Club 600

Regarding my hands: not cramping up, but aching in the first joints of the fingers (both hands), and I ruptured the tendon in my ring finger of my fretting hand, and feels like a few more fingers are always on the verge of similar ruptured tendons.
I still play my bass every day, but only a couple of hours a day, and I have to constantly think about not using my ring finger so it has a chance to heal.
One thing about having Geddy as bass hero was learning to play without fear or timidity, and I find myself more & more holding back as I try and adjust my playing style to accommodate my limitations.
The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
Life's really good duchie, thanks for asking. England was a blast, so was iceland and amsterdam. Iceland is a really cool place. I just started school for fun, taking calculus and arabic. I think I'm gonna get me a sax at the pawn shop, I used to play way back and had a good excuse to start up again. Other than that I'm trying to get my clones to get happy in my closet. Then off to the races. I'm going for a record harvest this round. No rushing things at all, I have till the end of the year to get these things big and nice.

It's always nice to have you around my friend. Glad you have some time to stop by.
(*sorry to interrupt, but fell asleep in the computer chair, so time to get a few hours sleep. Really great to hear from you, duchie, and hope you get the chance to stop in more often! Good night 600, where ever you are! :-) )
Hey Duchie, good to see you lad. And your nursery is looking grand and green. Lots of fun ahead there. I could probably have let my toms go but the pillar attack was just ridiculous. Looks like you got a few varieties on the go. And re CC25, yesa tourists will still be able to come and smoke in the coffeeshops. It's not until next year that the Stupid law kicks in. And we just got (or the pople wou are allowed to just got) their voting cards through for the elections. So the Christain Democratic cocks can go and fuk right off...hopefully!
And yes, BB will have an entry into the cup, which should be a barking one.......

Hotsause, looking very frosty as usual pal.

And re the camera thing Duchie, I am looking at getting a new macro lens for our canon, but a D7 would be an awefully nice treat.;) Good luck and fingers crossed for that show.

Pishing with rain here today.

Peace and puddles for all,

Forgot to mention, lol about the wallet comment doob. I think you and I are mutually destructive to one anothers checkbooks (remember those). I bet you and I could do really well on a brewsters millions type challenge.

Welcome home D. Always good to have you back, things aren't quite the same without you.
cheers Jiggly Wiggly. Checkbooks, or Chequebooks as we called them. We were just talking about a game show the other day called Blankety Blank (the contestants had to fill in the Blanks, lol) The runner up always got a Blankety Blank Chequebook and Pen, lol....blankety blank chequebook, just makes me giggle saying it!
haha, plenty ways, you can always go to RIU's official seed seller lol. Or there's another company that sell them too. Breeders something or

NO FINAL ENTRIES TO THE HASH COMPETITION??????????? It ends today peeps.

Peace, DST
well quick update end of 7th week tomorow


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heres my 6 clones i managed to save out the 11 off a friend, other 5 cooked under 600hps, i have been training these 6 for 5 days now and got 10 critical mass clones coming in about 10 days


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