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what do obama's college admissions records have to do with his governance?
Nothing, it just gets attention off Mittens, his tax returns and his millions in the Cayman Islands.
what do obama's college admissions records have to do with his governance?
what do obama's college admissions records have to do with his governance?
It established reliability and trustability. Do we want a lying, liar who lies as president? Some here do, and some don't. Lying ability is an asset for a politician...
But that obsurity is the only possibility of a lie that you have on Obama? Really? If we can't get that admission record then Obama is not a liar?
But Romney is proven to be a liar even without his tax returns.
A liar who isn't caught in his lie is still a liar.
Certainly, but you can't know he is a liar unless he is caught. Romney is caught.
I suspect he was joking. To me it sounds like a wry joke.
The 10% tithe is voluntary and it is done on an honor system. I have some Mormon friends and have asked this question.
I suspect he was joking. To me it sounds like a wry joke.
The 10% tithe is voluntary and it is done on an honor system. I have some Mormon friends and have asked this question.
It established reliability and trustability. Do we want a lying, liar who lies as president? Some here do, and some don't. Lying ability is an asset for a politician...
we already know every single politician alive lies, including gary johnson and rawn pawl.
the answer is how obama got into college has fuck all to do with his governance. it's just a race bait from a race baiter who is too unoriginal to even come up with his own race bait. you're using trump's material.
year old material for extra lameness.
So, was Obama lying when he said he was born in Kenya, or was he lying when he said he was born in Hawaii?
obama never said he was born in kenya. get some new material, race baiter.
So do I get to see candidate cock or what?
I suspect he was joking. To me it sounds like a wry joke.
The 10% tithe is voluntary and it is done on an honor system. I have some Mormon friends and have asked this question.
Really don't fucking care. Also, bush has an IQ of like 90. Intelligent he is not.
News Flash!!! Bush is NOT running for office.
Funny how you silly conservatives completely avoid the fact that mittnes is hiding millions in the Cayman Islands and he refuses to release his tax returns prior to 2010. What's he got to hide? Oh, but medical records are more important, right?
If he's hiding millions in secret bank accounts, how is it that YOU know about it?