Hey Dude, Well im not a veteran in growing ... however... I have seen post after post about the reflection deal..... Most people say that the tin foil will cook .... and that the emergency blankets wont work... and that mylar if it has wrinkles it will create hot spots....
But i must say.... The tin foil i can maybe see ... i use emergency blankets ...and although im sure its not as reflective as mylar... and it has alot of wrinkles.... i have not seen any burning or anything... Im not in the final stage.... so i dont know if they mean the buds.... but i wouldnt thinksooo....
Some hightimes dude. stated that the best reflective would be flat white paint... if you see the pros... they just have the walls white..........
I would think that not hanging anything on the walls of the cab would make it easier to maintain... In my cab ..... I firt tried and stick carpet padding to everything... i wrapped the walls ceiling and floor with the stuff... took me forever to cut and past and blah blah... then i put the emergency blankets over that.... I eneded up taking the shit down.... 1 ... it would make my room about 5 degrees hotter....


and thats no good in my cab... i have a 400 hps and a bunch of fans... and now its all good.... I ripped all that shit out... and ended up just wrapping some cardboard walls i made... The cardboard was alot easier to work with and it stuck to the walls better....
I spray my plants alot... foil feed... besides the hydro of course... and i have to say.... after some months of the rooms getting wet and touched and well you know.. used ... I have decided that in my next grow i will try and just paint the walls of the cab White and be done with it.... I dont want anything in the cab anymore that can mold when it gets wet.... And it just does....
So best of luck man.... Seems like flat white paint is the winner.
..yeah its good....tthe white will not throw heat spots...the mylar will if it has to many creases and wrinkles in it......