debate #1


Well-Known Member
oh, the joy of a heavily scripted "debate".

each team is hard at work downplaying expectations for themselves and upping expectations on the other.

obama says he is just OK at debating. ryan says obama is a good debater (the only positive thing you will hear them say about obama until he is reelected). ryan is downplaying the fact that their failing campaign needs a debate breakthrough.

rumor has it that romney is planning on a months-in-the-making zinger while obama is not. a good zinger in the debates could be the thing romney needs to make this thing competitive again.

i'm going to go out on my limb with mccain and predict three boring ass, non game changing, barely needle nudging debates.

see you on wednesday! :hug:
the closer we get, the stonger my romney ennui throbs. something tells me he is going to fuck up.

i don't mind being wrong, just a feeling though.
my chicken just tried to eat my toe. i think that will be more interesting than the debate.

fuck you ryan, THIS is the debate thread.
Smashing success so far. Fahrenkopf warns audience if they violate the cheering/clapping rules: "a button will be pushed and you’ll be swimming with the fishes."

well i have to say i dislike both candidates, but I AM ENJOYING how mittens is just destroying Obama.!
Lol they're just ignoring the moderator.

They are both asshats. I hate that creepy smirk Romney has. He looks so damn smarmy.
totally agree ^^

but of course Romney is going to shine more, Obama is a complete idiot. He is totally clueless.

Now i'm looking forward to the V.P. Debate.. I bet Biden is not looking forward to that, he is going to get pwned by Ryan.. This election is already in the bag.
totally agree ^^

but of course Romney is going to shine more, Obama is a complete idiot. He is totally clueless.

Now i'm looking forward to the V.P. Debate.. I bet Biden is not looking forward to that, he is going to get pwned by Ryan.. This election is already in the bag.

Yeah I don't even think it's a fair debate as much as Dem's rag on Ryan he is a bright individual and I really don't feel the two are on the same intellectual level.
I thoroughly enjoyed the fuck out of that debate.

Obama did not make any mistakes but his demeanor was not good at all. I was watching Fox News and I dont know if the camera shots were the same across all feeds or if they were different depending on the network.

Obama looked tired, defensive and just did not have any flair or force. He did not look into the camera much except when talking about Obamacare. And like a typical liberal he kept trying to create strawmen to attack (Romney cuts 5 trillion in taxes and adds 2 trillion to defense) but Romney batted those away.

And the one zinger was priceless "One of my friends says you only pick the losers".... BAM!!!

So yeah, to all of those who said Obama was going to destroy Romney in the debate... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
oh, the joy of a heavily scripted "debate".

each team is hard at work downplaying expectations for themselves and upping expectations on the other.

obama says he is just OK at debating. ryan says obama is a good debater (the only positive thing you will hear them say about obama until he is reelected). ryan is downplaying the fact that their failing campaign needs a debate breakthrough.

rumor has it that romney is planning on a months-in-the-making zinger while obama is not. a good zinger in the debates could be the thing romney needs to make this thing competitive again.

i'm going to go out on my limb with mccain and predict three boring ass, non game changing, barely needle nudging debates.

see you on wednesday! :hug:

I think team-Obama should have worked a little harder at down playing expectations for Dear Leader cause Romney just handed the president his ass.