Haha goodness... Let me guess, you guys don't believe in aliens either?LOL It is funny how crystals work, as I was typing this my roommate knocked on the door and handed me the package that just got here. Moss Agate pyramid. I am excited!!! As for the money, I am still waiting on a pound of green calcite that I got for just 10 bucks. If you are gonna use snake oil, let it be beautiful and cheap, right? I'm not saying that they could make a bad grow go good, but I can't imagine somebody already growing medical quality trying it out. "Grown with Crystals". Then when you smoke it, knowing that fact adds a whole new dimension. I'll let you all know how it goes for me since you all seem so interested!!!
did you know you have huge troll problem see this troll apr2012 948 post hes been trolling fast lmaoI have some brown crystal fecalate, its from the Hindu mountain range. Place the said crystals in the bathroom and watch the fecies fly. I can sell them to you real cheap, $20 a log..I mean ” crystal”
did you know you have huge troll problem see this troll apr2012 948 post hes been trolling fast lmao
lmao ok got me on that go right on trolling then have funLol, yep i'm trolling...what a Moron!! Trust me when your on movie sets all day and there is nothing to do, this fills a lot of time.
i seen your help we could do without it trust me your not that special here
I guess i'm the only one actually interested in what the OP posted....
But I guess only a select few actually view growing as a spiritual journey.
I know a bunch of kids who believe In Crystals met them at festivals and they sell them I have seen someone buy one of their rocks for four hundred dollars !!!! I mean if you believe in their energy then go for it don't neglect the plant otherwise... It's really a matter of opinion I can wrap my head around the crystal thing but I also know way more people who believe there is a man with a large white beard behind pearly gates that you can hangout with for eternity if your good in this life