My Current set up: journal?

Please keep us trying out some t5s on small veggin and cloning room.don't have enough lights I think.maybe when they come on ill get some pictures.see what u think?

Hey highdro, welcome to our group. We have a contest of sorts going on and I started a new journal for that. THe harvest from the test table was a little over 18 oz from 12 plants, a few of them were close to 2 and some were around 1 oz. I still have one table of the widows left, they will be coming down this week. Soo... its kinda like my current setup isn't current anymore. The other thread has more information on the step you would take to go from seed to weed. Stop and take a look, hope you like it. VV:blsmoke:
Toss it. That one is just too big, if you can't fit it in the jar, how are you supposed to fit it in a bowl or a joint.
I found a bigger jar, a tight fit but its in there. Maybe we could make a vaporizer out of it. VV:hump::peace::blsmoke:


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Dude, I just finished my lollipop grow, I got one main cola the is 16cm long, as wide as red bull can the whole way. Dense shit too. I was thinking it was interweb worthy and you have to go and put up pics like that. Back to the damn drawing board.
Dude, I just finished my lollipop grow, I got one main cola the is 16cm long, as wide as red bull can the whole way. Dense shit too. I was thinking it was interweb worthy and you have to go and put up pics like that. Back to the damn drawing board.

..there you go, that one in the picture is not dense like yours, its a fluffly top. That whole thing is just over an oz 28.8 grams dry. My next grow will be even smaller, I have been trying to learn to trim off the bottom 1/3 of the plants so I can get those dense buds everyone else gets. Guess its like Al B says, there is something counterintuitive about cutting off perfectly good flowering. It's a good thing FDD and fletch etc. back him up on it or I would agree with him, its still in the hypothisis stage, he's only been doing it that way for 8 years or so, still working on it. And of course it is the best looking one so far, so its kinda like cheating to just show that one. VV:twisted:
Wait what cutting back the bottom, makes for better top growth?? hmmm did not know that. is there a specific method of doing this or can i get my chain saw?? :mrgreen:
That is what a sog grow is all about. If you haven't yet you need to view Al B Fucts Journal, Get A Harvest Every To Weeks. It's required reading. Just the first 10 or twelve pages and of course A Batch of Clones In Rockwool as well. He has this theory he has been working with for the last 8 years or so. When I started viewing his method he was harvesting 13 to 16 oz every two weeks with an 8-9 week flowering plant, Sweet Tooth #4. Now he is averaging 24 zips every two weeks, maybe more, I haven't looked at the fiqures since he installed the cool tubes on his lights which should be another improvement. I can't catch him because he won't stand still. But, I do have some plans of my own forming. He better watch his back, I am coming for him. LOL. VV
Look at DirtBags, he calls it Limbing. Thats when he takes his clones. If I am seeing it correctly he has his clones in the flood table for about two weeks, then vegging for about four weeks. Then he limbs them puppies. The colas will get all of the attention that way. VV
Look at DirtBags, he calls it Limbing. Thats when he takes his clones. If I am seeing it correctly he has his clones in the flood table for about two weeks, then vegging for about four weeks. Then he limbs them puppies. The colas will get all of the attention that way. VV

Cool. That might work well for me.

Are there posts that deal with the specifics of "limbing"?
Al B shows lots of details in his cloning thread of the kinds of cuttings he take. AND shows pictures of two week, four week, six week and 8 week flowering plants periodically. The last time was to illustrate the result he is getting from a sulpher 'burner'. DirtBagBrian has some great before and after pictures of 'Limbing' in his thread. I think his are about 3' tall when he limbs them. He does have pictures of his cloning setup and I am working on getting him to post more details. The 'Criplet' is finally able to post pictures in his thread, he should be doing a hydro style clone to Sun something potting mix transplant in his next few posts, I will be watching for that. VV:blsmoke:

I've been meaning to ask, what the hell does that sulfur burner actually do? I can't tell if its a co2 thing or an air cleaning thing or something complete different.
Thanks vv your thread has been very helpfull. I've been doing a lot of research here and it seems like the majority say fluors are junk. I have one 4' t5ho 6 blb and it seems to work well but i was skeptical about using them to flower. from what i see here I'm gonna pick up another 4' 6 blb and a 4' 8 blb. Do you think mixing the bulbs 50/50 is best or using more blue for veg and more red for flower? I was thinking of using 1 or 2 blues w/ the reds and 1or2 reds w/the blues. I hope my grow turns out as good as yours, gonna try hempybuckets for the first time.

happy growing

ps the best price i found on t5's are at