6 seeds under 600w , dont know in how many gallons !


Active Member
hi guys, i have 6 seeds but i don't know in how many seeds to germinate, i want to grow under 600w hps bulb, in a space around 1 square metere, but i dont know how much seeds to germinate and grow, first i was wanted 4 but now i am thinking 6 under 3 gallons pots , it is good? :D

so this will like with 1 m square of space and 6 pots of 3 gallons , real ratio and cooltube 600w .


Well-Known Member
I'll germinate at lest 15 normal seeds to eventually end up with 6 good plants. Do you have feminized or something?

6 plants under a 600 in 9 sqf will give you a lot of space for each plant. How are you going to veg them?


Active Member
yes they are 6 seeds of nirvana northern lights feminised, but the plan may change in case they will not germinate all, i will change size of pots with bigger one if that will happen. i plan to accord them 1 week from seed to the first set of true leaves helping of 2 CFL , than another 5-6 weeks of veg + 8-9 weeks of flowering , both with 600w hps . its a good idea? i am very curios of this ratio 6 plants with 5 weeks of veg , if this is okey or i need to veg them just for 3-4 weeks?


Well-Known Member
The HPS will veg plants, but it's not the ideal light to use. That's a good amount of veg time, they should be quite large by the time you go to flower. Remember they'll double in size or more in the stretch, so don't marry yourself to the veg time. They may grow faster than you think.


Active Member
yeah i know , hps is not best for vegging , is MH lamp , but i can't afford a mh light . but suppose that you have only 4 seeds germinated, 4pots of 5-gallon pots each will be good for this grow? i very interested of measurement of pots , because i don't wanna mess this grow, i would like to have at least 200 grams. thx for support. much appreciated


Well-Known Member
I liked your plan with 6 better. 4 plants will hardly do that excellent flower light justice.

Are you going to grow in soil?

200 grams is easily done with the setup described, probably way more than that when you get everything all dialed in.


Well-Known Member
I got 4 under my 600W HPS cool hood


they are in 5 gallon pots as final pots (standing on my 3 gallon Veg pots)

I repot a week or so before I switch to 12/12 as the plant in the fist two weeks (the stretch) will grow a lot and use up a lot of space and need room for a good root net to support the plant with water/nuts in flowering ..

I use cups for the seedlings (fist two weeks) to build up some root net in the middle of the final pot, then I use a 3 gallon for Veg, and a 5 for flowering

I normally Veg for 4-5 weeks until the plant show maturity (random leaf points) at that stagest my plant is about 6-7 weeks old and in a 3 gallon veg pot then I repot and switch to 12/12 over a week so to speak, a 1/2 hour a day

but thats just me

6 plants is surely possible, make a SoG or Scorg of some kind and fill all of the sq. meter with a canopy full of buds



Active Member
thank you both for great explication, but i would like to repot from cups for seedlings directly in the final pot, i am afraid not to do a mistake (broken the root or something) , it will be a problem doing it that , directly?


Well-Known Member
It really depends on your methods. Up above someone said 4 plants is a waste of that light, well 4 plants vegged for 4 weeks and lst'd is max for a sq meter. I wouldn't just let them grow up untrained, that is the waste.

4 plants. 4'x4'



Active Member
very very nice looking , a real jungle ! :)) what cappacity was the pots? what it was the final waight?

i am planning to use biobizz all mix , should let it originaly , or add some perlit?


Well-Known Member
It really depends on your methods. Up above someone said 4 plants is a waste of that light, well 4 plants vegged for 4 weeks and lst'd is max for a sq meter. I wouldn't just let them grow up untrained, that is the waste.

4 plants. 4'x4'
No one said that up above, but thanks for putting words in my mouth. I said four plants would hardly do that flower light justice. Because he is a new grower and his flower space as described. Lets hope he can veg and train four plants for four weeks into that space with a few grows under the belt.


Active Member
BTW, is there any reason not to put the plants in a 5 gallon initially? Why not just put them in their permanent home and then they won't have to recover from the shock of transplanting. Is there a reason you don't want them in 5 gallon buckets right away?


Well-Known Member
weed like to spread its root out to the side, so if you start in the final pot you kinda "loose" 30% of the soil in the middle of the pot, if you start in cups and then a smaller pot before the final pot you let em grow a nice root net that in the final pot will fill up most of the middle of the pot..

and a hugh healthy root net doing flowering helps the plant take up water and nuts, that help it grow nice big buds ..

beside that it can be hard to control watering with a small seedling in a hugh pot, easy to over water as 80% of the water you use will have to evaporate ..

repotting can be done carefully and with next to no stress, the stress Ppl. often repot to see (stunt grow) is the plant filling out its new home, so most grow will be going on under the soil, then you will see the grow explode once its settled in its new home ..


Well-Known Member
No one said that up above, but thanks for putting words in my mouth. I said four plants would hardly do that flower light justice. Because he is a new grower and his flower space as described. Lets hope he can veg and train four plants for four weeks into that space with a few grows under the belt.
It's not hard to veg and train plants for 4 weeks and I didnt put words in your mouth. I said it depends on your growing style. But I am confident I can yield more with 4 LST'D then 6 let go natural. Same veg time of course.

BTW, is there any reason not to put the plants in a 5 gallon initially? Why not just put them in their permanent home and then they won't have to recover from the shock of transplanting. Is there a reason you don't want them in 5 gallon buckets right away?
Thats up for debate. I start in a solo cup and transplant to final pot. No problems and have healthy plants as you seen. So in other words you can...


Active Member
3g pots, final on that run was 14 and some change. Always add perlite...
14 gallons each? its not to much? i thinking my last pot to be 5 gallons ..

i read it few more times you're post and now i think i understand it , 14 oz , right??


Active Member
if its for personal the hps will do just fine also order seed online get as many as u can if u germinate 15 themn u should get at least 5 females in good conditions u can get almost all females hope this helps


Active Member
if its for personal the hps will do just fine also order seed online get as many as u can if u germinate 15 themn u should get at least 5 females in good conditions u can get almost all females hope this helps
seeds started to germinate in paper towel , they are feminized, in few hours i put them in soil :D hope all will rise