Time to Wake Up


Well-Known Member
This entire Obama thing reminds me of the dot.com Bubble, the Amazon economy. Just keeps going up! Right. We Just Hope it will keep going. But, it won't. I worry, however,that's exactly what IT is. IT's what the World Left wants.

The failure, big time, of Capitalism, for the world history to see. The Left requires this as a necessary blunt, in the scope of history, for the big, actual failures of Communism and Fascism. They need to even the scales or Socialism with be pushed aside for the horrors of a World Consumer Economy.

The West brought to it's Knees. Many will die, but, that is just grits for the mill to strike back at the Great Satan, and continue the struggle from a then, more equal stance in the new Dark Ages.

The Constitution, our greatest strength, they want scrap it, by modernization efforts from the backward minded. But, every other country in the world gets along just fine.....???? More lies. France has a more strict Constitution than we do. The "Constitution" of the Commonwealth is the Magna Carta. Cr. 1200 and something. Common Law. Common Sense.

Coordinated attack by Al K, and a martyred US Ambassador, on 9/11 WTF

Isreal is more on the war foot than we have seen for a long time, baby gas masks WTF

Everything and, I mean everything, to the most petty level is lies and strong-arm in the US admin WTF

Our own Pres. is almost certainly not an American born US citizen and thus a non-Constitutuional leader WTF!!!

His auto-bio is full of made up people and the timeline is screwed up. He is an admitted Ivory Tower Leftist. WTF

The Democatic Party is lead by hideous gargoyles that don't make sense and get pissed at CNN when lies are revealed. WTF???

And I will say this with all honesty. The World was not ready for a black US president. We are the bastion of racial equality
for the world, yet you'd think we still own slaves. WTGDF!!!!

America's Stupid Test is only a few weeks away.


Active Member
tru-dat................im just hoping the crash comes after my investments mature......ill be moving to the bush....again!


Well-Known Member
"Time to Wake Up" is such a Yawn Paul supporter thread title.

Do you support Turtle Fucker Rawn?


Active Member
ignorance is measured by what You dont know.......and Ron Paul is the only hope for the failing experiment of social engeneering gone wrong..=..(USA)......JMHO


Well-Known Member
ignorance is measured by what You dont know.......and Ron Paul is the only hope for the failing experiment of social engeneering gone wrong..=..(USA)......JMHO
Yea, well keep huffing that silly gas all you want. RP is not EVER going to get the nomination. EVER.


Well-Known Member
Remember to stock trade goods after you buy your last supplies of your supplies with the last
of your wheelbarrows.



Active Member
Thats true he prob wont......but then again meet the new boss hes no different than the old boss....a two party system run by the military and corporate complex of amerika..again jmho.


Well-Known Member
"Time to Wake Up" is such a Yawn Paul supporter thread title.

Do you support Turtle Fucker Rawn?
No, I don't support Ron Paul. I am anti-facsist. I'm against Obama's minions. I'm against the amateurs. It is actually time for you to wake up. Nothing to do with the Ron, the idiot, Paul. It's about this. It's about the sneering condescension. It's about the Wise Guy thuggery, Chicago style organized crime. It is about how stupid can America be? Ignore history and repeat.
That stupid? We'll see.

I never vote for, only against.


Well-Known Member
No, I don't support Ron Paul. I am anti-facsist. I'm against Obama's minions. I'm against the amateurs. It is actually time for you to wake up. Nothing to do with the Ron, the idiot, Paul. It's about this. It's about the sneering condescension. It's about the Wise Guy thuggery, Chicago style organized crime. It about how stupid can America be? Ignore history and repeat.
That stupid? We'll see.

I never vote for, only against.
I suppose everyone else is stupid cept you right?

You mad bro?


Well-Known Member
You guys don't even know what Fox News is. You've never watched it. You eat the swill from the nanny trough. I watched CNN for the Rebublicrates and Fox for the Demicans. I watch Al J, for world News.

You guys sound like the Beta Drones, from Brave New World. Sadly under informed and snidely sneer upon the idea of triangulating News outlet
to find the real in the bs. Or, be lazy and smug. Sure, Fox is BS, they all are. You are the Drone and the Stupid Test is for you. Ignorance is Bliss is the Leftist dogma....oh yeah, same as the Right's. Don't take sides, vote against. Don't be a sheep. Don't be asleep.