The real Mitt Romney

As long as he doesn't preside with his faith as a guide, who gives a flying fuck?

Welcome to America, where the majority still believe in a sky fairy.
Mittski's can't open his pie hole without lying. Religion? Fucking idiots! hahahaha
Does anyone else find it at least a bit disturbing that a position considered to be one of the most powerful, if not THE most powerful position in the world ( The U.S.A commander-in-chief a.k.a. the U.S. President ) could potentially be occupied by Romney? A man brainwashed and controlled by greed and fairy tales such as religion? Given the fact that religion has been the cause of so many if not most wars over hundreds, even thousands of years. Someone holding our lives and future in his hands should be a strong, knowledgeable, respectable, objective and kind person with the best interests of the people in mind and action. Not a religion/profit driven delusional individual born to wealth and complete disconnection from real people and their lifestyle. May the force help us all.
Does anyone else find it at least a bit disturbing that a position considered to be one of the most powerful, if not THE most powerful position in the world ( The U.S.A commander-in-chief a.k.a. the U.S. President ) could potentially be occupied by a man as brainwashed and controlled by fairy tales such as religion?. Given the fact that religion has been the cause of so many wars over hundreds, even thousands of years. Someone holding our lives and future in his hands should be a strong, knowledgeable, respectable, objective and kind person with the best interests of the people in mind and action. Not a religion/profit driven delusional individual born to wealth and complete disconnection from real people and their lifestyle. May the force help us all.

As a matter of fact, yes, I do find it very disturbing. Alarming would be a better word. If you cannot separate church and state then you have no business running for office.
Does anyone else find it at least a bit disturbing that a position considered to be one of the most powerful, if not THE most powerful position in the world ( The U.S.A commander-in-chief a.k.a. the U.S. President ) could potentially be occupied by Romney? A man brainwashed and controlled by greed and fairy tales such as religion? Given the fact that religion has been the cause of so many if not most wars over hundreds, even thousands of years. Someone holding our lives and future in his hands should be a strong, knowledgeable, respectable, objective and kind person with the best interests of the people in mind and action. Not a religion/profit driven delusional individual born to wealth and complete disconnection from real people and their lifestyle. May the force help us all.

There are a lot of people who find very alarming.
And they good reason to.
He acts like a spoiled child.


I wonder what will be said when the world doesn't stop spinning because which ever one of these jokers wins...
Nothing will change. The citizenry will continue to be redirected away from the important matters to occupy their collective thoughts on the "hot button" issues that keep them stirred up and distracted.
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I wonder what will be said when the world doesn't stop spinning because which ever one of these jokers wins...
Nothing will change. The citizenry will continue to be redirected away from the important matters to occupy their collective thoughts on the "hot button" issues that keep them stirred up and distracted.

Just the fact that one side wants to include religion in everything and let it guide them in their decisions and the other side doesn't is enough of a difference.
It's a huge difference, with real world implications for a lot of people (especially women and homosexuals).
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I wonder what will be said when the world doesn't stop spinning because which ever one of these jokers wins...
Nothing will change. The citizenry will continue to be redirected away from the important matters to occupy their collective thoughts on the "hot button" issues that keep them stirred up and distracted.
Well call me biased but I tend to trust a fellow ganja smoker over a disturbed money-hungry wealthy church boy. ( Obama was part of a marijuana smoking club in high school ) I wouldn't be surprised if the ganja inspired him to become president during one of his clubs "total absorption" sessions. Marijuana being the introspection-inducing agent that it is.
View attachment 2395878

I wonder what will be said when the world doesn't stop spinning because which ever one of these jokers wins...
Nothing will change. The citizenry will continue to be redirected away from the important matters to occupy their collective thoughts on the "hot button" issues that keep them stirred up and distracted.
Apathy kills
Someone doesn't know what that word means.

1: lack of feeling or emotion : impassiveness
2: lack of interest or concern : indifference

Care to explain how his comment was apathetic?

You say they are both the same
and who ever gets in wont make a difference

I think that fits the definition of apathy

And apathy does kill

[h=1]voter apathy[/h][h=2]Definition[/h][h=3]Politics[/h]
You say they are both the same
and who ever gets in wont make a difference

I think that fits the definition of apathy

And apathy does kill

voter apathy



Saying it doesn't matter who wins is a pretty extreme opinion, the opposite of being apathetic.

Voter apathy is when someone doesn't vote cause they don't think their vote makes a difference.
Saying it doesn't matter who wins is a pretty extreme opinion, the opposite of being apathetic.

Voter apathy is when someone doesn't vote cause they don't think their vote makes a difference.

Saying whoever gets in wont make a difference and they are all the same is extreme
and apathetic