Illuminati, Builderberg, NWO, UN, Chemtrail, Underground Base, Alien, Jew"Conspiracy"


Well-Known Member
Most have heard about the Illuminati, Builderberg, NWO, UN, Chemtrail, Underground Base, Alien, Jew "Conspiracies"
So what are these groups up to? What are these phenomina? What are these stories about? What are your theories?

Back in ancient Egypt a man was visited by aliens and told a great secret on the terms that he would provide a favor in the future. Creating wealth with no work. The man started his first bank and took peoples precious items in exchange the people received an IOU that could be redeemed for their item back plus someone else's item after a period of time.

the aliens told the man that eventually if every one redeemed their IOU then it would fall apart. To stop this from happening the aliens flew around the world to foreign populations using their technology to fool them into believing they where gods. At each miracle they told the locals to follow beliefs that were contradictory to the ones they told in neighboring populations.

Soon this caused a great war and many were killed. Since dead men cant redeem their IOU the bankers hoard began to grow. In order to expand his horde he was forced to let people in on the secret. The elite group called themselves the Illuminati. It was going well for some time until one of the Illuminati from the tribe of the Jew got greedy and started his own alliance.

The Illuminati infuriated by this summoned the aliens for help. They cred and begged but the aliens would not budge. Finally one of the illuminates used logic explaining that they would be unable to return the favor if the Jew tribe became to powerful.

So the aliens went to a neighboring tribe and preformed another miracle and convinced the tribe of Muhammad. They told of the Jews that wanted to kill them and the only way to stop this was to kill them first.

So much time passes and the Illuminati continue to grow in power. war between tribes was flourishing and they got to keep all the dead men's treasures. Empires rise and empires fall while the killing of people continued on different beliefs.

Soon nation states evolve and defined areas where one belief ruled supreme. This caused a problem for the Illuminati because now the killing stalled as people feared to venture out of their own domain. To many people where redeeming their IOUS and draining the banks of their power.

This called for desperate measures where the illuminate payed off rulers of nations to fight each other. The first world war was a great success for the greedy bankers many died. The bankers being greedy set their eyes on the only other competition, the Jew tribe, that was also using this secret knowledge. The Jew tribe was very wealthy & powerful but they were unable to achieve the same status as Illuminati because of the constant attacks from the Mohammad tribe.

The bankers initiated world war two in an attempt to wipe out the Jew tribe and steal their hordes. The only problem was these wars had caused an alliance to prevent further wars called the UN. They disrupted this with the cold war between capitalism and Communism.

There was another problem the nations had weapons that could potentially kill everyone. With everyone dead who will do the hard work and obtain gold to give to the banks.So the illuminate built a space ship and went to the moon to ask the aliens for guidance.

They told of a greedy man named Gorbachev that they could puppet. They were able to steer clear from total annihilation for now. With the masses saved to do the work and the massive killings in the 19th-20th century the banks have smooth sailing ahead.

But now the aliens have come back and have redeemed their favor. they need all the gold on earth to power their space ship to get home. The illuminate start taking massive amounts of gold form the central banks to give to the aliens. To throw the scent off they convinced the public that they just let the other guy borrow money and that's where the money went.

Soon all the Illuminati have convinced their populations with so many national loans where every nation owes every other nation money it became to hard to trace what was really going on.

And to this day the bankers/ Illuminati use chem-trails to kill people off to keep their gold to replenish the gold they gave to the aliens.



Well-Known Member
It is my humble opinion that the biggest conspiracy the world is facing today is the fact that these

have been being replaced with these

It's terrifying the amount of knowledge that we yet do not know. Stay alert people. And vigilant.


Well-Known Member
Back in ancient Egypt a man was visited by aliens and told a great secret on the terms that he would provide a favor in the future. Creating wealth with no work. The man started his first bank and took peoples precious items in exchange the people received an IOU that could be redeemed for their item back plus someone else's item after a period of time.

the aliens told the man that eventually if every one redeemed their IOU then it would fall apart. To stop this from happening the aliens flew around the world to foreign populations using their technology to fool them into believing they where gods. At each miracle they told the locals to follow beliefs that were contradictory to the ones they told in neighboring populations.

Soon this caused a great war and many were killed. Since dead men cant redeem their IOU the bankers hoard began to grow. In order to expand his horde he was forced to let people in on the secret. The elite group called themselves the Illuminati. It was going well for some time until one of the Illuminati from the tribe of the Jew got greedy and started his own alliance.

The Illuminati infuriated by this summoned the aliens for help. They cred and begged but the aliens would not budge. Finally one of the illuminates used logic explaining that they would be unable to return the favor if the Jew tribe became to powerful.

So the aliens went to a neighboring tribe and preformed another miracle and convinced the tribe of Muhammad. They told of the Jews that wanted to kill them and the only way to stop this was to kill them first.

So much time passes and the Illuminati continue to grow in power. war between tribes was flourishing and they got to keep all the dead men's treasures. Empires rise and empires fall while the killing of people continued on different beliefs.

Soon nation states evolve and defined areas where one belief ruled supreme. This caused a problem for the Illuminati because now the killing stalled as people feared to venture out of their own domain. To many people where redeeming their IOUS and draining the banks of their power.

This called for desperate measures where the illuminate payed off rulers of nations to fight each other. The first world war was a great success for the greedy bankers many died. The bankers being greedy set their eyes on the only other competition, the Jew tribe, that was also using this secret knowledge. The Jew tribe was very wealthy & powerful but they were unable to achieve the same status as Illuminati because of the constant attacks from the Mohammad tribe.

The bankers initiated world war two in an attempt to wipe out the Jew tribe and steal their hordes. The only problem was these wars had caused an alliance to prevent further wars called the UN. They disrupted this with the cold war between capitalism and Communism.

There was another problem the nations had weapons that could potentially kill everyone. With everyone dead who will do the hard work and obtain gold to give to the banks.So the illuminate built a space ship and went to the moon to ask the aliens for guidance.

They told of a greedy man named Gorbachev that they could puppet. They were able to steer clear from total annihilation for now. With the masses saved to do the work and the massive killings in the 19th century the banks have smooth sailing ahead.

But now the aliens have come back and have redeemed their favor. they need all the gold on earth to power their space ship to get home. The illuminate start taking massive amounts of gold form the central banks to give to the aliens. To throw the scent off they convinced the public that they just let the other guy borrow money and that's where the money went.

Soon all the Illuminati have convinced their populations with so many national loans where very nation owes every other nation money it became to hard to trace what was really going on.

And to this day the bankers/ Illuminati use chem-trails to kill people off to keep their gold to replenish the gold they gave to the aliens.

Sounds about right to me?


Well-Known Member
Back in ancient Egypt a man was visited by aliens and told a great secret on the terms that he would provide a favor in the future. Creating wealth with no work. The man started his first bank and took peoples precious items in exchange the people received an IOU that could be redeemed for their item back plus someone else's item after a period of time.

the aliens told the man that eventually if every one redeemed their IOU then it would fall apart. To stop this from happening the aliens flew around the world to foreign populations using their technology to fool them into believing they where gods. At each miracle they told the locals to follow beliefs that were contradictory to the ones they told in neighboring populations.

Soon this caused a great war and many were killed. Since dead men cant redeem their IOU the bankers hoard began to grow. In order to expand his horde he was forced to let people in on the secret. The elite group called themselves the Illuminati. It was going well for some time until one of the Illuminati from the tribe of the Jew got greedy and started his own alliance.

The Illuminati infuriated by this summoned the aliens for help. They cred and begged but the aliens would not budge. Finally one of the illuminates used logic explaining that they would be unable to return the favor if the Jew tribe became to powerful.

So the aliens went to a neighboring tribe and preformed another miracle and convinced the tribe of Muhammad. They told of the Jews that wanted to kill them and the only way to stop this was to kill them first.

So much time passes and the Illuminati continue to grow in power. war between tribes was flourishing and they got to keep all the dead men's treasures. Empires rise and empires fall while the killing of people continued on different beliefs.

Soon nation states evolve and defined areas where one belief ruled supreme. This caused a problem for the Illuminati because now the killing stalled as people feared to venture out of their own domain. To many people where redeeming their IOUS and draining the banks of their power.

This called for desperate measures where the illuminate payed off rulers of nations to fight each other. The first world war was a great success for the greedy bankers many died. The bankers being greedy set their eyes on the only other competition, the Jew tribe, that was also using this secret knowledge. The Jew tribe was very wealthy & powerful but they were unable to achieve the same status as Illuminati because of the constant attacks from the Mohammad tribe.

The bankers initiated world war two in an attempt to wipe out the Jew tribe and steal their hordes. The only problem was these wars had caused an alliance to prevent further wars called the UN. They disrupted this with the cold war between capitalism and Communism.

There was another problem the nations had weapons that could potentially kill everyone. With everyone dead who will do the hard work and obtain gold to give to the banks.So the illuminate built a space ship and went to the moon to ask the aliens for guidance.

They told of a greedy man named Gorbachev that they could puppet. They were able to steer clear from total annihilation for now. With the masses saved to do the work and the massive killings in the 19th century the banks have smooth sailing ahead.

But now the aliens have come back and have redeemed their favor. they need all the gold on earth to power their space ship to get home. The illuminate start taking massive amounts of gold form the central banks to give to the aliens. To throw the scent off they convinced the public that they just let the other guy borrow money and that's where the money went.

Soon all the Illuminati have convinced their populations with so many national loans where very nation owes every other nation money it became to hard to trace what was really going on.

And to this day the bankers/ Illuminati use chem-trails to kill people off to keep their gold to replenish the gold they gave to the aliens.



Well-Known Member
.........and THIS is why I keep coming back to TNT, RIU.

PS You heard about the Jewish Pedophile?

He says "hey little boy, wanna buy some candy?


Well-Known Member
Is it a coincidence that that this thread goes up and now my RIU is super slow to the point of almost not working?
No I don't think it is, I think it is the Iluminati


Well-Known Member
Is it a coincidence that that this thread goes up and now my RIU is super slow to the point of almost not working?
No I don't think it is, I think it is the Iluminati
Beardo, if you EVER need a place to stay safe, you're welcome to come stay here bud.

And I have all the supplies needed to survive and reproduce after the world goes to shit. Don't you worry man, I got you covered.


Well-Known Member
Beardo, if you EVER need a place to stay safe, you're welcome to come stay here bud.

And I have all the supplies needed to survive and reproduce after the world goes to shit. Don't you worry man, I got you covered.
Hep are saying you and beardo are going to produce a baby together? Or you just keep fertile women around just in case of the end of days?


Well-Known Member
Hep are saying you and beardo are going to produce a baby together? Or you just keep fertile women around just in case of the end of days?
I've already told the ladies that beardo is a genuine man and that he means no harm. They are willing to save the human race when the times come.

They are here on their own will, they are not being forced here. :)

I will admit that they are not 10/10 girls.. More like 4/10. But with Beardos good genes, I think the new species will be very successful.


Well-Known Member
4/10 can go up a point or two with tje lights off if she jiggles right and/or has suxtion like a Dyson.


Well-Known Member
4/10 can go up a point or two with tje lights off if she jiggles right and/or has suxtion like a Dyson.
Yeah haha.. Or if she would shave her arms, legs, and armpits. And it would be nice if she would clean out her snatch every once in a while, eh beardo?



Well-Known Member
I've already told the ladies that beardo is a genuine man and that he means no harm. They are willing to save the human race when the times come.

They are here on their own will, they are not being forced here. :)

I will admit that they are not 10/10 girls.. More like 4/10. But with Beardos good genes, I think the new species will be very successful.
Wait Berdo has Aids, that means everyone on earth would have aids.

hmm I guess that makes Aids disappear as a disease

Its kinda like yea we all do that, its natural. We humans only live to 50 years start making babies now.


Well-Known Member
Yeah haha.. Or if she would shave her arms, legs, and armpits. And it would be nice if she would clean out her snatch every once in a while, eh beardo?

No I kind of like them smelly and hairy is ok to sometimes, I kind of like a woman dirty and smelling like a stinky armpit BO smell- that"s hot
Wait Berdo has Aids.
No I don't, I took the test and was negative, read the thread, I even posted the test results.
this brings me back to the topic.
Aids is man made.