why do the righties want us to forget about bush?


Well-Known Member
those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

so why do these fucktards, sock puppets, spambots, and racists on the right want us to forget history? are they that fucking stupid? malicious?

hanlon's razor dictates that we not ascribe to malice that which can be explained by stupidity. so i'm going with the theory that they are stupid.

more history: last two GOP business men to hold the presidency were hoover and bush. how did that work out?



New Member
those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

so why do these fucktards, sock puppets, spambots, and racists on the right want us to forget history? are they that fucking stupid? malicious?

hanlon's razor dictates that we not ascribe to malice that which can be explained by stupidity. so i'm going with the theory that they are stupid.

more history: last two GOP business men to hold the presidency were hoover and bush. how did that work out?

Cool, then do you remember Obama saying he'd cut the budget in half in his first term? LOL


Well-Known Member
Cool, then do you remember Obama saying he'd cut the budget in half in his first term? LOL
he said he's cut the deficit in half, not the budget. you simpleton racist fuckwit.

and although he has only reduced it minimally or kept it from going up, it is much better than what recent GOP presidents in history have done. reagan and the bush duo own that debt and deficit, and paul ryan rubber stamped all the deficit funded programs bush signed into law.

so who would you rather have: someone who can cap the deficit, or someone who history tells us will explode it?


Well-Known Member
I think Bush was the greatest thing since sliced bread. WTF are you talking about???
yeah, it was great how he, like his daddy and reagan before him, deficit spent us into oblivion and blamed the next guy for it.

oh, and the wars were to die for. literally, to DIE for.


Active Member
he said he's cut the deficit in half, not the budget. you simpleton racist fuckwit.

and although he has only reduced it minimally or kept it from going up, it is much better than what recent GOP presidents in history have done. reagan and the bush duo own that debt and deficit, and paul ryan rubber stamped all the deficit funded programs bush signed into law.

so who would you rather have: someone who can cap the deficit, or someone who history tells us will explode it?
What are you talking about?

Obama increased the deficit more in 4 years than bush did in 8...
Bush didn't sign all of the programs into law simpleton, seeing as how the legislature was democratic during much of bush's terms...
The Obama administration is responsible for handing out much of the bailouts... We've already discussed this...

History tells us Obama is a halfwit lying scumbag who cannot be trusted, and failed to bring any of his promises to pass, so your argument essentially back fired on yourself.


Well-Known Member
What are you talking about?

Obama increased the deficit more in 4 years than bush did in 8...
oh, what a douchebag you are.

bush took us from a projected surplus to a $1.3 trillion dollar deficit.

bush left obama with this massive structural deficit, which he has not increased.

you are confusing debt and deficit, kiddo.

Bush didn't sign all of the programs into law simpleton, seeing as how the legislature was democratic during much of bush's terms...

the president didn't sign laws into law? :lol:

you're really letting your retard out here. go tell your 50k followers what an idiot you are.

and congress was GOP controlled for 6 of bush's 8 years, dipshit.

The Obama administration is responsible for handing out much of the bailouts... We've already discussed this...
you mean the bailout that bush signed into law?


History tells us Obama is a halfwit lying scumbag who cannot be trusted, and failed to bring any of his promises to pass, so your argument essentially back fired on yourself.
only halfwit lying scumbag here is you, sistah.

get your history correct.


Well-Known Member
Romney is a business man, and his game his whole life has been money. He's failed to draw any meaningful distinction between him and Obama on any real key issues other than Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid which he plans to fuck up if he gets the chance and Deregulation which the ENTIRE country Democrat, and Republican worked their ass of to get in place after the bailouts. It's going to take corporations, banks, and wallstreet time to adjust to the regulations but if history tells us anything it's that the rich will find a way to get richer. If they can't survive in this economy without tax breaks, and subsidies from the Government than they should be left to wither much in the same way Romney feels toward the "47% of this country who choose not to take responsibility for their own lives, pay NO taxes and see themselves as victims with a sense of entitlement from the Government". He says Fuck the Poor, Obama says Fuck the Rich since it's the poor and middle class that enable the Rich to be Rich.
To prosper due to the opportunity afforded to you by our Great Nation and to feel no sense of responsibility toward the rest of your country is as bad as Sitting on your ass living off of foodstamps in Section-8 housing with 10 kids filed on your tax return.
This election really is obviously about rich vs poor. Do we want to help the middle class and in turn allow the rich to make more money, or do we want to help the rich and hope it trickles down? The base of this country has had enough of the typical feed the rich bullshit.


Active Member
bush left obama with this massive structural deficit, which he has not increased.
the president didn't sign laws into law? :lol:
you mean the bailout that bush signed into law?
Obama has increased the deficit, period.

The president doesn't sign laws into action himself simpleton, there are other portions of government, such as congress, which vote on whether or not to pass a law.
The bailouts were signed into affect when the democratic party voted them to be. The house and senate were BOTH democratic at the time.

Looks like your savior Obama comes out the loser in the end bucky. He will undoubtedly go down in history as the WORST president of all time. You can't even admit how flawed his term has been, even when all the signs and results are smacking you dead in the face.

congrats on making my sig, fb360.

who signs bills into law if not the president?

Congrats on being a retard and not understanding the most basic concept of our Democratic government, the 3 part system of checks and balances.
The president does not sign laws into affect himself, moron. But, of course you would think that the president does everything in terms of law making!


Well-Known Member
The buck stops with Bush in the White House. You can't possably expect Democrats to take responsability for what goes on there. The fair thing to do is jump in a time machine and blame George Bush.