Active Member
I try not to engage with ranting muppets like you but i just couldn't resist.
Wrong about the sugar storage, and a shitty understanding of the world around you. Life is not black and white and all forms of life follow the same basic rules.......
If you DON"T think people are the same as plants, then why compare plants to people? The concept of nutrition may be similar, but saying that stressing a person and stressing a plant is the same thing is just absurd. WRONG. Whilst the stresses and consequennce of stress differs, humans are effected by stress. Increased heart rate, lack of appetite, agitation, loss of sleep, nuff said.If you don't eat for a month, you will probably die. Newsflash: if you don't feed a cannabis plant for a month, guess what, it will survive just fine, given that other conditions are acceptable. WRONG AGAIN. Both plants and humans can survive on water alone until available nutrints have been ingested. No water and no food, both will die and if your gonna be a smart arse and say humidity will keep the plant alive then it has a water source. It won't achieve its full potential, but it will live. Again, you can't compare a plant to a person when it comes to energy requirements. Also, the "basic concepts that apply to all forms of life" are so basic that they are completely irrelevant in this discussion. A pregnant woman requires an extra 500 calories to maintain a healthy pregnancy, anything less and the feutus will, like a parasite take from the mother to the mothers detriment. What happens if you don't give the plant waht it requires to flower.... It starts to ingest itself, use its reserves then begin to show defficiencies. Just because all living things need nucleotides to build their DNA doesn't mean that they all need equal amounts of nutrition at identical stages of life. Here, you are right.... to a degree. They do not use the same nutrients, it does demonstrate that without key nutrients at key stage in both human and plant life, abnormalities and deficiencies will arise with loss of potential which is my point entirely. Life on this planet is too diverse to make generalizations like "if you won't starve a pregnant lady then you shouldn't starve your plant".
Wrong about the sugar storage, and a shitty understanding of the world around you. Life is not black and white and all forms of life follow the same basic rules.......