100 percent indica or sativa

This is untrue. Moisture kills the viability of pollen, and any pollen "sucked up" in a storm would be killed before it ever got a chance to pollinate a plant on the other side of the ocean. This is why breeders spray down a female which has been pollinated before bringing it back into the flowering room, to avoid pollinating the other females in the room. There are pure sativas and there are pure indicas, and there are hybrids of both, as well as rudys (autoflowering cannabis).

Just Google "Pollen crossing oceans" ...... hundreds of results.

The first is Nasa, maybe you'll believe them http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2001/ast26jun_1/

Please just research this is very basic knowledge.
Also ....

Are people unaware what the word "per cent" means. .... Its a math term with a very specific meaning. LOL.

I challenge ANYONE reading this. If a 100% sativa plant exists, please post a link with ANY scientific or genetic description and not from a seed website.

Even if such a plant existed (it doesnt) and even if its genome mapped, a numerical % value could not be attributed. Its just not the way inheritance works.
Look at the plants from the remote malawi in Africa. These seeds are products of inbreeding for centuries. They are virtually identical. Size smell and structure. Sure there is minute chance that a indica pollen can blow over from mid east, but what are the chances of that? What would be the chances of that gene being dominant. It would probably just be bred out with the inbreeding. There are plants in the purest forms in remote places across the globe. Pure, I dont know, but the purest for available, yes.
I would quite like a hermi oneday. Never got one myself. ... 1 seed in 20 turning hermi seems quite poor though, my guess is this shows a lack of genetic variation. i.e Inbreeding. ... I wonder if this is more common in Landraces. ... (more reading needed)

I think Flying Dutchman are saying when they say 'Pure' is that it hasn't been through extensive hybridization by humans as so many of the modern 'strains' have in the last 20-30 years.
What u said about flying Dutchmans description of the strain Is exactly what I was meaning about the afghan kush and Pakistani valley strains, but didn't have the words to put it like u have.when I said they were isolated and had nothing around to breed with,which in my eyes made them pure.Was my uneducated way of putting it! Lol
Look at the plants from the remote malawi in Africa. These seeds are products of inbreeding for centuries. They are virtually identical. Size smell and structure. Sure there is minute chance that a indica pollen can blow over from mid east, but what are the chances of that? What would be the chances of that gene being dominant. It would probably just be bred out with the inbreeding. There are plants in the purest forms in remote places across the globe. Pure, I dont know, but the purest for available, yes.

Purest available doesn't contribute to the debate.

The OP was , is there a 100% Sativa or Indica. The answer is NO.


This reminds of debates Ive had with people who claim they are from 100% European lineage. or that they are 100% White. again meaningless.

or when Pedigree Dog owners claim their pet is 100% pittbull or pure Labrador. ... It has to be explained that what they have is actually a cross bred animal. They'll argue, because for them, 'seeing' whats in front of them is more important than any facts about ancestry or genetics.
Damn, let it go. Who cares if they call it 100% (I think we all know what percent means Big Guy)
It is just a name. I'm sure they have very little sativa characteristics in the plants they call 100% indica.

No pollen from my seed room gets into my tent which is 4 feet away.

Landrace Thai is great for breeding, it makes up about 20 percent (suck it) of blueberry.
Damn, let it go. Who cares if they call it 100% (I think we all know what percent means Big Guy)
It is just a name. I'm sure they have very little sativa characteristics in the plants they call 100% indica.

No pollen from my seed room gets into my tent which is 4 feet away.

Landrace Thai is great for breeding, it makes up about 20 percent (suck it) of blueberry.

It a forum and its where we discuss things. Who are you to tell anyone what to talk about? Many people have commented on finding the discussion useful and the feedback I have been getting has been all positive. .... I have 10 people liking my comments? You have zero. Since you understand percentages , go do the math.
Yeh man! There's differing opinions on this thread, heading towards a general consensus and/or information dispersal

Forums at their best.
TBH, not sure if the seeds I got from Holy Smoke are 100% sativa...but I do know my Nepali Rukum (and its two clones) look like 100% sativa! Nothing indica about this plant...tall, lanky, narrow leaves, airy buds, you name it.

Which strain do you think was not sativa 100%? Appreciate any help there as I am seriously considering growing a couple of his strains.
The debate on whether Sativa and Indica plants are different plants or even different sub-species continues.

Personally, I believe them to be the same plant. My thoughts on it are that; as with any organism of the same spieces there will be a range of differing phenotypical expressions.

Just like Humans, some will grow tall, some short. Some people are fat, whilst others are thin. Some are physically strong, whilst others are relatively weak.

A person born in India may have brown skin, whilst somebody born in Europe may have white skin. .... We do not classify them as distinct species or sub-specie. And we know they share >99% of the same genetic code. The <1% difference is more than enough to express a different physical appearance.

IMO, the same argument can be made for Cannabis.

Localised populations will always share more similarities because essentially they are closer relatives than populations further away. All the same, they are almost genetically identical.


It a forum and its where we discuss things. Who are you to tell anyone what to talk about? Many people have commented on finding the discussion useful and the feedback I have been getting has been all positive. .... I have 10 people liking my comments? You have zero. Since you understand percentages , go do the math.

You were flogging a dead horse. Telling people what percent means is boorish.
likes, lol.

All marijuana is cannabis sativa. That includes sativa, indica, ruderalis, industrial hemp...
You were flogging a dead horse. Telling people what percent means is boorish.
likes, lol.

All marijuana is cannabis sativa. That includes sativa, indica, ruderalis, industrial hemp...

Please quote where I told anyone what % means. I never.

I merely stated it has a specific meaning, since the topic of the discussion was about % (please see OP) it was entirely appropriate.

With regards to boorish comments, youre welcome to ignore my posts. Have a nice day.
Please quote where I told anyone what % means. I never.

I merely stated it has a specific meaning, since the topic of the discussion was about % (please see OP) it was entirely appropriate.

With regards to boorish comments, youre welcome to ignore my posts. Have a nice day.

You edited it out, don't act like you didn't. It was condescending and boorish, that is why you edited it.
Now I'm beating a dead horse.
Please feel free to ignore me as well. I'll refrain from telling you what "ignore" means.
Have a day.
If you want a really solid indica plant look at LA Confidential from DNA Genetics or LUCY from Reserva Privada Colorado. If youre interested in Pure sativas research Nevilles haze and look at Arjans Haze from Greenhouse seed company. Hazes are Sativa Dominant. Kush's are indica dominant. Look at lineage and see what the crosses are. You need to learn about landraces and crosses.
You edited it out, don't act like you didn't. It was condescending and boorish, that is why you edited it.
Now I'm beating a dead horse.
Please feel free to ignore me as well. I'll refrain from telling you what "ignore" means.
Have a day.

Troll on the ropes and lying. Please stop derailing an otherwise interesting thread. The people following this thread know you are talking shit and have nothing to contribute.

Consider yourself ignored.
A 100% indica or sativa is extremely rare, most strains now days are crossed to get the benefits of both. Not saying they aren't out there, but the chances you'll find one are slim.

Sorry, but this is completely untrue.

There are any number of 100% pure indica strains out there for commercial sale, as well as any number of 100% pure sativas.

Off the top of my head, Afghan #1, Black Domina, Master Kush, Hindu Kush, Maple Leaf indica, and Mazari Shariff are a few pure Afghani indicas that are commercially available that come to mind. William's Wonder is a pure indica, and this was recently re-introduced into seed form by Sickmeds seeds. I think Granddaddy purps is a pure indica too.

As to pure sativas, again there are plenty of them out there (including Durban Poison and other African strains, Neville's haze, Mexican Sativa, etc), though as a matter of practice the pure sativas can't be grown outdoors to completion in most of the USA. They're also not suitable for indoor growing, especially for beginners (they tend to stretch and take a long time to finish).

If you really want a "sativa" you're probably better off with a strong sativa hybrid like Jack Herer, Super Silver Haze, etc, etc.
I would like to apologize to the thread for the both of us for.

Troll on the ropes and lying. Please stop derailing an otherwise interesting thread.

You edited it out and now you are lying about it like a 7 year old.
On the ropes? Child please.

People are talking about percents and varieties, don't you want to step on the conversation with your exciting and fresh ideas about percentages?
Next to you want to talk about the use of the word "strain" to describe plants? It is interesting, but not germane to the conversation.