost dollar an ounce gain today?


Active Member
Fuck silver.... forget gold... buy non-perishable food and bullets!!!!!!

Having a pile of gold or silver... even food and water will make you a target for those with no proclivity against stealing. And if SHTF even people you trust could turn to violence and theft to provide for their needs. For 41 years it was illegal for a private citizen to own gold in the form or bullion in this country. It's delusional to think a desperate government won't "nationalize" precious metals to stabilize a downward spiraling dollar.

Tinfoil hat time kiddos. The global market collapse isn't an accident, it's deliberate. We are being herded into a total global market crisis in order to instate a singular global economy. Commonly referred to as the NWO.


Active Member
^That's an interestingly paranoid post.

And I wasn't aware how fast the price was rising, might hav to get on it myself at some point, do some checking up on shit...


New Member
70 cents lol ...

warren buffett or george soros sells a fraction of THEIR shares of silver and your whole bullion market is manipulated like you wouldn't believe

but i wish you the best with your few (hundred?) ounces... you might make a few hundred dollars if you're real lucky! *gasp*