Homemade EZ cloner not working

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Well-Known Member
do you guys have any idea what a perpetual system like old dude has,does? he has plants in all stages of clone, veg, and flower at all times. this allows him to grow larger plants because he actually vegges the plants. then he rotates the plants forward and takes more cuttings. that no veg stuff is for small stuff.


Well-Known Member
do you guys have any idea what a perpetual system like old dude has,does? he has plants in all stages of clone, veg, and flower at all times. this allows him to grow larger plants because he actually vegges the plants. then he rotates the plants forward and takes more cuttings. that no veg stuff is for small stuff.
I do get that - but the point is, if the 2 of them took cuttings at the same time, indicadom's cutting would be flowered out, and harvested, before old dude's cutting would be done

And to add to that, IndicaDom's cutting would be rooted before old dude even started to veg out.


New Member
I do get that - but the point is, if the 2 of them took cuttings at the same time, indicadom's cutting would be flowered out, and harvested, before old dude's cutting would be done

And to add to that, IndicaDom's cutting would be rooted before old dude even started to veg out.
I'm now in love with you!!!! :-D To be understood, how glorious, no!?


Well-Known Member
if a plant likes 9 weeks to flower it doesnt matter if you start flowering directly from the cloner or put it in veg for three weeks, it will still like 9 weeks of 12/12. so now he has plants that have three weeks of veg going in to flower everytime you have plants going into flower with no veg. he does less but bigger plants and less work trimming a larger harvest.


Active Member
SS, he has already proven that we have no idea what we are doing!!! And to think, we have ran probably 1000s of clones without an air stone! Guess I will go out and buy a couple, and while I'm out, might as well get a couple clear plastic tub to use as domes!


Well-Known Member
and you obviously dont understand a perpetual system. when you are pulling 2+ pouunds every 2-3 weeks look us up again.


New Member
How many grams do you get per watt and be honest??
I consistently hit 1.5 grams per watt, and the only reason I don't have a higher gram per watt is because I am a solo grower and running 200+ plants just isn't possible for me at the moment.


Well-Known Member
I consistently hit 1.5 grams per watt, and the only reason I don't have a higher gram per watt is because I am a solo grower and running 200+ plants just isn't possible for me at the moment.
I consistently hit 3 grams per watt, and the only reason I don't have a higher gram per watt is because I'm a solo grower and running 200+ plants just isn't possible for me at the moment. Can I back up this claim? No, but neither can you.


Well-Known Member
When I say "8-14 days to roots", I don't mean tiny white nubs. I mean 8-14 days to 4"-6" root systems. That's pretty respectable, from what I've seen around here. Beyond that, it's tuning, not problem solving. I have a removable dome for mine, I bought a regular old ez cloner. I've done it with or without the dome, with and without ph-ing, and with and without the rooting gel, and with and without temp. controls.

The dome made as much difference as a fart in a hurricane regarding my rooting times. However, it did do a lovely job of fostering PM and some sort of mold on multiple runs. Your leaves don't need the moisture unless your cuttings are transpiring too much for the stem to keep up. Maybe in some places it makes a difference. For people in my climate, it doesn't. I'll also trade a day or two of rooting time for no PM any day. I have more clones at any given time than I have room to flower them. If you figure out how to get ahead of your grow needs with your cloning, those two days aren't even a loss. I can't smoke a clone, why make it so hard for myself? Know what I mean?

The only reason those labs you mention are going so crazy is because...well... that's a lab, their goal is to maximize it as much as possible. However, a laboratory is not there to make the call of whether the cost outweighs the reward. A lab does things that are inconvenient, because it has a favorable result. While that maximization may take a day off my rooting times, all that time spent on my clones could be better spent doing any one of a thousand things I could do. Plus, then I have to check them constantly for shit growing on them, and to ensure it's vented enough, until the day I pull them out. Then there's the fact that if I didn't want to continue the risk; I'd have to plant them as soon as they were rooted, therefore causing me to have to alter my personal schedule to plant my clones. If it works for you, keep doing it. However, also take into account that most people have more interesting things to do than put forth extra effort for a perk that has a negligible upside. I save time rooting, theoretically, but to what end really?

By seeing the days it takes you to clone, 8 - 14 days, I can tell that you're cloning isn't as efficient as it can be outside of strain genetics, and it is probably due to a few of the things I'm discussing. I'm not denying that you can get roots in tap water, I have cloned with a simple glass of water multiple times sitting on a window sill. However, when you go to a botany lab and you see how THEY process clones and what THEY do to ensure clones get roots you will realize the environment you are creating is not ideal. The warm water keeps the moisture in the air high, the dome traps that moisture, you can root either way, but I would love to see you build two exact cloners and side by side with and without a dome.


Well-Known Member
I never use one, 100% success rate so far. Don't use anything in water but cloning solution and a little vit B. Stems look a little heavy on your cuttings. usually delays rooting. I don't even pH the water, straight from trap. Too much leaf on cuttings, too.


Well-Known Member
I consistently hit 3 grams per watt, and the only reason I don't have a higher gram per watt is because I'm a solo grower and running 200+ plants just isn't possible for me at the moment. Can I back up this claim? No, but neither can you.
I get 21 lbs. per watt with 1000 plants under a 23 watt CFL and harvest every two days. I compress it into bricks and build motels with them. You can see my work all along I-10, I-95, and I-75. The Washington Monument was built from some of my earlier work.


Well-Known Member
I get 21 lbs. per watt with 1000 plants under a 23 watt CFL and harvest every two days. I compress it into bricks and build motels with them. You can see my work all along I-10, I-95, and I-75. The Washington Monument was built from some of my earlier work.
A+ Post. I lol'd, will read again.


Well-Known Member
A lot of my earliest work on US Hwy 1 has been abandoned and is disrepair. Feel free to break off a few chunks and smoke them!
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