Do you believe it. Drop in Unemployment.???


Well-Known Member
Obama likes to bail out banks and Wall Street, then act like he hates them. He voted for TARP. His finger prints are all over it.


Well-Known Member
You mean being handed a economy in free fall it's his fault? Every jobs bill post 2010 being blocked is his fault? I notice you ignored how Reagan actually accomplished that and it wasn't by cutting taxes.

YOU CALL THIS A RECOVERY? :lol: You lie in every statement you make. Reagan cut taxes accross the board by 20% for everybody. Obama's jobs bill wasn't a jobs bill. It was a spend more money on a bigger government bill. Thats why most democrats didn't vote for it. :dunce:You don't have facts, just propaganda


Well-Known Member
YOU CALL THIS A RECOVERY? :lol: You lie in every statement you make. Reagan cut taxes accross the board by 20% for everybody. Obama's jobs bill wasn't a jobs bill. It was a spend more money on a bigger government bill. Thats why most democrats didn't vote for it. :dunce:You don't have facts, just propaganda
reagan got us out of recession by growing the size of government.

so did bush 1.

so did bush 2.

obama got us out of recession while shrinking the size of government.

how is 52 months worh of job gains under bush 2 a recovery but 30 months worth of job gains under obama is not?

deluded sock puppet douchebags.

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
YOU CALL THIS A RECOVERY? :lol: You lie in every statement you make. Reagan cut taxes accross the board by 20% for everybody. Obama's jobs bill wasn't a jobs bill. It was a spend more money on a bigger government bill. Thats why most democrats didn't vote for it. :dunce:You don't have facts, just propaganda
So the tax cuts were responsible for lowering unemployment not all that deficit spending? Talk about revisionist history.
Slow tepid recovery but when you have a housing market collapse unless you follow the icelandic model of debt forgiveness you wont see robust recovery.


Well-Known Member
Professor ignorance leaves out the facts of Democratic control of the House & Senate during these times. This majority whom trumped Bush and the Republicans REPEATED attempts to reform the mortgage market of which CLEARLY collapsed our economy prior to. All those claimed lies by the Republicans are going down in history as facts of the matter. How did that social justice plan work out for the US and our poor? Bush was at fault how again?


Well-Known Member
Professor ignorance leaves out the facts of Democratic control of the House & Senate during these times. This majority whom trumped Bush and the Republicans REPEATED attempts to reform the mortgage market of which CLEARLY collapsed our economy prior to. All those claimed lies by the Republicans are going down in history as facts of the matter. How did that social justice plan work out for the US and our poor? Bush was at fault how again?


Well-Known Member
Professor ignorance leaves out the facts of Democratic control of the House & Senate during these times. This majority whom trumped Bush and the Republicans REPEATED attempts to reform the mortgage market of which CLEARLY collapsed our economy prior to. All those claimed lies by the Republicans are going down in history as facts of the matter. How did that social justice plan work out for the US and our poor? Bush was at fault how again?


Well-Known Member
reagan got us out of recession by growing the size of government.

so did bush 1.

so did bush 2.

obama got us out of recession while shrinking the size of government.

how is 52 months worh of job gains under bush 2 a recovery but 30 months worth of job gains under obama is not?

deluded sock puppet douchebags.
You Obama Drones never stop misleading people with the facts do you. Bush's 52 months of jobs growth is great because the unemployment rate was 5% most of his presidency. BUT when we are COMING OUT of recession, there are a lot of people unemployed. Thats why recoveries bounce back like a rubber band, creating WAY MORE jobs than we see now. Its unsustainable with our population growth. So put things into context for once drone. 10,000 more government jobs last month. How is that Obama shrinking the government? Whats so great about creating 100s of thousands of part time jobs, and government jobs? Your recovery is weak and ill conceived.



Active Member
You Obama Drones never stop misleading people with the facts do you. Bush's 52 months of jobs growth is great because the unemployment rate was 5% most of his presidency. BUT when we are COMING OUT of recession, there are a lot of people unemployed. Thats why recoveries bounce back like a rubber band, creating WAY MORE jobs than we see now. Its unsustainable with our population growth. So put things into context for once drone. 10,000 more government jobs last month. How is that Obama shrinking the government? Whats so great about creating 100s of thousands of part time jobs, and government jobs? Your recovery is weak and ill conceived.

Just think, If 0bama can get a few million more on welfare instead of looking for jobs the unemployment rate can come down even a little more ! Heck of a job Zer0

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
You Obama Drones never stop misleading people with the facts do you. Bush's 52 months of jobs growth is great because the unemployment rate was 5% most of his presidency. BUT when we are COMING OUT of recession, there are a lot of people unemployed. Thats why recoveries bounce back like a rubber band, creating WAY MORE jobs than we see now. Its unsustainable with our population growth. So put things into context for once drone. 10,000 more government jobs last month. How is that Obama shrinking the government? Whats so great about creating 100s of thousands of part time jobs, and government jobs? Your recovery is weak and ill conceived.

It's not a normal recession it had an accompanying housing collapse that is finally turning around. Bush's two terms was a lost decade in more ways than one yet it's good to see you champion him... even though he saddled us with many unpaid for programs.


Well-Known Member
It's not a normal recession it had an accompanying housing collapse that is finally turning around. Bush's two terms was a lost decade in more ways than one yet it's good to see you champion him... even though he saddled us with many unpaid for programs.
"And Obama Double Down" Go figure.


Well-Known Member
It's not a normal recession it had an accompanying housing collapse that is finally turning around. Bush's two terms was a lost decade in more ways than one yet it's good to see you champion him... even though he saddled us with many unpaid for programs.
You can bounce from Bush to Reagan, and then back to Bush again all you want. The facts are your arguments hold no water. The recession Reagan inherited from Carter was far worse than this. And he turned it around in 2 years.


Well-Known Member
You Obama Drones never stop misleading people with the facts do you. Bush's 52 months of jobs growth is great because the unemployment rate was 5% most of his presidency. BUT when we are COMING OUT of recession, there are a lot of people unemployed. Thats why recoveries bounce back like a rubber band, creating WAY MORE jobs than we see now. Its unsustainable with our population growth. So put things into context for once drone. 10,000 more government jobs last month. How is that Obama shrinking the government? Whats so great about creating 100s of thousands of part time jobs, and government jobs? Your recovery is weak and ill conceived.

does writing in crayon make you feel special or something?

we are losing government jobs, by the way.
