Obama Tries To Sway Marijuana Voters, Marijuana Voters Toss Him The Finger


Well-Known Member
Bush may as well just stayed in office..all his policies have stayed ..the only major difference is the crackdown on marijuana..
like DOMA? or DADT? or starting unfunded, ten year wars? or deficit funded medicare expansions? or trying to privatize social security?

face it, the talking point you just made is demonstrably false. sorry bud.


Well-Known Member
If you don't think Obama can control his AG's then you are smoking some fire and we need to meet and have a session.


Well-Known Member
Lemme know when these wars come to a conclusion..because it certainly won't be under this clown.


Well-Known Member
Lemme know when these wars come to a conclusion..because it certainly won't be under this clown.
Proved wrong, runs away. Typical arrogant asshole that can't admit when he's wrong. We're going to get far as a country with people like this in it.


Well-Known Member
I didn't vote for his ass the first time.Its just like the South Park episode with the douche and the turd sandwich, we always have a choice but its always bad choices.None of them can be perfect because they all have gained support from various money pot's and has to give them his allegiance.I don't pretend to know who the puppet master's are but I know who doubled our national debt in one fucking term.


Well-Known Member
Obama hasn't been perfect with MMJ, but he was better than Bush...

Most of the MMJ laws have been in place since the 90's....My state was 98 I think. There wasn't much going on here until 2010 as far as dispensaries go. There are dozens within a 10 mile radius of my house. I think Romney would waste a lot of money trying to shut them ALL down.


Well-Known Member
What are you talking about?proved wrong how? this country is going downhill from corruption and greed..I have no power to change that...I am fairly convinced that you are indeed retarded.


Well-Known Member
If you don't think Obama can control his AG's then you are smoking some fire and we need to meet and have a session.
there are 30+ DAs in oregon alone.

you think obama has time enough in his day to control them and state AGs in the other 14 or so states with medical cannabis?

i think medical cannabis falls pretty far on the back burner for this and any other administration.


Well-Known Member
I know who doubled our national debt in one fucking term.
LOL wat... The national debt in 2008 was 10 trillion, as of yesterday it was 16 trillion. Pretty sure that's not double. Failed math class did we...

I'll even be nice and post the exact numbers

09/30/2008 $10,024,724,896,912.49


ALSO, in case you didn't notice(obviously you didn't) when obama took office we were in the WORST recession since the great depression. Did you expect things just to turn around as of February 2008?


Well-Known Member
LOL wat... The national debt in 2008 was 10 trillion, as of yesterday it was 16 trillion. Pretty sure that's not double. Failed math class did we...
don't you dare talk about how we obtained that deficit (GOP policies).

and don't you dare mention that the annual deficit obama inherited has not grown at all, unlike what happens under GOP administrations.


Well-Known Member
bottom line..my grade for Obama for his first 4 years = D minus....Bush was an F..Romney is an unknown


Well-Known Member
Who has already resulted in name calling ?Grow the fuck up before you attempt to have a conversation with me.Now I'll let you ladies continue without me before I do go the fuck off.


Well-Known Member
Who has already resulted in name calling ?Grow the fuck up before you attempt to have a conversation with me.Now I'll let you ladies continue without me before I do go the fuck off.
and that's why I edited my post because I realized name calling is a childish attack. I do apologize do you.


Well-Known Member
Yes, he can. He's said numerous times he would close down dispensaries and reverse the progress. Obama, hasn't mentioned anything about that. Hell, he said if he is re-elected he would seek legalization. But yea, that sounds the same. Ignorance spreads like wild fire now days doesn't it.
Obama is pulling the same shit he did the last time around... Last minute oh yea I'll legalize it.. He's just as full of shit as the rest of the people in Washington... They don't care about us only their votes.