Racism Alive and Well, Here In America!!

I was watching the cartoon,"Once Upon A Forest," with my kids at the time.We make those films to warn us of our cruelty,but we do it anyway just saying it's bad?I teach my kids it's not nice even killing a cricket.What we do to animals makes me sad.
I was watching the cartoon,"Once Upon A Forest," with my kids at the time.We make those films to warn us of our cruelty,but we do it anyway just saying it's bad?I teach my kids it's not nice even killing a cricket.What we do to animals makes me sad.

get them the PETA comics
your mommy kills animals is classic
please look up the word of racist...it will show you how wrong you are..fuck it I will do it for you




noun 1. a person who believes in racism, the doctrine that a certain human race is superior to any or all others.

I can where someone could not be concerned what race his slaves were. The were times when a person could be sold into slavery to pay his debts. The person buying him could be his former neighbor and of the same race, hell, they might even be related.
these 2 twins have a great youtube show......watch dis one 'bout a white girl's apology for saying some racist shit on youtube! YO! They represent! Hilarious and serious...............!!!!!


Two Twins huh
No shit?
They're twins & theirs two of them?
Ever hear of Dr Watson?
Two Twins huh
No shit?
They're twins & theirs two of them?
Ever hear of Dr Watson?

AS IF sayin' One twin is right......just saying one twin does not make any sense....I think you need to cut back on the DMT, bro...just let the morning glories bask in the glory of the sunlight
I can where someone could not be concerned what race his slaves were. The were times when a person could be sold into slavery to pay his debts. The person buying him could be his former neighbor and of the same race, hell, they might even be related.
dude that's called a Indentured servant...read a book or something
Thank you! How I see it, if everyone had a single cause and we had enough for each cause, we wouldn't need causes anymore. You don't need more than one. Otherwise you can't make an impact. Mine is animals. My wife's is kids. What's yours?
Really?! The Klan = 1 million killed and counting

Those 2 girls said a pure racist rant

take your meds and fuck you, beardo..... Frank Zappa would smack your ass for that position....are you just listening to zappa b-cuz it's fun when you trip on some DMT?

grow some balls.....and then grow a beard on those balls....U seemed cool! Way to fool us...and I mean us....you just outed yourself as a racist klan supporting faggot

I am not a faggot
the only dick I have ever sucked is my own
why are you accusing the Klan of killing one million people? that is bullshit.
The Klan was a popular american club that did a lot of good and they were mainstream and widely supported and accepted, they have since been demonized and used as a scapegoat.
Thank you! How I see it, if everyone had a single cause and we had enough for each cause, we wouldn't need causes anymore. You don't need more than one. Otherwise you can't make an impact. Mine is animals. My wife's is kids. What's yours?
I hear what your saying and appreciate the truth in it
maybe unfortunatly I am a bit all over the place with causes
I would say life is my cause, along with right and good and light and education and freedom
I could go on.
Beardo,That wasn't nice,it was rather fucked up.PETA doesn't give a shit about animals.Real vegans like myself and who aren't celebrities hate PETA.Its organization harms the animal rights movement more than the animal farming abusing industry ever could.
oh sure, the Klan is a gentleman's fratenity.....no way...the klan killed niggers. You are a liar if you say the Klan didn't maim, murder and hang blacks......the Klan had slaves
the Klan didn't have slaves
The Klan may have had some bad members but so have many other groups.
blacks have killed more blacks than klan members ever did.
the klan also did a lot of good things for people, it's just not popular to talk about that part of the klans history.
Beardo,That wasn't nice,it was rather fucked up.PETA doesn't give a shit about animals.Real vegans like myself and who aren't celebrities hate PETA.Its organization harms the animal rights movement more than the animal farming abusing industry ever could.

thats how I feel about the world wild life fund
they piss me off, i have been tempted to call them but haven't yet
To you have any reason for saying this?
Do you have any evidence or a source?

Play some Zappa and chill tha 420 out....I don't wanna B your enmey, Beardo

Here...I am the 'Central Scrutinizer'
