how abou a hand here pics inside


Active Member
okay just went out and checked my babys they are still yellowing sum now in the middle kinda what could be causing this i only water it once a week maybe haha there far away could that be it thot it was N at the beginning so i hit it with a light dose at the beginning of flowering think im almost 3 weeks flowering no sure tho been feeding with mg bloom booster 1 tsp per gal has had 2 feedings and help guys it will be great +rep for all that help me



Well-Known Member
Hey jman this is what i think them yellow leaves are just because they was not getting light the reason why i think this is because overall Ur plants look healthy :D hope you find your answer :D


Active Member
started them may 30th just over 7 feet tall about 6 feet wide never fed in veg just mixed some fox farm marine cuisine in with the soil they were good up till start of flower


Well-Known Member
not sure. my best guess is the plants with the yellow leaves are planted in more shaded areas. lanky plants they are. so i'm thinking it's normal for the plants to acclimate to the light you're giving it. you could have pruned those plants back and made them denser. too late now. that would have solved your problem. save your rep for the repless. and mb plant next time in full sun.


Ursus marijanus
would some lime help you think
Dolomite lime would have, upon planting. Just plain lime is calcium carbonate; dolomite contains slow-release magnesium as well. But this late in, and with that much yellowing, I'd choose something fast like epsom. It's cheap at the drug store. cn


Active Member
Dolomite lime would have, upon planting. Just plain lime is calcium carbonate; dolomite contains slow-release magnesium as well. But this late in, and with that much yellowing, I'd choose something fast like epsom. It's cheap at the drug store. cn
alright ill try sum


Well-Known Member
Flowering for 3 weeks, you're using bloom nutes. And it for sure looks light green in the pics ( I could be blind tho :D )
Seems to me nitrogen is the true answer. Plants need it in flowering too, so I;ve heard lots of people still give nitrogen in the first two weeks, and cut it down.
Did you do that?


Active Member
yeah i gave it a dose but it really isnt yellow it was the light maybe the only yellow is the leaves that are dieing at the botom and some on the inside in the middle the rest looks great so idk giving me a headach tryin to think


Active Member
this plant is more on the sativa side to well so i was told by the guy i got the clones from that prob wont help anyone any


Well-Known Member
It's either N or MG
Close up of a leaf that has started to yellow and I'll get you an answer straight away
I'm bettin N.


Well-Known Member
He said he didnt feed in veg. It prob was low on n all the time, then the flowering hit and it used up all for the stretch, even the light dose.
Just give a last half to 3/4 dose of veg nutes?


Active Member
alright guys thanks i was told not to give any n now but ima give it a shot next watering would do it now but just waterd dont wanna get any more probs so ill try that in the next 3 days and let yall know how i worked out