ok so i got one of these things

yeah will probably get an air pump soon... well i had an incident where i was away for 3 days and because i dont have the right bulbs for the aerogarden yet i was using a 200w cfl but it got far to hot in the space and even the water was warm to touch honestly not seen much growth since then but i can only hope they will recover, they arent showing any signs they wont yet but roots seem to be the only thing growing... no fan as yet either i wasn't planning on getting on till they where a bit bigger should i have it now?
now im on 45w cfl about an inch from the plants


Active Member
Id put an oscillating fan on low. It helps build stem strength #1. It also will help to blow the stale/warm air around.
just taken two temp readings one when the lights had been on for 11 hours and one off for 11 hours temps where about 70 off and 83 not sure how to heat it up during the lights off but definitely feels to cold in there right now...

guna have to start showing some tlc i think maybe sleep with then at night to keep 'em warm... but had a look at the roots today and they are growing like wild fire!
ha ha wrong again i guess ok i will just get a fan to circulate the air a bit then and it should be gravy on the temp side of things just bought an air pump and some co2 tablets... now to just invest in a ph meter... and maybe some more specialised nutes if i can afford it... cant think of anything else but let me know if there is...
thanks again youve been a massive help!

also reckon i might have a k deficiency coming on... but dont want to put to many nutes in yet as i dont know what the ph is, im using 3.5-3.5-3.5 but wil get better when i have the cash...


Active Member
Im not familiar with co2 tablets. If you check out some nutrient companies' websites, alot of them have free samples you can request. I requested samples from a few different places and have enough nutes for a few harvests, didnt cost me a penny. I picked up General Hydroponics Ph Controle Kit for a bout $17 at my local hydro shop.
As for deficiencies...I dont know enough about nute issues to diagnose/comment on that.
i found this on the web and my leaves look like they are yellowing as shown in the k deficiency early and progression and i don't like the look of late stage.
well i rekon i well and truely fucked these up! im guna wait but i think they are dead already however its only the bigger leaves effected i still think these are too gone now to recover... well i have now ordered a bubbler a ph tester and hopefully will get some new hydro nutes soon aswell i did move one with smaller roots into soil to see if it was the water in my ag but still had nothing but the slow deterioration of both plants...


Active Member
Ive been curious about transplanting from the AG to soil, never tried but was curious.
Maybe do a bit more research on these units and growing in general before you start the next 1.
Good Luck man...

on an up-note, just started showing preflowers a couple days ago in my AG EXTRA.
oh please keep me updated! you have a thread documenting the grow? or just post pics on here and i can check em out! i rekon once i have my equipment will read up a bit more and try to get a more realistic set up... with more health conditions...
but i just checked the one transplanted to soil and i think it might actually be looking a little better! only time will tell...
i bet i get my ph test kit and test the water only to find out it was infarct hydrochloric acid in the reservoir instead of the tap water i thought it was...


Active Member
Lights are out now, I'll try to post new pics later.
Also, I dont know how your tap water is, but I NEVER give my ladies the water from my tap. I buy gallons of purified drinking water from WINCO (.79 cents/gallon)
After I add the nutes to the gallon and check the ph, it always tests right about where it should be.
oh man that plant is looking so fucking healthy!!!! you ever thought about doing scrog with this thing? i reckon it could be perfect with the light hood...
in slightly better news (for me) i think my smaller plant i moved to soil is looking increasingly better!!! however i dont know how productive it will be... but as i said beffore i didnt really expect this to work the first time but i will try keep them both alive and learn what conditions they thrive in then try again... i just got a lowrider2 seed and a betty boo seed from a friend so once i am confident i will start again with the ag... and thanks i will test my tap water then if it is shit move over to bottled


Active Member
I may be having nute issues. not totally sure, some of the fan leaves have discoloring and/or spots. Im fairly certain its not PH issues because it seems to stay between 5.5-6.
Seems to be good other than that.
got my ph test kit this morn and it was 7-7.5 so it was quite high! hopefully will have it down to a tee over the next day or two and have put in my air pump this morning aswell which should help...
also put in a co2 tab but that just seems to of broken down to little white goo blobs that are floating around the tank... i will try get some more pics up soon but i warn you they are not pretty!!!

edit: ph now at a much better 6-6.5 and pump is bubbling away as a type...
i will leave it at this for a couple of days then go down again dont wana just put shit loads of this stuff in straight away...
ok so chucked one plant and one is in soil outside i kinda know it will die but it wasnt doing anything inside so i thought i would see what happens
in fact i think it will be a quicker death outside than in...


Active Member
ok so chucked one plant and one is in soil outside i kinda know it will die but it wasnt doing anything inside so i thought i would see what happens
in fact i think it will be a quicker death outside than in...
Bummer man.
Research and try again, its how we all learn.

As for my lady...so far so good

