Grow Journal #5-12/12 from seed to finish, 400W Grow Cabinet, Hydro & Soil


Well-Known Member
Week 13, Day 1 - 12/12 from seed

I took a test bud off of BHP, twice actually, once last night and once again today when I got off of work. last night the bud was still kinda moist so I had to mix it with tobacco for it to burn. and boy was I sorry I did that. I dunno how else to describe it besides 'not ready'. it still had that "green" taste to it (if U dont know the "green" taste go outside and pull up a few strands of grass, put it in ur pipe and smoke it. it'll be kinda harsh, really hard to keep lit, and probably leave a gross aftertaste in ur mouth and leave green resin on ur lips...) needless to say I barely got a buzz from it:-/

But when I got some today it was much better, it stayed lit, wasnt as harsh and had a much higher potency. the leaves crumbled to the touch but the buds underneath were still moist. itll be ready to cure tomorrow. I wont say much about the high at the moment bcuz it seems as if the longer I let it dry & cure the higher the potency will be. so im gonna do some experimenting with that to get the best dry/cure schedule for my taste..

My Indica Dom is 10 weeks and one day old today! shes been flowering for oddly 5 weeks and her buds are starting to worry me. at 5 weeks Id think Id see a lil more budding and trichs pumping out but with bagseed genetics U never really know..

Im not sure what I will do with her seeds when they finish. I'll probably germinate them and back-cross them with a bubblicious mother, I wanna make sure the bubblicious is the dominant genes in the F1 hybrid.

OR I could just cross a male and a female of the Bubb x Bagseed and stabilize the strain before I back-cross. tims isnt really an issue, but I only have 4 Nirvana Bubblicious (IBL) seeds left and so far Im only 3/10 with those..

Either way Im keeping the seeds to breed. I decided to cross the Bubb with this bagseed bcuz of the fast growth, tight internode spacing, and what the possible yeild could be. I crossed it with Bubblicious bcuz of the line of genetics in it (it comes from the same line as White Widow and Blueberry..sorta like first cousins)

so with that in mind what do U all think would be best?

Pics on the way... :-)


Well-Known Member
Week 13, Day 1 - 12/12 from seed

I took a test bud off of BHP, twice actually, once last night and once again today when I got off of work. last night the bud was still kinda moist so I had to mix it with tobacco for it to burn. and boy was I sorry I did that. I dunno how else to describe it besides 'not ready'. it still had that "green" taste to it (if U dont know the "green" taste go outside and pull up a few strands of grass, put it in ur pipe and smoke it. it'll be kinda harsh, really hard to keep lit, and probably leave a gross aftertaste in ur mouth and leave green resin on ur lips...) needless to say I barely got a buzz from it:-/

i know exactly what you mean:spew:you live and learn....cant wait for the pics:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Week 13, Day 3 Pics

Nirvana Bubblicious 9 weeks, 3 days under 12/12 from seed. (4 weeks, 3 days into flowering.)



Well-Known Member
......where are the plants???......why would you put pics of a forest on here??:confused:...:mrgreen:...awsome!!!!
lol CB U silly. thanks for following my grow. its crazy how many PM's I get everytime I sign on about this grow but nobody comments in here lol. Ive been asekd some really good questions pertaining to this grow, I might have to go thru the questions and post em in here so eveyrone can benefit from my answers.

Im gonna stop by ur GJ soon as I put up this next update.


Well-Known Member
Ive gotta take a minute out to do some correcting in this thread...

Week 8, Day 6

As of this day "The Queen" will no longer be part of this journal. I cant give specifics now but trust me ladies and gentlemen, its for the best.

Pollination successful.

I tried to keep it simple, this is my first time *purposely* breeding

those arent seed pods BTW

Ok it turns out they WERE SEED PODS! 75% of the bud was seeds, I shoulda took a pic but I had a zip of all seeds. My mistake for what I stated earlier. I shoulda known better than to leave that Nirvana Bubblicious MALE in the room with all of my FEMALES!! Grrr...

I got 2 plants that look just like this, one is inside, one is outside.

I dont know what strain it is, or how old they are, I just know it was good smoke and I wanted to grow more. I probably shoulda paid closer attention to the dates, but Ive been so busy outside of growing. Im still having a hard time trying to keep up with the dates of the other plants also.
this is "Early". it was the first to germinate, fastest growing, and the weaker of the 3. I coulda SWORE I seen balls on this plant! I put it in the veg chamber bcuz I really did like the strain and I wanted to somehow cross it with the bubblicious offspring. but after a couple weeks what looked like balls turned out to just be new growth.. now I find out that Early is a FEMALE.

and the OTHER one, "Sunshine" that I took outside bcuz I thought she was indeed a FEMALE turned out to be a MALE!..

pics on the way...


Well-Known Member
This is "Sunshine"..the one I had previously thought was a female.

turns out to be a MALE!!! Grr....

but I noticed he is starting to turn purple, Im wondering if this is due to GENETICS or the outside temps???

Im not taking any chances, I could cross those purple genetics with my bubblicious to help create my ultimate strain if this is true..

I took a clone for future uses.

not only was his male parts turning purple, but the stem is also turning purple...

now Im getting excited.


Well-Known Member
This is "Early". I had originally thought this one to be MALE, so I supercropped it, stuck it into the veg chamber, and back into flower...and it turned out to be a FEMALE. what had looked like balls before was only new growth.

her main stem is also beginning to turn purple..

I dont wanna get too excited to early but this definitely has my hopes up.

I took a bunch of clones and put them into the veg chamber under 24/0 for faster growth.

The big one is the "sunshine" clone, the four on the right are "early" clones and the three in the back are all bubblicious clones. Two of the bubblicious clones have already rooted.


Well-Known Member
"Early" and "Sunshine" are both 7 weeks, and 6 days old. 12/12 from seed.

on that note I wanna remind all my viewers that the reason Im doing this grow is not to prove 12/12 from seed is better than the traditional ways of growing. in my opinion the only time Id do 12/12 from seed again is if I was short on SPACE, but I had plenty of time. The plants seem to grow a lot slower, smaller yes, but Ive grown larger plants under CFL's.


Well-Known Member
lol...your male plants look more dank than some female grows i'v seen......the girls are doing supurb,.......i might put one of em as my desktop've got your hands full but im sure your not complaining:mrgreen:


Active Member
dude you really F your girls up by keeping a male in there. its almost a waste of time. and were you cloning to try to grow like a bowl? because you knew the sex a long time ago cause you wanted to do 12/12 right away, i dunno im just confused by this one.


Active Member
Week 13, Day 1 - 12/12 from seed

I took a test bud off of BHP, twice actually, once last night and once again today when I got off of work. last night the bud was still kinda moist so I had to mix it with tobacco for it to burn. and boy was I sorry I did that. I dunno how else to describe it besides 'not ready'. it still had that "green" taste to it (if U dont know the "green" taste go outside and pull up a few strands of grass, put it in ur pipe and smoke it. it'll be kinda harsh, really hard to keep lit, and probably leave a gross aftertaste in ur mouth and leave green resin on ur lips...) needless to say I barely got a buzz from it:-/

But when I got some today it was much better, it stayed lit, wasnt as harsh and had a much higher potency. the leaves crumbled to the touch but the buds underneath were still moist. itll be ready to cure tomorrow. I wont say much about the high at the moment bcuz it seems as if the longer I let it dry & cure the higher the potency will be. so im gonna do some experimenting with that to get the best dry/cure schedule for my taste..

My Indica Dom is 10 weeks and one day old today! shes been flowering for oddly 5 weeks and her buds are starting to worry me. at 5 weeks Id think Id see a lil more budding and trichs pumping out but with bagseed genetics U never really know..

Im not sure what I will do with her seeds when they finish. I'll probably germinate them and back-cross them with a bubblicious mother, I wanna make sure the bubblicious is the dominant genes in the F1 hybrid.

OR I could just cross a male and a female of the Bubb x Bagseed and stabilize the strain before I back-cross. tims isnt really an issue, but I only have 4 Nirvana Bubblicious (IBL) seeds left and so far Im only 3/10 with those..

Either way Im keeping the seeds to breed. I decided to cross the Bubb with this bagseed bcuz of the fast growth, tight internode spacing, and what the possible yeild could be. I crossed it with Bubblicious bcuz of the line of genetics in it (it comes from the same line as White Widow and Blueberry..sorta like first cousins)

so with that in mind what do U all think would be best?

Pics on the way... :-)

Also bud is cured after it is dried. Curing is to make it flavorful and perfect to smoke, theres is no way that after curing your bud it will gain potency. the THC in your bud depends on when you harvested. there really is no schedual for drying/curing either, its either dry or not. Hopefully you figured that one out. Plus having grown them with a male, i would not expect very potent pot at all. Especially seeing how Females Res out in hopes of being pollinated.


Well-Known Member
dude you really F your girls up by keeping a male in there. its almost a waste of time. and were you cloning to try to grow like a bowl? because you knew the sex a long time ago cause you wanted to do 12/12 right away, i dunno im just confused by this one.
hey thanks for stoppin by.

Ya, U live and U learn. The worse part is that ALL of the seeds were immature! Grr...thats why I harvested a week early on that one...I definitaley wasnt able to reap what I had sown, as it were. fortunately nothing else was pollinated unintentionally so no harm was done.

Im actually cloning for a few different reasons:

1.) bcuz I want to cross the Bubblicious with the Indica Bagseed
2.) I wanna back-cross the "Bubblicious x Indica Bagseed" with Bubblicious for a bubb dominant strain, but with the phenotype of the indica bagseed.
3.) Bcuz Im not having a good germination rate with the beans I got from Nirvana.

I didnt know the sex from the start. I found out after about 3 weeks of 12/12 from seed. cloning really isnt an issue for me. so far im 100% on taking cuttings, and Ive taken cuttings while a plant has been vegging, flowering and after revegging..and all of them rooted.

U can do anything U put ur mind to.

Also bud is cured after it is dried. Curing is to make it flavorful and perfect to smoke, theres is no way that after curing your bud it will gain potency. the THC in your bud depends on when you harvested. there really is no schedual for drying/curing either, its either dry or not. Hopefully you figured that one out. Plus having grown them with a male, i would not expect very potent pot at all. Especially seeing how Females Res out in hopes of being pollinated.

Actually curing is for aroma, taste and to re-distribute moisture thru the bud after it has dried. when the bud is crispy to the touch it can still be wet inside. curing helps so the bud isnt too dry, but isnt too wet.

and actually curing is what causes the psychoactive chemicals in THC to activate. so it does get slightly more potent when U cure it.

U should brush up on the topic. heres a post U can check out
Does curing affect potency?

Contributed by: PREMIER
Thanks to: fergetit
Amended: Oct 22, 2003

Curing can seemingly affect potency because often the first time the buds feel "dry", they really aren't. Once they start to cure and sweat, you will see how much moisture is left.

Curing is mostly for aroma and taste, but the first week after "drying" will still have some effect on the potency as the bud fully dries.

If the above is not reason enough, here is a more scientific explanation:

Drying bud converts crude acidic THC from its nonactive form into a neutral pH psychoactive substance. Each THC molecule has to lose it's moisture content in order to become fully psychoactive.

[Editor's note: Starkes suggests up to 95% of the cannabinoids will remain carboxylized in dried and cured plant matter]

When the water exits the bud, the THC becomes slightly different in molecular structure. As Fatima mentioned (See thread, heating can make THC readily active by immedietly vaporizing the bud's moisture content away. However, as Fatima also mentioned, aging is important too.

First the bud is "dried", but can still contain some moisture within. By using the "cure", the THC slowly becomes psychoactive. Curing builds a more uniformily dried bud with a better burn and taste. Almost all the THC converts to the usable psychoactive cannabinoid over the alotted time, without the degradation from drying the bud rapidly with heat.

(from fergetit)
It's true we all know bud can appear dry, but still have moisture locked in the stems, it doesn't really affect carboxylization.

According to Starkes and Clarke, cured buds undergo a:

Reduction in Chlorophyll content,
Reduction in plant starch content,
Reduction in nitrate levels,
Loss of moisture,
Loss of volitile terpenoids,
and the polycyclic aromatization of other terpenoids.

All of these phenomena reperesent a loss in weight, and gain in net potency (except for the polycyclic aromatization of terpenoids which affects flavor). Note: over time THC will start converting to useless cannabinol (CBN), which it can do in its carboxylized form no problem.

The bud that has an homogeneous moisture content throughout will give the bud a nice firey glow when burned. Cured buds pack in bowls easier and break down into blunts and joints without difficulty.

Hash that has been cured forms a beautiful rhine around the outside with a rich creamy inside. Cured bud and hash is great and worth the trouble. The taste is awesome as all the excess chlorophyll has been broken down. A smoother smoke is created. In my mind, curing bud is like tenderizing meats... it makes it more palatable and more enjoyable to use.

by "finding a schedule" I meant determining how long I would dry, how long I would cure, if I wanted to simultaneously do a combination of both (maybe hang to dry for a few then curing for a few and alternating for a slower dry/cure which will lead to a better smoke). I have to determine how long it takes me to do the whole process and get it down to an exact schedule so I can be consistent everytime.


Well-Known Member
Hey man...I've seen you around the forums, but have never checked out any of your grows. Nice fucken grow box you built there man. I haven't been able to read all this, but I'm going to ASAP.

Those buds look killer!



Well-Known Member
Hey man...I've seen you around the forums, but have never checked out any of your grows. Nice fucken grow box you built there man. I haven't been able to read all this, but I'm going to ASAP.

Those buds look killer!

lol aww u think so? theyre nothing compared to what Ive seen from so many other ppl. we have a lot of great growers on this board. but thanks for the compliment and thanks for stoppin by.

I feel like my grow has only just begun, my potential is startin to take off now that Ive identified all of my mistakes. now I gotta put forth effort to make sure no more craziness happens ever again.


Well-Known Member
you continue to amaze me....i didnt know you could clone during long into flowering did you take those cuttings??