Club 600


Well-Known Member
Ok guys after further research best to just run two flower rooms with 600watt hps, run on seperate hours to reduce peak times and run 4 off each lamp. and seperate 4 groups 2 in flower two in veg all 4 weeks apart supercrop and top and hope for 1lb a month? is that more feasable? going to be running a white widow crossed with big bud. using 3-4 gallon smart pots with fox farm nutes. Or am I still off? just trying to pull a lb a month without pulling to much electricity.

It is good to have goals. I want to bang Kate Middleton.
As was said, focus on growing a healthy plant. Get used to your environment and make adjustments.

If you are worried about speed, maybe you should be going with hydro or coco.
Coco is probably easier than hydro, but not as easy as soil.


Well-Known Member
coco for the win!. it's all i know and it's all i want to know if you get me? half a pound a month from one 600w light is easily achievable.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking hydro as a possibility but coco don't know a thing about at all will have to research this! any good threads onsite here?


Well-Known Member
not exactly looking for speed per say, gonna be a long wait for the system to start working but once setup im looking at harvest every month. 4 weeks veg 8-10 weeks flower.


Well-Known Member
There are a lot of good thread on RIU. A lot of bad ones too.

I still suck at growing plants. Another week, no growth, no roots, just another death. I think I'll get some new clones in the next couple days. Fucking sucks. What is my fucking issue. :(


Well-Known Member
There are a lot of good thread on RIU. A lot of bad ones too.

I still suck at growing plants. Another week, no growth, no roots, just another death. I think I'll get some new clones in the next couple days. Fucking sucks. What is my fucking issue. :(
check out my first grow in the grow journals. I'm sure your setup is much better than my slapped together closet that I'm using to play around and get the hang of things I'm still working on my room that will house my better setup. but maybe it could help and us both being new and all we could help each other out


Well-Known Member
check out my first grow in the grow journals. I'm sure your setup is much better than my slapped together closet that I'm using to play around and get the hang of things I'm still working on my room that will house my better setup. but maybe it could help and us both being new and all we could help each other out

look at his join date and then look at his signature then look at his previous grows.

he aint new he's just had a bad day lol


Well-Known Member
I'd love to smash K.M as well, although I only just thought about it now.....anyway, moving swiftly on.

One can not agree more, one must aim for good quality weed first, them look at yield.


Well-Known Member
you know i still haven't seen pics of her tits out of respect for my countries royal family.

only kidding i hear she has pancakes and i don't wanna ruin the fantasy!


Well-Known Member
They're tits!!! That is all. I've seen them and I can say, I've seen better here on the 600. Court orders? hahahaha They do nothing but fan the flames when they do this stuff. They should just laugh it off and show the young people that the monarchy of new is not the prudish of old. Hope I didn't offend.


Well-Known Member
if your wife was sunbathing topless in your garden then somebody was taking photographs from outside your property then published them for the world to see would you not take offence? that is what the big deal is about it's not like she was on a nudist beach or something.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I would agree to that. I've only seen the photos but I don't know anything else, other than they're arguing that they were taken from a public road. Immediately I thought, "yeah, but what kind of lens where you using and how far away was the road?" That said, they're digital pictures in a digital world. No court order in this world will stop those from going around. They're boring shots that are being kept alive by all the hoopla. I bet Kate wishes they'd just leave it alone. These kinds of stories never get me past the headline.


Well-Known Member
it is already yesterdays news, two police female police officers were murdered which is pretty big news over here, haven't heard much about these pics since the other day.

The New Jim Jones

Well-Known Member
I'll join Club600 ... I am running 3 x 600W electronic ballasts, flipping to 12/12 today!

This is a combination of Vert & Horizontal (both lighting & scrog) simultaneously, also running 2 HPS 1 MH for flower to see how that goes -- I have 3x Third Dimension 3x Wappa 2x AK47 and 2x Bag Seed (lol, hermies) of what I believe is NY Diesel.

I am working on setting up the light proof veg area today before lights out, otherwise I am going to just flower my runt AK47s, they were added 2 weeks later and I should veg them longer... also want to take some clones today first.


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thats whats up, real post right here son! i like what you did with the place


Well-Known Member
Just a quick seedling update before the wife gets home.
Had a rough few days a bit ago and forgot to water my Extrema seedlings and, mixed with hot weather, I lost five of them.
... four of them: one came back!

I kept them all hydrated since discovering their demise, just in case they weren't totally crispified.
Had actually given up on them all until I saw the re-growth.
No idea of gender, but will see how it does with some TLC.
The remaining eight Extrema seedlings survived the heat & lack of watering, but showed a bit of heat stress and some crispy leaves.
But they recovered nicely and I'm on the way to training them for some LST goodness.
They are also topped once, and are currently in 1-gallon pots.

"The Dead Forrest"

"Life Always Finds A way"

"The Once And Future Shire"

"And Now Here Is Ready For You Some Sexy-time Tree Bondages!"



Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about the bunch! I too had some babies go crispy on me awhile back cuz I got stuck working later than I intended