what is the least yeild i can expect?


i am growing 3 skunk plants under a 2 32watt t8 workshop light. i am using 3 gallon pots with 25% perlite and 75% mg seed starting mix. space is not really an issue as long as they stay under 5.5ft, would like to veg for 6 weeks. im still debating on if im going to use nutes or not. what yeild can i expect?


Well-Known Member
75% Miracle Grow Seed Starting mix?? Google Fox Farms Happy Frog, and drop the $20 for a bag of soil. You're just wasting your time and electricity bro...Expect to see mediocre pissed off plants otherwise..Also you will need more lighting to flower. Do some research!!


Well-Known Member
not very much thats only 64 watts of light with an hid light I would say about .5 gram per watt or less since it seems like your first time. t8's are great for veg and all but I can't see you getting any more then .5 gpw so I'm thinking less then 32 grams. probally no where near enough for the next 3 months or so if I where you I would get a 400w hps or higher keep the t8 for veg start more plants in the veg when you put them in your 400w flower room so you can expect 200 grams every 2 months and if you get real good you can push 400 grams off that light I've even seen higher.
you can get a 400w hps for atleast $120. you may want a little more light for your veg but you can just use cheap ass cfl's for that.


what would be the cheapest solution for adding more light for flowering if i dont have the $120 for the 400 watt?


Well-Known Member
what would be the cheapest solution for adding more light for flowering if i dont have the $120 for the 400 watt?
Sure, you could scrounge cfl's and lamp parts from all over your house, but you get what you pay for.


i am looking at 2 150watt bulbs that have the equivilant to 500watts each. i am just using this as an example i know i wont be getting anywhere near 500 grams a plant, say if with my grow i would be getting 1 gram per watt would i be getting 500 grams from 1 plant or 150 because its only 150 actual watts?


Well-Known Member
Prob bout 6 grabs each plant.
Thats about how many times you are gonna have to reach in your pocket and GRAB money to buy smoke, cause you aren't getting shit off those.


Well-Known Member
Try to get a 250 watt HPS...Its the least you could do...I wouldn't recommend using CFL's, because by the time you buy enough of them to SUFFICE for lumens, they are a pain in the ass to the eyes, and add a good deal of heat as well. Even a 150 watt HPS would be better than a whole bunch of CFL's, I used to pull off around 2 oz total off of a 150 HPS, and that was with very little vegging....Good luck man


Well-Known Member
i am looking at 2 150watt bulbs that have the equivilant to 500watts each. i am just using this as an example i know i wont be getting anywhere near 500 grams a plant, say if with my grow i would be getting 1 gram per watt would i be getting 500 grams from 1 plant or 150 because its only 150 actual watts?
No, this light is not perpetual motion manifested. That's 150w of light. Those "Equivalent wattage" things they put are for reference relative to an incandescent. All it's good for is to show you how inefficient incandescents are. If you have to use CFL's, use small ones. The big ones are much less efficient, those bends block alot of light as you up your bulb size. I want to say the 26w was one of the higher luminous efficacies. Either way though, cfls are admittedly shit for penetration so you will need them all around the plant, not just on top. That means a bunch of fixtures and wiring, not to mention it's easier to cool one 400w HID than it is to cool 16 26w cfl's. See where I'm going with this? I know you want this to work, but you should really just save the money for some kind of good light(s). Stop smoking for a while and save the scratch, good lights are worth the investment. Long term, they are generally cheaper too.


Well-Known Member
^^ What he said. Also start doing some research. Don't ever expect to get more than .5 gram per watt on your first grow. Even peeps that do all the research and buy the best gear etc etc usually don't exceed that on their first round. If so it is on rare occurence. Think of it as an investment, first round you find the issues that need adjusting, evironment is the biggest. Once you get it dialed in then your investment starts to pay for itself. Just read and keep reading, this forum is loaded with so much valuable info!! Peace :)


ok ive decided that i am going to keep the 2 32watt t8 for veg and for flowering i will use that for the undergrowth and im looking at a 150 watt cfl 5000k 8800 lumens. i might get 1 for every 2 plants, would this help the yeild more, i know this is my first grow and i shouldnt expect too much but im just trying to get the most out of what im working with, thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
Now your talking. Get 2 of those 150 bulbs. I noticed you said 5.5ft for plant height. I'm not sure what the penetration is on those 150 watters but I can guarentee it will not be anywhere near 5.5ft. Maybe 2 tops and i'm sure that's pushing it. With 3 plants you should actually get a nice yield as long as your covering all the other bases, nutes, fresh air, temps in balance. A good grow is based on what you put into it. If you cheap out or can't afford the more efficient items then start saving towards them. Otherwise u will just be wasting your time and effort. I started with t8s and cfls a long time ago. Upgraded to t5s and a couple 600watt digis. Read, read and read somemore :)


one last thing, can i use a lamp for the 150watt cfl that is rated up to 300-watt incandescent if the incandescent equal is 500watts?


Well-Known Member
ok ive decided that i am going to keep the 2 32watt t8 for veg and for flowering i will use that for the undergrowth and im looking at a 150 watt cfl 5000k 8800 lumens. i might get 1 for every 2 plants, would this help the yeild more, i know this is my first grow and i shouldnt expect too much but im just trying to get the most out of what im working with, thanks for the help.
I give up, you're not listening anyways.