bright green tip


Hey i was wondering the tip of 1 leaf of the whole plant is tuening light green and another leaf is deformed just wanted some feedbaxk im still waiting for my holy bible should receive it by monday so yeah just feed back thanjs


Active Member
hope he is not running miricle grow 6 month feeder.. Hi N has been the bain of my whole grow!!!! (have better soil now).


Usually light green tip mean new growth. But it's hard to tell if that's your case without pics


Sorry I wasn't near a computer at that moment. And if you guys think its over feeding i just washed the leafs with nutes.... 20121103_203416.jpg20121103_115244.jpg20121102_143833.jpg


Well-Known Member
Generally when I see deformed, mottled, or uneven growing leaves I immediately think PH.
Do you have a way of checking your PH?


I must add couple of days ago we had no lights for 9 and had humi problem so i sprayed the room leaf might gotten wet


Well-Known Member
nothing to worry about here with those man. leaf deformitys dont always mean there's something wrong neither. that could well be just genetics. as far as feeding goes if you're using a good quality soil it will support your plants for about four to five weeks. whilst the plants still have vigour and good colour dont give them anything but water. all the best:-o