Building a stealth Super Cabinet (at least im trying)

It's been decided... this will be my next stealth grow. You're work is really inspiring, maybe before you sell that plasma cutter you should consider holding on to it and making a couple batches, I'd be #1 on your list as a customer to buy it :mrgreen: Good luck with the rest of the construction!:clap::clap::clap:
Hey Dude, Well im not a veteran in growing ... however... I have seen post after post about the reflection deal..... Most people say that the tin foil will cook .... and that the emergency blankets wont work... and that mylar if it has wrinkles it will create hot spots....

But i must say.... The tin foil i can maybe see ... i use emergency blankets ...and although im sure its not as reflective as mylar... and it has alot of wrinkles.... i have not seen any burning or anything... Im not in the final stage.... so i dont know if they mean the buds.... but i wouldnt thinksooo....

Some hightimes dude. stated that the best reflective would be flat white paint... if you see the pros... they just have the walls white..........
I would think that not hanging anything on the walls of the cab would make it easier to maintain... In my cab ..... I firt tried and stick carpet padding to everything... i wrapped the walls ceiling and floor with the stuff... took me forever to cut and past and blah blah... then i put the emergency blankets over that.... I eneded up taking the shit down.... 1 ... it would make my room about 5 degrees hotter.... (:cry:) and thats no good in my cab... i have a 400 hps and a bunch of fans... and now its all good.... I ripped all that shit out... and ended up just wrapping some cardboard walls i made... The cardboard was alot easier to work with and it stuck to the walls better....

I spray my plants alot... foil feed... besides the hydro of course... and i have to say.... after some months of the rooms getting wet and touched and well you know.. used ... I have decided that in my next grow i will try and just paint the walls of the cab White and be done with it.... I dont want anything in the cab anymore that can mold when it gets wet.... And it just does....

So best of luck man.... Seems like flat white paint is the winner.:joint:

..yeah its good....tthe white will not throw heat spots...the mylar will if it has to many creases and wrinkles in it......
hey man... in my setup i have a fan sucking air in at the begining of the cab... the it goes into the reflector... at the other end of the reflector (still in the patch) .. i mounted a 4 inch muffin fan inside the duct... WOW>>... big differencein the temps... although I also added another fan in a duct on the outside sucking air out right next to the light as well... so not sure if its was because of both or just the inside one...

I think that the one i installed outside the light drawing air out of the flowering room made a huge difference when i have my hands in there... Hope this helps man... let me know if you just need a pic to explain...m doctor says i should medicate heavily and its taking its toll..heheheh..... :joint:

Another question please

When i have the cool tube installed, is it cool to pull the air through it? I know the fan was desinded to pull but could probably push as it is almost 500 cfm.. Just worried about the heat going through the fan.


The cool tube mounting again, will the air come in the side the bulb is mounted? Or the open side of the bulb?
i would paint flat white.

yes, you can pull thru the cooltube. some people advise it...some people advise against it.

its all about setting it up and what works best for you. which keeps temps in check, etc etc

on that may want to keep another one on deck. i've heard numerous reports about that trimeter failing.
why would you line your cab with cardboard....wouldnt that create mold and fungus when the cardboard gets wet and dries over and over again.....
why would you line your cab with cardboard....wouldnt that create mold and fungus when the cardboard gets wet and dries over and over again.....

Well not just cardboard.... I mean.. you cut out the pieces for the walls... Whatever size you want.. and then wrap them up with mylar or emergency blanket..or whatever... I have it like that and the cardboard doesnt get wet.... well at least for now... I did make sure that there were no rips in the wrap..... But like i said...i think im just going to paint the metal white... or hell maybe just leave it be...
Well not just cardboard.... I mean.. you cut out the pieces for the walls... Whatever size you want.. and then wrap them up with mylar or emergency blanket..or whatever... I have it like that and the cardboard doesnt get wet.... well at least for now... I did make sure that there were no rips in the wrap..... But like i said...i think im just going to paint the metal white... or hell maybe just leave it be...

lol....ok i gotcha...that makes more top cab is wraped in mylar and my bottom cab is painted flat white...(i was going to wrap the bottom also but i had to shove some clones in there before i was able to) they both run the same light and have the same rate and abundance of growth....flat white is the way to go.......
Phat!! Subscribed!!!

Hey i got a q for you, hows that sound doing with the fatmat and all, I also have the td - 200 s&p model, wondering how it sounds in a cab..
i see you found your way over here....

you love me :hump:
I admidt it, get on over here!:hump:

Yeah almost exactly my situation, kind of funny, i have a 6foot high by 3 foot wide utily cab with the same fan! Great to base my set up off! All exept for that pricy ass fatmat,, how do you do it fullmetal jacket? You must have a gold mine!
well at first we were going to get dynamat....but a few others found that fatmat was cheaper

i think specialkayme found the cheaper stuff or maybe it was fullmetal jacket
Thanks for the kind words. This Panda film is the hardest part especially with the wierd angles by the doors of the cabinets. I just want to take my time on this piece as i would hate to make it this far and have it look like crap.

As far as the fans and fatmat...I really just put it on there for extra stealth but i don't really think it's necessairy. I would say wrapping the ducting in it is where you will probably get the best bang for your buck..

Did you get the TD-200 or the TD-200x? I have the 200X and the housing and blades are made of ABS plastic.. The 200 is made of metal.. difference is probably small if any at all. As you already discovered the fans are near silent it is just that airflow that is loud. I assure you you went with the right fan though as I see alot of recommendations for the Panasonic Whisper and this is quieter. As far as in the other thread saying id doesn't pull through carbon filters well is BS. If you look at the PDF it tells you what the CFM is decreased to at any specefic SP. So anyway the noise is from the air movement and I have a few ideas. One being the inside of the duct. My duct is vey short after the fan obviously so i can reach inside. I plan on making it smooth as possible. Also air blowing agains a straigt edge that stops creates noise. I will test different methods of dampening the air at the end of the duct with different inserts. When i actually put a towel over it, the towel blew up into the air and stayed there hovering and there was practically no noise. It was kind of cool. I was just messing around though and i cant obviously use that as my solution.

I definitely don't have a Gold mine as someone stated earlier. I just feel it is better to do something right the first time. And as far as people complaining about the budgeting of their grows..I completely understand; but I cannot think of a better investment if you care to look at it as such.

I will be getting the ducting for the cool tube on Saturday and should have most of the cabinet up by then. I will post some more pics for sure. Im still waiting on the C02 controller and such.
What are some ways I can mount the intake of the cool tubes 6" flexible ducting to the side of the cab? I would hast just to tape it up, but im sure that would work...

Also if you look at the cool tube in my previous pics while it is in the looks really long ..its 27". Should I take an inch or two off of each end?