11' x 11' mushroom grow room, suggestions on method


Active Member
Hey guys, as the title says, I have an 11' x 11' grow room at my disposal. I have 3 grows under my belt and I wanted to step it up and try my hand at some bulk. My question is what's the best set up to go with for overall yield. Would it be mono tubs throughout the room, or putting shelving up and doing a bunch of cakes? Thanks for the suggestions.

Btw, I'm going with amazonians and penis envy


Active Member
Mono tubs galore!! I never bothered with cakes, went straight into bulk substrate and never looked back! I once got a hp off of 2 tubs after all the flushes were done.. with that ammount of space your place will stink of fungus so bad you'll be eating dinner in the back yard to avoid the smell LOL... Happy Shroomin..


Active Member
depends if you want trays with tubs on them or a wooden rectangle holding your goodies. I have heard that straw and H poo is the best to go with I take it you want weight. Try some straw grows and then take it up. I grow normally in tubs when I am running but I have a room that is nothing but mushies. I am still using popcorn as a media if I could get Hpoo easy I would go that route for the weight. PE is a basterd to grow because it take 2 weeks to pin then another 2 weeks to fruit but you can get 150 grams wet out of 1 tub.


Well-Known Member
As usual, depends.
No cakes, that's silly, but, how many tubs can you put in it?
How many shelves can you build?
Is the room 100% sealed, and you can control full room humidity, or will you be putting up some walls of plastic and creating multiple fruiting chambers?
what about using part of it for a clean room? A 2 stage clean zone that leads into a corner setup with a glove wall will give you a hell of a work space for those large volume grain-to-grain transfers.
How is the temperature? you want 80ish for myc, but 70ish for fruiting, so it really make noi sense to keep them together.
How many jars you want going at the same time?
Do you have epxerience with those strains?
I like amazonians for the wow factor, ie: those full spread flower like towering buggers are awsome, but I prefer something like Equadorian or Mexi-cub or Golden teacher for production.
On the other hand, while I LOVE PE for personal use, I could never get the quanitities for sharable use. Also, it is so much more powerful than the standard cube, so other people tend to OD (not deadly, lotsa fun, just a bit more than expected) on it.
When all done, what do you expect to sell it for?


Active Member
Thanks for the replies guys! So the room in the basement is raised about 6 inches off of the ground. The owners before my friend were islamic and used this for a prayer room. The exact dimensions are 11 x 11 x 5.7 feet. I don't have experience with these two strains in particular. I'm looking for the best for production. Last time I ran golden teachers, b plus, and treasure coast.

Right now the room isnt sealed, I'm considering sealing it up though. I live near Philly, and they have stables for the horses they use in the city so manure is readily available; although I have 0 experience with it. Temps are roughly high 70s but I can control the environment.

Although I don't want to sound cliche, I'm just looking to find out and understand what method can get me the biggest bang for my space. Ideally I'd be selling these for 11-12 hundred a lb to my festy friends. So if anyone has a few pointers to help me out itd be awesome. Just to increase speed im starting up some liquid culture. Thank you yet again for any help and understanding with this ;-)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies guys! So the room in the basement is raised about 6 inches off of the ground. The owners before my friend were islamic and used this for a prayer room. The exact dimensions are 11 x 11 x 5.7 feet. I don't have experience with these two strains in particular. I'm looking for the best for production. Last time I ran golden teachers, b plus, and treasure coast.

Right now the room isnt sealed, I'm considering sealing it up though. I live near Philly, and they have stables for the horses they use in the city so manure is readily available; although I have 0 experience with it. Temps are roughly high 70s but I can control the environment.

Although I don't want to sound cliche, I'm just looking to find out and understand what method can get me the biggest bang for my space. Ideally I'd be selling these for 11-12 hundred a lb to my festy friends. So if anyone has a few pointers to help me out itd be awesome. Just to increase speed im starting up some liquid culture. Thank you yet again for any help and understanding with this ;-)
Islamic mushroom I never try them


Active Member
Right now I'm Shooting up 6 quart bags of bulk with my LC and waiting for that to colonize. You guys think I'd use the whole six in a monotub? Since I can control the temp and humidity of the whole room would it be easier to have it set to 92 humidity and leave the top of the mono off?


Well-Known Member
Just remember to try to add in the contamination factor. Test time has some great ideas. Even before you start that one tub. How much will your initial setup investment be?


Active Member
Be sure to post up pics man... Ive done a couple of tub grows about 8 years ago then never did anything after that, it would be good to see a full blown room set up


Well-Known Member
Right now I'm Shooting up 6 quart bags of bulk with my LC and waiting for that to colonize. You guys think I'd use the whole six in a monotub? Since I can control the temp and humidity of the whole room would it be easier to have it set to 92 humidity and leave the top of the mono off?
Keep everything at least a foot off the floor. Most of your contams are down there.

Make sure you have decent airflow. Setup 4 inch ducts all over the place with holes in them for air distribution. Don't go crazy for high volume as if you were using it for cooling a green grow room, just you do NOT want pockets of stagnant air.

Get a couple of aircleaners. Ones with ionisers on them. Then get a couple more ionisers. You want to keep down the stray bacteria, and you do not want to start growing shit in your walls. This is a warm humid environment, and shit will be growing EVERYWHERE.

Make sure EVERYTHING is cleanable.

Cover every bit possible with plastic and tape. Tape BOTH sides of the plastic before staplegunning it (keeps it from splitting). You can use 6 mil plastic or tarps. Do your floor with tarp. Thin and cheap for walls, thick for the floor.

Waterproof outdoor tape combined with plastic combined with an electric staplegun. Buy many extra boxes of staples. Doublecheck your gun will actually penetrate your walls and how deep. I have 2 guns, 1 of which can drive 1/2inch staples into my floor, the other cannot. Exposed staples HURT.

Get a bunch of baker's racks. These are cheap open air metal shelving that have bars for each shelf. Both strong and easy to move and clean, and fully adjustable.

Get a bunch of wireties. Get a bunch of clip on lights.

Get a timer (damn, I'm easing into train/admin spotting here, gotta cut that shit out)

Ok, back to your question.

6qts in a single, sure. Depends on how much substrate you want to do vs how fast you want to fruit. More substrate == slower but will have more shrooms when done since they had more nutrition.

If I were you, I'd map out EXACTLY how many tubs you could be fruiting, assume 8 qts for each, and go buy enough rye grain and quart jars to fill them. In my case I can PC 8 quarts at a time, so a couple of days of cooking and I'd be done.


Active Member
Thanks testtime and everyone for the info. I will be taking pics. Also, as far as the initial start up cost money isn't and issue. I'm willing to invest whatever's necessary to make this a full blown op.


Active Member
Finally! The Shroomery's back online I've been trying to access my account over there to show you some pics of my last endeavor.. those 2 tubs after 3 flushes yielded a hp... not bad for like my second go at it...
Tub 2.jpgTub1.jpgblock1.jpg
In short I'm a mono tub man, small discreet and a self contained environment..

** Pic 3 Explanation. Still being quiet now to the hobby when these pics were taken I forgot to put a bag in the tub before mixing the mycellium and my bulk sub. side pinning occurred and I was forced to remove the block from the tub after the first flush and the block broke in half :wall:...




Active Member
diggin the art on the arm. what was your ratio of spawn to sub?
Thanks mang. I'm not quite sure this is going a year or more back but I believe it was something like 4 Quart Jars Spawn to 8 Quart Sub... something like that.. the blocks were in the neighborhood of 14" x 8" x 2.5" ..



Active Member
Puff how has your luck been on a 2.5 inch sub. I went an inch thicker and have not had any issues, Nice skull