**** disturbing*****


Well-Known Member
Haha should be called "Before it never happened" hahaha fucking scare mongers haha


Yeah man, I saw Zeitgeist too! It totally changed my life. I just finally finished my senior paper on it. DURRRRR


New Member
The article says "Kids, aged 18-24 and recruited from the President’s AmeriCorp volunteers"

I do believe that an 18 yr old is an adult in the USA. What a joke!!


Well-Known Member
Why do people that respond to natural disasters need armored vehicles with machine gun slits and guns with lots of Ammo? Will they shoot a hurricane down, or shoot a forest fire?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Why do people that respond to natural disasters need armored vehicles with machine gun slits and guns with lots of Ammo? Will they shoot a hurricane down, or shoot a forest fire?

it's the new hotness.

every time theres a little tremor you can hear the rabble preparing their swagbags for an afternoon of trick or treating at best buy. i guarantee the next big california earthquake will be accompanied by hordes of rampaging barbarians on their never ending quest for a slightly larger flatscreen.


Well-Known Member
"First spot we hit it was my liqour store.I finally got all that alcohol I can't afford.With red lights flashin' time to retire,And then we turned that liquor store into a structure fire.Next stop we hit it was the music shop,It only took one brick to make that window drop.Finally we got our own p.a.Where do you think I got this guitar that you're hearing today?" -Sublime, bradley nowell...

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
U guys should reed that they preparing for something ...
and after u reed that watch this movie

new world order is coming just look around u and think

even the SOO SCARY! photo in that tripe was bullshit.

shot from a low angle to make those 12 year olds look large, looming and menacing
shitty cop costumes from party express
a fucking plastic gun with the red "im just a toy" tip still poking out?



Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Silver paint and pearlescent + projector = wall sized tv for under $1,000. You can see it with the shades drawn and some lights on too. The same brightness as a rear projection, without having a mini-cooper in the living room.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Silver paint and pearlescent + projector = wall sized tv for under $1,000. You can see it with the shades drawn and some lights on too. The same brightness as a rear projection, without having a mini-cooper in the living room.

you FIND a projector after the earthquake, but you gotta LOOT a bigscreen.

youre worse than hitler!

also, racist.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
the language one speaks is not race-related............ergo
Language is also racist.

only blind deaf mute retards can truely be post-racial.

unless they learn the hatefilled nubular writing of braille, then they too become racist.

those Hate Dimples should be banned!