how much will i yield off this plant??

trichome fiend

Well-Known Member
...awe, the age old question! :cool:
...noone can tell ya bud, but some say that a novice grower can consider him/herself a success if they can pull .5 grams per watt of light your expert grower "it is said" can pull 1 gram per watt....

The New Jim Jones

Well-Known Member
shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit it doesnt look bad is there only 1 plant under the 1000 watt? if so itll be beefy probably yield 5-6 ozs


Well-Known Member
forgot to add I have C02 aswell.

What PPM level should i set my meter for? Got it on 1200ppm right now...first week of flower.


Well-Known Member
multiply the amount tops by the 1/4 oz then multiply by expected branches by 5 and divide by how many months it took to grow that little ass plant lol
naw all jokes aside did you veg with the hps or a picture of the sun lol naw seriously though im thinking 6-10oz if you a good grower and maybe 1lb more
if you are a great grower.


New Member
If that's 2 months veg then that's either a tiny strain or you were doing something wrong. I've done about a total of 100 plants and even the shortest indicas I have gotten to at least 4 feet high in under 50 days in 5 gallon smart pots. Unless it's a visual effect I would have guessed that plant isn't any more then a month old.

Edit-maybe shortest I've done at 50 days was 2 feet. Just looks so small. I'd say 2 1/2 ozs.


Well-Known Member
I have seen Durban Poison at the height his plant is at now going into flower and quadruple in size by harvest. With long chunky buds.

Doesn't look like 2 months veg.......maybe with cfls.


Well-Known Member
I see I'm not the only one who notices his plants looks smaller than my 12/12 from seed plants @ 2 months even some a lil younger.


Well-Known Member
yup i didnt think it looked like two months worth of veggin but maybe if it was under some little cfl's but definately not an HID unless the bulb needs to be replaced lol. IDK small little dude imo my clones at three weeks are already almost that big..


Active Member
I see I'm not the only one who notices his plants looks smaller than my 12/12 from seed plants @ 2 months even some a lil younger.
Hotshot to be real you need to spend less time talking shit about people's grows on the internet and more time working on your room. Everything I have seen from you is bottom of the barrel garbage basement hobby grow status.


Active Member
It looks like it is from seed here. A seedling could easily still be small at 2 months from planting of the seed. Now if it was from clone that is a different story. I personally do a 3 stage veg which allows them 3 months from clone and well everyone has seen my trees ;)