tga subcool strongest strain?

whats the strongest knock ya on your ass strain from tga's lineup?

Yeah Jack the Ripper because the high on that is really knock you on your ass confuse your head as to who you are and what you are doing and why your mouth tastes like lemon candy.

Possibly Pandoras Box, i'll find out when I grow one 2011, but its got a very potent JTR male backcrossed with itself if what I read is right. So genetic gamble speaking, that one should be pretty damned potent.
i wish i knew ,out of 6 beans 6 males.whos got the money to throw away nowadays. dont get me wrong,they got some fire genetics,but i'd rather buy 5 fem. and get 5 females.Feminized is the way to go cuz i need a sure thing with my budget.
I only grew a few JTR's from clone...I was happy with it.

but I see the point about differences between breeders. A lof of the old school dudes were testing for so many different attributes, and getting results which set them apart, and gave a huge headstart for everyone else to follow. These are the guys with real knowledge of plant physiology that bred in things like pest and disease resistances, climate tolerance and hardiness, potency, ease of cultivation, in other words they did all the hard work over decades of trial and error for the relatively few strains from yester-year (compared to the rate they are churned out nowdays).

Strains nowdays are not put up to the rigors they once were, breeders took a certain pride in producing a truly finished strain, not just a pheno that was possible.

Whether we acknowledge this or not, we all owe a huge debt of gratitude to the pioneers that bred these amazing plants that have been the backbone of literally every strain on the market today. They took landrace strains, interbred them for effect, stablized them, and essentially passed it down to all of us so that we could look like we actually know what we are doing.

Thank you.
Dude subs shit is prob the best I've seen. I get lots of girls too. Def better than shanti and reeferman. Due to better genetics. Sub n his danksters have more access to the scene also. Shanti is in europe and reef is in bc. Neither one of those areas is near California that's the weed Mecca always has always will sub is right there. On my experience the bcs pheno and the jc r my favs but I got dq chernobyl n plushberry to try got jc2 cheese quake the flav jb vortex querkle jtr to run still. I'm not a white strain fan so fuck shanti n reef has fire but all his good shits always sold out. Try dj short spice of life or calicon too.
I find phenos that range in tga gear but they are all FROSTY...I will not hesitate to grow his crosses made with his male Space Queen because no matter the pheno I can find the one I want in a pack of 5, and no matter what trichrome production is on every pheno, just watch out when you get the ones that are most resinous.
Vortex has little to no ceiling and very high THC%. Thats what I count as potent because I can get too high on it.

Bricktop hating lol :roll:
Bringing it back........I just have to wonder why the stoner who started this didn't just ask sub in the first place....he does happen to be a member....good reading anyways
Your an idiot. He took his name from working in heating and air conditioning as in subcooling, the condition where the liquid refrigerant is colder than the minimum temperature (saturation temperature) required to keep it from boiling and, hence, change from the liquid to a gas phase. It's just a name get over it.

I think someone is EPA certified. : )
I don't know I just got some querkle and cheese quake, and I dont know if he's a pollen tosser or what. Mr. nice is cool, but is'nt that reeferman a white supremicst while we're bashing people we don't even know?

wtf reeferman is a white supremist? first time I've heard that one anyone know if thats true?
I grew out some dairy queen and some querkle. The dairy queen is very potent with a great stack and nice yields. The querkle is very potent nice grape smell and mid size yields. Both excellent strains.
i did some jtr. and one pheno, looked exactly like jacks cleaner. it was a sativa dom. two of the other phenos, hermed. the one i got was preety fair. not worth keeping, but i did smoke it up. i have some seeds that were given to me. pandora x red thai. i gave some to a freind, and he says no problems. and he is still raising it, after a year or so. says its very popular, with his patients...i still have some of these seeds, but have not grown any out. dont know who made the cross. sannies sounds like a good product as well as being affordable. i have some extreama, and madshack, that i hope to have time and space for one day.,
wtf reeferman is a white supremist? first time I've heard that one anyone know if thats true?

it actually is. or rather, he used to be a white supremacist. I don't think he is any more. when I met him he was a nice guy but then again, i'm white.

from experience which one yields better, Vortex or Jack the Ripper?

The Vortex and JTR are the strongest TGA strains i've tried. JTR yields better but if you find the right pheno of Vortex nothing beats in all around awesomeness.
Being a breeder and a white supremacist... odd combo. Especially since you'd think a breeder might understand a thing or two about hybrid vigor.

lmao. also he's from Canada which I know only has a handful of black people. and I bet Canadian black dudes are super nice. so yeah it's a bit odd.

I think I read the white supremacist quote in a recent thread about him on IC if anyone wants to go dig it up. Supposedly he's been working on some new stuff.