Urgent!! Please Help Me! Yellow and drooping :( +REP


Active Member
Guys, so upset right now.

The details: Sensi Big Bud, Levington multi purpose compost, 30-40% perlite, 600w HPS with a dual spectrum lamp, Temperature under lamp 84 degrees Fahrenheit, Humidity 35%, Constant air flow. They get watered once an evening and they always dry out quick.

So as you can see they all look very unhappy. Yellowing and drooping.

What do I do RIU? Please bestow your fountain of knowledge upon me.



Well-Known Member
Too wet. See the perlite gathered at the top? Transplant now. Lay off any nutrients after transplanting for al least a week. Stop overwatering.


Well-Known Member
I dont think I agree with the overwatering. They dont look that wet and those pots will wick the moisture out of the soil kind of like a smart pot. Im going to say theyre being burned with nutes, or you're using really bad water.

Edit: considering I know nothing about the soil you are using, I would say possibly that they need ferts. Check the package and see if it has a NPK value. If it has ferts, then you're burning. If it has no ferts, then you need them.


Active Member
Okay thanks for the input hotrodharley! Really appreciated. You don't think they're drooping because of lack of water? They do look pretty yellow too. :/


Well-Known Member
Same thing happened to me. Same pot,mix,light etc....
I put them into their final pots and they soldiered through. I figured it was nute burn as well.
That compost stuff sure can be unpredictable...


Active Member
Okay guys, went and watered, gave them a good soaking!

Look at the different after literally 10 minutes to the top one, it looked really fucked in the photos above. Now what can I do about the yellowing, was thinking about going to big pots tomorrow.


I think supachaka could be half right, those pots will wick the moisture out of soil pretty quick. Maybe to quick. Do not keep your soil soggy wet. I have seeds in regular pots now and i can go days and days without having to water them. You must allow the soil to dry out to a degree, this promotes new root growth, if the soil is saturated all the time then the roots dont need to grow to look for moistu're/water. The nutes in the soil are plenty for it. How old are these?? Plants of this size need very very little nutes. I am not sure on you soil, but most commercial soils do have a set amount of nutes in provided to last a plant many weeks even months. So you will not need to give them any food at all atleast for a few weeks, dependant on how well they are growing.


Well-Known Member
Yeh, those pots...there's something about them, they're great for corn, but they aren't making an appearance in my grow again.


Well-Known Member
Its surprising how many people think seedlings don't need nutes when they can take more than a plant 2-4 weeks in veg.
Supchaka was half right even though that last line was a lil off WHAT? lol just add a 1/8-1/4 strength of nutes when it's time to water,after them new leaves come in all the way keep it @ 1/8 strength and gradually raise it week by week,until they are able to take full strength around 4-5 weeks veg


Active Member
You guys are bloody awesome. Do you think that the yellowing is because of a lack of Nitrogen? They are all going like it.

Just as point to note, I use a Brita water filter with tap water.


Well-Known Member
You guys are bloody awesome. Do you think that the yellowing is because of a lack of Nitrogen? They are all going like it.
Yeah because you watered a lot and nutes don't uptake well in wet soil.When the soil is dry you will see a big difference.


Well-Known Member
nobody has even mentioned ph. that weird twisting growth is very indicative of ph out of whack. my seedlings never get nutes until they show me they want them, and i dont even go full manufacturer recipe in flower, more is not always best.


Well-Known Member
nobody has even mentioned ph. that weird twisting growth is very indicative of ph out of whack. my seedlings never get nutes until they show me they want them, and i dont even go full manufacturer recipe in flower, more is not always best.
Ph wasn't worth mentioning cause it starts from the tips and high ph spots yellow, not even progression


Well-Known Member
You guys are bloody awesome. Do you think that the yellowing is because of a lack of Nitrogen? They are all going like it.

Just as point to note, I use a Brita water filter with tap water.
Just passing on the knowledge that none of us own...;)

I'd let them do their own thing for a day or two, see what's what.

Do you let you water sit out for 24 hours to evaporate chlorine?

The fat lady hasn't yet sung yet Scopse! Nowhere near it...


Active Member
Just passing on the knowledge that none of own...;)

I'd let them do their own thing for a day or two, see what's what.

Do you let you water sit out for 24 hours to evaporate chlorine?

The fat lady hasn't yet sung yet Scopse! Nowhere near it...
Thanks man! You made me feel a whole lot better. Really appreciate it.

So basically, tomorrow I should re pot to larger pots, water less often and leave my water out for 24 hours despite it going through a Brita filter?


Well-Known Member
Ph wasn't worth mentioning cause it starts from the tips and high ph spots yellow, not even progression
ph can cause tons of issues and not always, or even most of the time, is it just spots. nitrogen could be locked out as well as many other crucial elements.


Well-Known Member
If those Brita filters don't take the chlorine out you should.
What do they remove? I may get one myself, it's been a while since the grow had a new gadget! lol!


Active Member
If those Brita filters don't take the chlorine out you should.
What do they remove? I may get one myself, it's been a while since the grow had a new gadget! lol!
Brita filters claim to remove 99% of Chlorine and fluoride, they also seem to drop the Ph to about 7.


You've all been fantastic so far, regarding the PH of my soil. I just tested it and I think something may be majorly up...... I'll take some pics of the result and get them up momentarily. Superstoner1 I think you may be on to something.