superthrive help required.

I have 3 sick seedlings("the widow" ). one has been nute locked and on fresh water for 2 weeks. One was scarred when I helped(i know) remove its seed casing. The other was doing fine now seems to be drying up. I think I had a small dome over it too long without misting. they are all in small wick systems, one per plant.


I got some superthrive today. added 2 drops to 1.5 litrs of water that had been sitting out a couple of days. I have replaced the water in the wick system and flushed a little over each rockwool 1" shooter(that the seedlings are in) with the superthrived water mix.

should I allow them to now drink the water with superthrive in or just allow them one day of that and then back to ph'd water?

any help will be appreciated. thanks


Well-Known Member
How did your seedlings get nutrient locked to begin with? I don't like Superthrive myself, last time I used it I got a bunch of ants.


Well-Known Member
How did your seedlings get nutrient locked to begin with? I don't like Superthrive myself, last time I used it I got a bunch of ants.
This ans why are you using a dome for seedlings?How can it be Nute locked if you Phed the water?Got a pic i bet the rockwool is too wet,plants will look like midgets.


Well-Known Member
Superthrive isn't going to help you. You are doing something fundamentally wrong. I'm pretty sure the solution isn't going to come from a bottle.


Well-Known Member
I have 3 sick seedlings("the widow" ). one has been nute locked and on fresh water for 2 weeks. One was scarred when I helped(i know) remove its seed casing. The other was doing fine now seems to be drying up. I think I had a small dome over it too long without misting. they are all in small wick systems, one per plant.


I got some superthrive today. added 2 drops to 1.5 litrs of water that had been sitting out a couple of days. I have replaced the water in the wick system and flushed a little over each rockwool 1" shooter(that the seedlings are in) with the superthrived water mix.

should I allow them to now drink the water with superthrive in or just allow them one day of that and then back to ph'd water?

any help will be appreciated. thanks
I like to keep it super simple for grow...I would start with soak seed for overnight before plant....I simply fill the party cup 16 oz with holes in the bottom, fill in with Miracle Gro seed starter soil (peatmoss/perlite) , and no dome needed, the seed will sprout by itself...but keep the surface soil moist, not use spray water on pH needed...its very important to let the seeding to grow first otherwise you will make it worse for seedlings, JMO.

give it time after seed sprouted about one week after you can use SuperThrive 1/4 ml per gallon. just use once thats it till you can use SuperTHrive again for transplants or clones.

as you get more exprienced under your belt, you will explore the expriement to make root grow faster and read the plants too thats very important tool.

Good luck, buddy.

Happy gardening.


Well-Known Member
Ditch the superthrive, is is snake oil, mostly vitamin b which is a con. young seedlings just need fresh water sprayed a few times a day (shake water spray bottle to get oxygenated) I would seriously say get a seedling/clone heat mat too. All i use is noshock, roots exceletator and greenfuse root, no dome but a heat mat. i get 4" roots within 1 week of seed/fresh cutting with this method.
thanks for the input. the seedling that got nute locked, was doin great until i put in NFT that had not been used for a while(had around 30 ltrs of nute water in there that was let evaporate and not cleaned out) so I then added more nutes, u get the picture.


the pic on the right was 2 weeks ago, the one on the left yesterday. Not over watering on the others, wick system very good.
View attachment 2319431

I am having a nightmare with seeds. lost a few bucks. I have grown from clones for years, had to stop(long story), kept equipment, decided to start again. no access to any more clones.. will get there , just need ONE plant to start cloning .. oh welland back to PH water

so you reckon I should take superthrive water out of the wick systems res NOW ??
thanx ;)


New Member
I was using superthrive during veg and just quit using it out of laziness and because I can't tell any difference at all with or without it. This was with my nooby hand supercropping and snapping off tops and shit.


Well-Known Member
(had around 30 ltrs of nute water in there that was let evaporate and not cleaned out)
That is your problem my friend. The nutes you put in must have been a lot for the huge 30L tank you said you have. Why so big for a seedling ?The water evaporated and most of the nutes still in their causing the PPM to hit the roof but the seedling is so small it could not take much nutes and fried.
That is your problem my friend. The nutes you put in must have been a lot for the huge 30L tank you said you have. Why so big for a seedling ?The water evaporated and most of the nutes still in their causing the PPM to hit the roof but the seedling is so small it could not take much nutes and fried.
yip , i get that, thats why I never elaborated. I thought the plant was established enough to go into the 45 ltr NFT / 4" rockwool. Its a cure Im lookin for no a post mortem.

I dont mean to sound cold, just trying to cut down on the typing, comes out that way :0/

hippy farming


Well-Known Member
Anytime you let Nute solutions sit for tht long,The PPM is going up due to Evaporation.I doubt a fully established plant could handle that much of a jump in PPM.Did you even check PH obvious you didnt the PPM.I have a RDWC and let mine run sometimes lower than normal just to get a idea of how much than can be pushed as far as PPM.

yeah I checked the ph of the new batch of nutes goin in , but yeah the old ones had evaporated. will have to grab one of those wands that measure EC, PPM, PH ... anyone have any tips before purchase?

hippy farming folks


Well-Known Member
yeah I checked the ph of the new batch of nutes goin in , but yeah the old ones had evaporated. will have to grab one of those wands that measure EC, PPM, PH ... anyone have any tips before purchase?

hippy farming folks
Are you saying you think the old nutes evaporated?You need to swap out the whole batch.You cant assume anything in this game.Get a 20 dollar PPM tester it will save you alot of money just in the first grow.You can get the set your looking for on Amazon.


Well-Known Member
Buy a meter you can thank me later.A ph,and PPM meter are your best friend in Soiless grows.Water evaporated not the Nutes causeing a very High PPM.I think you need to do some Reading on Nutes and Hydroponics.PH in soiless in alot more critical as far as Nutrient Avalibility,and can lock out nutes.


Well-Known Member
Buy a meter you can thank me later.A ph,and PPM meter are your best friend in Soiless grows.Water evaporated not the Nutes causeing a very High PPM.I think you need to do some Reading on Nutes and Hydroponics.PH in soiless in alot more critical as far as Nutrient Avalibility,and can lock out nutes.
I like this one, reminds me of an incident I had with one of my Bubbler's back in the day.I didn't have a ppm indicator and we were just winging the aero system's and I was high in nitrates in one bubbler the fucking plant turned completely white with a pink hue to it.The tissue looked healthy but all of these were cut from the same Mom and I knew something was wrong.I think I found out it was an air pump component or some shit.After I switched out she came out of lockout and all of the tissue slowly bled the green back into it.It looked badass at first.This was the mid 80's and a PPM tool was hard to find.