i like how you throw in the lying part. WTF???fdd2blk, i can udnerstand your situation...by state rights, you are allowed to grow pot...(even if you are lying i could care less - this is the internet)...given the right by the state..it is understandable hoping the feds dont come kockin
my buddy is a felon. he makes 30 dollars an hour. drinks beer and smokes out all afternoon at work if he likes.whatever you chose; get a license, or move to a country that allows the cultivation of bud....or enjoy a nice felony charge and workin at mcd's
you can barely spell yet you telling somebody to read a book.i understand the medias intentions loudblunts...but infra red tech can do exactly what i stated above..go read a book...
Larry did another interview. He said he was going to hitch hike to Norcal and live with you and your plants. They need to be looked after, or something like that.leave larry alone. he's my new smokin' buddy. larry knows how hard we work.
and i dont grow weed....i smoke it, biatchi aint got to grow weed...i socialize with people...like i said: dont get lost in your weed
Yeah that's crazy, I mean what could an enterprising grower possibly do to fight this god like IR technology the cops are using....theres such things a infra red technology man....cops use this to figure out with homes in a community are using more power than the avg....works like this: a bunch of homes pop up on their comp screen and the one that is probably the grow house is lit immensely in comparison to the other homesi saw this shit on DEA!