
dude your the tissue culture guy i know you knwo what your talking about . . . . .. whay are you trying to get into it with me

Do you think for a hot second that my abilities with tissue culture somehow implies that I can grow anything like you do? No, my expertise in growing pot ends when the plant is about two inches high.
Do you think for a hot second that my abilities with tissue culture somehow implies that I can grow anything like you do? No, my expertise in growing pot ends when the plant is about two inches high.

it implies that you made the effort to learn . . . . is that a assumption that i am wrong about

beenthere spouts out a few terms and they dont match up . . . . .just like a lot of what he says . . . . . claims to be a grower, uses my pics to prove some point about UB hating anything puts he his name on . . . . . .

if beenthere can callout others on there BS, then i feel no issues about doing it to him . . . why are you concerned with my position?
how do you increase par? cause i was under the impression that PAR light is a term and not a value to be increased . . its a way of measuring light spectrum usable my plants . . but ill listen to what you have to say as you take foot out of ass and put in head

so effin funny .

Dude, what is funny is your pretending to be something you are not.
I have no friking clue how digital ballasts increase par, I couldn't even begin to tell you.
But I have heard it before and also heard digital ballasts preserve the life of the PAR in your light.
This is why I said "I think" digital ballasts increase PAR.

Why the fuck do you people think everyone that grows must be a damn biologist and lighting engineer to produce top shelf products? Are you just overly impressed with technical talk or what?
Nothing, but being a pro has it beat.

well i dont know about beat, but the people that live with the medication i make sure are happy id say that better then just growing personal . . wouldnt you ,

what is this about? you seem edgy today?

beenthere tried to say he was a grower i proved he doesn't know shit,and when i present credible info he calls me a wiki warrior . . .but if i was to paraphrase the exact information he just ask for a link . . . . . typical spin tactics avoid the truth at all cost

still waiting for a HOW TO INCREASE$ PAR ANSWER that doesnt involve misinformation
it implies that you made the effort to learn . . . . is that a assumption that i am wrong about

I have many friends and associates who grow very very good pot. Many of them are not very smart and not very learned. Many of them have not knowingly altered their method or style of growing (I say knowingly because I have discovered that they do - inately). I probably know ten times what they do about plant metabolism, hormonal activity, changes in cell funtion and the like but they apply something less direct, they have a wisdom, a feel for the plant that I do not posess and all the learning I could ever muster will not impart that ability to me - I dream of being able to grow good pot but I cannot.
well i dont knwo about beat, but the poeple that live with the medication i make sure are happy id say that better then just growing personal . . wouldnt you

what is this about? youseem edgy today?

beenthere tried to sa yhe was a grower i proved he doesn't know shit,and when i present credible info he calls me a wiki warrior . . .but if iwas to paraphrase the exact information he just ask for a link . . . . . typical spin tactics avoid the truth at all cost

still waiting for a HOW TO INCREASE$ PAR ANSWER that doesnt involve misinformation

I kinda wanted to have everyone ease up a little is all. And also I am feeling a bit inadequate - I lost over a hundred clones yesterday to hydrosis (or rather I deterrmined yesterday that they cannot be saved).
I have many friends and associates who grow very very good pot. Many of them are not very smart and not very learned. Many of them have not knowingly altered their method or style of growing (I say knowingly because I have discovered that they do - inately). I probably know ten times what they do about plant metabolism, hormonal activity, changes in cell funtion and the like but they apply something less direct, they have a wisdom, a feel for the plant that I do not posess and all the learning I could ever muster will not impart that ability to me - I dream of being able to grow good pot but I cannot.

like i siad, i assumed you choose to learn, not try and one up people(not suggestion you are), like beenthere, information even misinformation is power to him . . to you its just more to add to the vast knowledge you have learned

so why are you at my throat? in a debate(at this moment) about someones else grow experience/knowledge

I kinda wanted to have everyone ease up a little is all. And also I am feeling a bit inadequate - I lost over a hundred clones yesterday to hydrosis (or rather I deterrmined yesterday that they cannot be saved).

talk to beenthere im sure he will tell you to PH to 9 and use hot water, or whatever else RIU info he has gleamed on this site

and by the way the Tissue culture shit is bad ass
beenthere spouts out a few terms and they dont match up Post um up bro, I'm not a techie and never proclaimed to be, just the opposite to be honest. . . . .just like a lot of what he says . . . . . claims to be a grower, uses my pics to prove some point about UB hating anything puts he his name on I am guilty of that, and will admit it. I knew damn well Bucky would cap on your shit if he thought it was mine!. . . . . .

if beenthere can callout others on there BS, then i feel no issues about doing it to him . . . why are you concerned with my position?

Bro, look back at the posts, it was you starting shit with me about growing!
I just fired back like most guys would.

no its on page one abandoned or whatever . . .i simply agreed and interjected with you would have to know what PAR light is to post in advanced growing

and to be considered a grower( and i guess i should have been more specific as i shoudl have said s grower worth his salt in NPK)

then you went and grabbed my photos and tried to get smart . . epic fail, ballst fail PAR lightfail magnetic hrz friend fail

you dont have to lie to kick it and the fact that you would lie about something so trivial as growing knowledge shows your character

a liar, who lies to make people think hes cool/correct/right whatever narcissistic reason

still waiting on the explanation of how to increase PAR light(you might as well just admit you were wrong so i can put it in my sig, cause this probably wont stop until closure of your misinformation has come, epic PAR fail, par for the course imo )
so why are you at my throat? in a debate(at this moment) about someones else grow experience/knowledge


If you read it that way then I am remiss in my communications - I am just posting shit dude, I really do feel inadequate when you guys start talking about your grows, like the little boy who is surrounded by adults saying "look, look, look at what I made".
dude, doing and applying what you know is the only thing that stand in your way of being (more than likely) a better grower then most . .imho . . . . having a fundamental understanding of the plant is key, if you dont then your just a tourist trying out the new fad

from Rhizo zone to protoplasts, from calvin cycle
to photropism . . is all relevant and if you don't know then yes you are a child wondering into a theater wanting to know how the movies turns out . . . .. aka donny

you are no donny cando

beenthere as seen the movie five times he still doesn't know who it ends
dude, doing and applying what you know is the only thing that stand in your way of being (more than likely) a better grower then most . .imho . . . . having a fundamental understanding of the plant is key, if you dont then your just a tourist trying out the new fad

from Rhizo zone to protoplasts, from calvin cycle
to photropism . . is all relevant and if you don't know then yes you are a child wondering into a theater wanting to know how the movies turns out . . . .. aka donny

you are no donny cando

beenthere as seen the movie five times he still doesn't know who it ends

Well then explain to me why I need understand more about protoplasm to be a better grower!
Can you fire off an answer off the top of your head or do you need time to research it?
ya, i can

cells rigidity help in the transfer of nutrients from cell to cell, a healthy strong cell is a better plant more efficient


waiting . . . . . . . .

been 20 minuets since i posted . . .. i answered asap . . . within 3 min . . . .