Thanks Shes still looking overwatered the leaves are droopin towards the buttom n some are still alil iffy up top. I'm waiting till the soil is dry to see if she gets better. Or if they'll still be a problem!! wootnessyeah we do!!!! beautiful...
Thanks man. Yeah its no prob, i havent noticed much difference lately due to the issues i've been having thats kept the updates slow. But hopefully that will all go away after the soil drys ;Pgood job clean, sorry i've been slackin on the feed back. but everything looks great and congrats! as always thanks for your constant support!
Yes i'm using t5's for vegatative. !!nice....i didnt get a chance to read your whole journal...but are you using cfls??
thats what i thought too. i let the bitch dry out for 3 days!! n she still looked like it the pot was even lite, n i didnt wanna wait longer cause it had been 3 days.. ughness!! Now shes full of juice again. So i mean ugh1% LOLit looks like underwatering or overwatering
EXACTLY!!! Do you understand the fustration!! I mean i knew nothing about plant problems a week ago, now i know almost everything well alot more then i knew about problems!! N i went bout fixing teh problems shes had, i fixed the purpleness, n other shit but its still droopin, n leaves usually acouple of the middle ones are like folded in half almost n drooping down, I even noticed some of the new undergrowth having brown tips. I dunnoI hope for the best man. I really can't understand what's wrong with her...
From what I was able to read about this...i went bout fixing teh problems shes had, i fixed the purpleness, n other shit but its still droopin, n leaves usually acouple of the middle ones are like folded in half almost n drooping down, I even noticed some of the new undergrowth having brown tips. I dunno
Thanks well after all that shit i did water her yesterday WIT NUTES!! ARGNESS but i see no yellowing like i saw on ur plants from nute burn, i thought thats what it looks like. Anyway i also transplanted yesterday into a 5 gallon bucket i stabbed about 10 holes on the buttom not too thick, n around the side of the buttom, it was wit a knife wit a jagged edge so it looked like it was wide enuff . Anyway when i did that the soil was soo damp on the buttom it was almost like muddy? close but not tthere all the way. So should i still flush or wait awhile ?From what I was able to read about this...
Purpleness and/or brown tips are signs of over fertilization or as Jason likes to say
nute burn......
This will also eventually cause the leafs to curl like they are under watered.
Why would this happen when the medium is wet?
(good question)
What seems to happen is the extra salts in the soil actually extract the water from the plant at the root level to balance it out.
The plant is using its retained water to dilute the salts at the root level.
Recommendation would be to flush the extra salts from the grow medium with plain old water.
and stop feeding for a bit.
Plain H2O will remove the loose salts from around the roots and the plant should then again take on water rather than what it is doing.
I know it looks like too much water, but its too much nuted water.
At least that is what I would do.
Make sure you have very good drainage and flush her out some.
You say its lite, and needs to be watered, so do that but NO NUTES for a bit till she perks back up.
and if you spray use plain water with maybe a wetting agent like Penetrator from Dutch Masters to avoid beading.
Not exactly sure as I have not had this happen to me (Hydro here)
we cant really over water lol
but from what you said and what I read that seems to be the way I would go to help her out.
I hope this works out for you, I'm scribed now and will check every day
Good luck and thanks for your support at my journal dude
I got tired of this fucking problem last problem i had were it was droopy n wouldnt stand up, was when it wanted to be transplanted.. Well this sativa bitch is being pushy wit me so i threw her in a 5 gallon bucket! THATS RIGHT 5 GALLONS u big bitch!! When i took her outta her old pot, fucking beautiful root system, beautiful white all everywhere lol, it was really wet too argh Anyway i threw her into the new pot, and threw some side soil to fill it in. Now its dry out time, cause everyone says they think its too much water.. well I'mnot gonna feed for 3 days starting NOW! or until she looks better ha
Duhh...alto's info sounds excellent. +rep when I can give it out again lol.
Alright aaround 12pm today after my last msg, and after i got back from buyin a mositure meter I got home. After sitting here for a min i hear a knock. I open my door to what?!?! 12 MOTHER FUCKING DEA agents wit guns saying get on the ground we have a warrant!!! ... ya... They said we have been watching u for months now, and it smells outside ur house. I said no it doesnt smell outside my house someone tipped u off n thats how u got ur warrant, cause after they busted in they were like omg thats all u have 6plants?! 9plants?! 7 of which were no bigger then 3 inches.... The busted in my house for 1, 2 footer, and 1 , 1 footer. .... They were like we dont even have to air out the room.. I was like ya its only for personal fucking use i'm not providing the whole town!! SO Basically 2 felonies and a mistamenor HOW UEVER SPELL IT I'M SOPO FUCKING PISSED RIGHT ON W !#%# Anyway i didnt even have any weed when this happened, none NONE!! notta, no drugs whatsoever cept 2 xanax BAM another felony@!! So growing for me is basically done. I was about to try to get a new job to improve my life, but wit these new 2 felonies n that M , i'm kinda fucking screwed right now. Watch ur asses.. even ur friends arent ur friends