PHing Poll

dew u pee haich?

  • YES,everything my grils get is around 6.5ish

    Votes: 3 9.1%
  • NO,never have,never will

    Votes: 13 39.4%
  • I only ph when i feed

    Votes: 3 9.1%
  • i ph when i feel like it...

    Votes: 14 42.4%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
PHing is no fun...
do you do the work?
or hope for the best

indoor kids please sit out on this one...
but please smoke me out :clap:

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
I ph mainly when doing differnt solutions, our water is pretty stable and for the most part my solutions almost always stay at 6.0, its not as much about lazyness is detailed work and consistency


Well-Known Member
I have to pH when I'm using "nutrients" but not when I'm growing organically. My city water is hard and has a pH of 8.0 - 8.1. I even tried Veg+Bloom Hard Water formula and Advanced Nutrients Sensi with PH Perfect. They helped but I still need to pH them or I'll run into deficiencies. I also hate the weekly feedings and heaven forbid you need to leave for a few days. Any mistakes in feeding early on show up later when the plants start flowering or when the weather gets rough.

When I grow like a "normal gardener" and buy organic soils and fertilizers my plants are so much more healthier. They don't lose as many leaves during summer heats, they get less bugs, and they seem to recover faster from dry spells and broken branches. I check on them once a week, hardly do anything to them except pull off dead leaves now and then, and they grow to pretty big. I just wish I had a better indoor light so I could start in January. Then I'd really have some monster sized plants.


Well-Known Member
my water after sitting out for 2 days is 8.0
so ph'd once to get it to 6.5

took a quick swig of lemon juice about 10 -15 drops per gallon

so now i just add 10-15 drops of lemon juice into my gallon containers then water no ph'n needed anymore ...i got it down to a science lol

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
I dont ph, but sometimes i think i should... i know im growing in fairly acidic conditions so i try to put some lime in the soil. things go pretty decent anyways.


Active Member
I only pH my potassium silicate solution as i already know how much pH down i need to get it to i just add and feed without really doing the test anymore....i only do it bc the pH of KSi is way high....

I do not pH my feeds or the tap water i give em and everything is going perfect... i figure the acidic nutrs will balance my basic tap water and its worked do far....starting week 4 flower


Well-Known Member
I voted "i ph when i feel like it..." cause I get my water from a well I have on my farm, the PH is the same 6.8 since the first time i check it about 30 years ago, I still check it every now & then


Well-Known Member
I only PH after adding the nutes to my water.I'm "Old School" and still use baking soda to bring the PH back up.I also find it much easier to use and much,much cheaper than PH up products.Never had any issues with it,but I do make sure the plants get at least 2 or 3 good waterings with plain water in between feedings.I only use rain water or RO water and I already know what the PH is on both,so no need to go through the drill when I water only. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
dudes name is brown water he doesnt know what ph is and look at his stupid choices this was a troll poll
where the fuck did i say i don't know about ph?
i just wanted to see if others here are doing the work...
don't hate......
my user name is from a stupid joke on a tv show...dont talk about
what you don't know's just going to make you look stupid....
if you think i should add more choices to the poll,you can just let me know...
no need for childish name calling...


Well-Known Member
Very nice Budologist !! Great pictures !! I would love to stop in for a visit,but I'm too far away ! LOL :weed:


Well-Known Member
today i decided to put PH down in my chameleon hose end mixer. I didnt have to measure anything, i just set it to 1 tbsp, poured my nutes in, and tested the ph coming out. It was green so i added more till it was the yellow (6.0?). Went out this afternoon (it is nice out) and they look great. I think its very important to by mid flower change the ph to the correct level. my ph is at 7 and hoppefully it will go down to 6.5 ish. these are in 28 gallon trash barrells and are a bitch to hand water and ph adjust everything one by one.


Well-Known Member
Seems like a lot of growers are saying PH? what for? lol Yeah i know it helps to have a balanced PH hell even people need it but it's not something that most of us worry about.