Club 600

lol from one seed i kept the bubblelicious going for just over two yrs, through cloning and revegging, out of all the bl i grew i only ever got one pip from it, that got popped tonight :mrgreen:
Is there a one vid per post limit? How duh??? Sorry, one more. One of my favorites.

Ok, ok, ok, I'm sorry!, but I'm rocking out here and I want to share.

My baby does the Grind

Hey, duchie, thanks for sharing that one!
I downloaded that with the YTD youtube downloader and bookmarked the URL so I can check out the rest of the vids of him playing.
Love that boogie-woogie style, and he makes it look so easy!
Way back when, I had a stratocaster knockoff that was fairly decent, and loved to play slide on it. Not the same sound as a telecaster, but it was all I had in the way of an electric 6-string.
*edit: I also had a pickup insert for my acoustic that was pretty sweet, too.
Man, I wish my fingers worked like they did back then.

**edit #420: Heh, heh, just noticed I posted at 4:20pm.... I still got it!!!
Yeah, right on, glad you liked it. I'd suggest you start with anything from 60 Minutes with...David Wilcox. They're album tracks from the earlier days.
Can I get an AMEN from the congregation!!!
Man, I wish my fingers worked like they did back then.
I hear that. I can't hardly hold a chord on my guitar anymore. I still try and plink at it for fun and I've been watching some youtube instructional stuff, but I'm really struggling with fingers that won't do what they did even 6 months ago. It sucks!!!
I don't actually "Like" that, 4x4, just that I hear ya. :-(
If all of us decrepit musicians ever got together to jam we could call ourselves "Roger 600 Watters and The Crapiest Band In The World"!
Haha! While I was listening to that I was looking for that Final Countown video to make you watch it, to get ya back, and then there it is in your montage. Issa fyno cowdooooooow
Nah, it's probably best that you don't.
Might ruin you on live bands for a while.
The sad thing is that there are much worse out there than the ones featured.
Well, got to give them credit for taking the stage, I guess.
I can't remember how long it's been since I played for anyone but the one cat we have that doesn't run away when I strap on my bass.
Last live band I saw (mistakenly) was a 3 piece irish pub song thrash band that had a drummer, a bass player, and a bagpipe/accordian player. SCARY doesn't even begin to describe the sounds they made!!!!! Every song was at hyperspeed and was done in under a minute.
Never get tire watching this guy.
