desert dude
Well-Known Member
I, for one, would very much like to see our president's college records. For somebody as obviously intellectually gifted as the president I would think he would be proud to release his records.
Really don't fucking care. Also, bush has an IQ of like 90. Intelligent he is not.
Bush is not running. Bush's college records are a matter of public record. I am talking about our current president, Obama.
Why didn't you ask about mittens? He's running.
Yeah, Mittens too. Let's have full disclosure on all of them. I would like to see all of their college, military, church, tax, and medical records. I would also like to see all of the same records for all sitting elected officials.
If Obama were running for a first term I would be very interested in his college records, I woud be in interested not so much in his accomplishments but his courses of study. Those might give me an idea of what he believes is important and what his areas of expertise really were.
It makes no difference now, as we have his presidential record to examine which causes anything he may have done in college to be rendered unimportant.
Really don't fucking care. Also, bush has an IQ of like 90. Intelligent he is not.
I will mark you down in the "not interested column". I AM interested though, not so much in what he studied or what his grades were, I am more interested in his application for admission.
I will mark you down in the "not interested column". I AM interested though, not so much in what he studied or what his grades were, I am more interested in his application for admission.
george bush senior, and george bush junior BOTH are far smarter than the average leftist. the claim that bush was stupid is based on his inability to perform on a stage.
oration is like being an actor. which is why trained actors are able to influence the emotions of the audience better than amateurs. BHO is an OK actor, with passable writers. he ius NOT a brilliant mind, only a good speaker. isaac asimov was a brilliant man who couldnt convince a crowd that water is wet if you stuck him on stage.
if you allow yourself to be so easily manipulated by oratory tricks, and a sincere seeming persona then i doubt YOUR intelligence, not the bushes.
Why? You actually believe that there was an international conspiricy to hide Obama's birthplace?
Top ten list of stuff Obama has not divulged:
"7. Medical records. In 2000, and again (briefly) in 2008, GOP presidential candidate Sen. John McCain released thousands of pages of his medical records. Obama, who had abused drugs and continued smoking, merely provided a one-page doctors note."
"1. Fast and Furious documents. After months of stonewalling Congress, Attorney General Eric Holder asked President Obama to use executive privilege to conceal thousands of documents related to the deadly scandal--and Obama did just that."
top five list of stuff romney has not divulged:
1) tax records for years he wasn't running for president
2) what tax loopholes he would close
3) his long form birth certificate
4) his college records
5) his gubernatorial records