What to pay trimmers?


Well-Known Member
Buddy of mine used to have trimming parties with about 6 girls, and he gave the perks you spoke of, and usually paid by the day, as it would usually take 3-4 days, but $500 for that time was not out of the ordinary, pretty much a flat rate, whether it was 3 or 4.
Of course, these were girls that he trusted, was friends with and smoked with frequently.
**Addition** These girls were also in bikinis, so he might have been giving a lil' extra for that as well.


Well-Known Member
lol I dont know, actually have no idea, but 3 days full 8 hours, beside the food and drinks and good company, hopefully ?
I would like to go home with a nice little bag (maybe bottom buds, that is hard to sell could be agreed on)


Well-Known Member
How much per lb? $xUS per lb trimmed...
Fan leaves thrown away, tips of small leaves thrown away, close up sugary leaves are collected and kept (by grower, not trimmers). A nice clean trim... no hurry up job.
Food, drinks, tools provided, all you can smoke and keep the scissor hash. This is in-town help. Takes about 3 8 hour days.

Not looking to overpay... but they are very trustworthy help and want to keep it that way with good pay.
50$ and little eigth bag of bud. thats it thats a days worth of pay if you can preform maybe 40$ and a smaller bag of bud for slackers and maybe 60$ and a quarter for your homie whos zipping through that shit for you.


Scientia Cannabis
How much per lb? $xUS per lb trimmed...
Have a calm discussion with them, ask them what they would be happy with, negotiate.
The most important thing is that they go away content and wanting to return and most importantly stfu about anything relating to you and trimming weed.

Loyalty is key.


Well-Known Member
our trimmers get $30 a plant pre trim plus some free smoke ...takes about 2 hrs per each (pre-trim).... plants avegerage about 4 oz per

Our good trimmers average about $150 a day


Well-Known Member
My girls help for free on the terrace in bikinis, we love it ! However if it's an indoor stress job and the room needs to be cleared for the next (I'm talking commercial) then there are guys who are brought in and paid €100 a night, fuelled by beer and eventually marching powder to keep them goin !! I dont mind the night shift but day time outdoor is more fun!!


Active Member
DIY matey. Do u really wonna tell folk where your drying weed is? BAIT..... BAIT..... BAIT.

Think now... dont apply hindsight.


Well-Known Member
Considering only half a dozen friends go to my 'indoor' property I'm really not worried. None of them would ever dream of stealing, they know how important trust is. I also have a serious front door and my neighbours downstairs have a moody shar -pei (?) which is a Chinese guard dog.

The outdoor crop was more worrying in terms of random thieves. There were a few thefts here in Barca this last month. Touch wood!!